Tigerfish 10 Posted August 26, 2012 Philuk said: OO this topic lives on.. Ive got my reef tank up and going but its not stocked fully. Im debating stripping some of my other tanks and getting a single larger marine tank. I dunno what to do tho! My Brachardi (sp) keep having fry and i must have about 50-70 tiny fish which are between 1mm and 1cm lol Do you mean Neolamprologus brichardi? They are great fish. The siblings look after the next lot of younger brothers and sisters, makes them very succesfull. I used to keep a colony when I had my Lake Tanganyikan setup, along with Frontosas and synodontis catfish from the same lake. These are my current setups, I had to scale down a bit when I moved last time, from 11 tanks down to two. This is my 10ft tank (10'x2'x2') and the black shark I've had for 14 years so far. The other tank is a reef (5'x18"x22" I think) and the pond (18'x9'x4.5' approx) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny H 0 Posted August 27, 2012 mariojoshi said: Hahah - yep! I was really surprised someone else had a really big tank! I always swore that once I had my own place, I'd get a huge fish tank... so I did! (Had to take the door off the living room to get it in though! Thanks mate - I thought the layering you had going on in your tank was really nice :) Standard Juwel jumbo filter in mine - but I'd much prefer an external like your eheim! The comment about not changing water - I.E just topping up and not actually changing 20% every week or two..... how does the chemistry manage to cope with this without nitrates/nitrites building up? Hi mate yeah love the shape of the trigon, I thought our tanks where big till I just saw tigerfish's tank lol. I do a 20-30% water change ever month and I find that it keeps everything very balanced all the time. I think you should take out your internal filter and get one like mine cause not only will it give you loads more room and keep the water spot on and it makes water changes really easy too cause when you take the filter out to clean it you just open the taps into a bucket to change the water. Easy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 Lee 0 Posted August 27, 2012 So want a fish tank Hmm wonder if I can buy some Piranhas :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted August 27, 2012 VR6 Lee said: So want a fish tank Hmm wonder if I can buy some Piranhas :) Yes you can :D Nice tanks Tigerfish, wish my marine tank looked like your though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny H 0 Posted August 27, 2012 VR6 Lee said: So want a fish tank Hmm wonder if I can buy some Piranhas :) Do it mate. Don't buy piranhas thou, buy some oscars. Oh I miss my oscars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted August 27, 2012 wow thats a right beast of a tank mate! :D looks excellent! Like the Reef system but I bet the tropical tank would look awesome in marine ;) hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerfish 10 Posted August 27, 2012 Critical_Mass said: Nice tanks Tigerfish, wish my marine tank looked like your though. Thanks :) Any pics of yours? ---------- Post added at 9:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 9:53 PM ---------- Philuk said: wow thats a right beast of a tank mate! :D looks excellent! Like the Reef system but I bet the tropical tank would look awesome in marine ;) hehe Yeah... lol... If anything happened to the black shark, the tank would be changed over. Although I would only go for FOWLR rather than reef, there a ton of marine fish i'd love that are not reef safe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted December 6, 2012 Bought the mrs a fish tank for her birthday cant wait to get it up and running. ITs second hand and only cost me £50 so was a bit of a bargain. Comes with cabinet too! ITs mashoosive this pic doesnt give it justice., Had to give it a good clean tho as it was filthy when I got it, hence why it its like it is! Rough size is 4ftx1ftx2ft! [ATTACH=CONFIG]70940[/ATTACH] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted December 6, 2012 as said on fb mate. looking good! bet you cant wait to get it running! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted December 6, 2012 No defo cant wait, will be uploading loads of photos as it comes along :D ---------- Post added at 9:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 8:55 PM ---------- Can any one recommend a decent filter set up but doesn't cost the world? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted December 7, 2012 Philuk said: as said on fb mate. looking good! bet you cant wait to get it running! :) How are the clowns Phil? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Topaz2008 0 Posted December 7, 2012 I have a fish tank for sale which is 18 months old. Its located in Essex. I had planned to put it on Ebay but If theres any interest I can post an add on here. Please let me know [ATTACH=CONFIG]70953[/ATTACH] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted December 9, 2012 Critical_Mass said: How are the clowns Phil? I've had a bit of a fish death for some unknown reason and I've lost one of my original ones but still have 3, think there starting to squabble a bit tho! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted May 11, 2013 (edited) Had my tank up and running nearly 6 months now got a fair few fish too. Just need to get a couple more bits of ornaments in the tank to finish it off. So far the fish I have are: 18 Neon tetras 6 Black widow tetras 6 Zebra Danios 2 Balloon rams 2 Dwarf Gourami (one red male, one female) 2 Borneo suckers 4 Blue Platys 1 Ranibow shark Only really need a couple more bottom feeders but so hard to find ones I like. Plus the ones I do like grow to be stupidly big! Only other fish I really want to get is a couple of hatchet fish, had them before in a old tank. Got a tiny problem with Green water at the moment tho so have been cutting the amount of time the light has been on for. A few photos The Tank approx 400lt [ATTACH=CONFIG]74015[/ATTACH] Borneo suckers [ATTACH=CONFIG]74016[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]74017[/ATTACH] The Balloon rams [ATTACH=CONFIG]74018[/ATTACH] 2 of the black widow tetras photo-bombing the photo of the male Dwarf Gourami (female is silver and is hiding making it difficult to get a photo) [ATTACH=CONFIG]74033[/ATTACH] Zebra Danios [ATTACH=CONFIG]74034[/ATTACH] A few of the neon tetras and a black widow tetra [ATTACH=CONFIG]74035[/ATTACH] And finally my favorite fish of the lot the Rainbow Shark. All ways wanted one of these and finally got one the other day [ATTACH=CONFIG]74036[/ATTACH] The black widows can be little buggers some times tho chasing any new fish, they are deffinatly in charge of the tank although they stayed well away from the Shark when it went in funnily enough. :lol: Edited May 11, 2013 by Swompy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vornwend 0 Posted May 11, 2013 I used to have a fish tank on my desk at work - got almost no work done!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted May 11, 2013 Nice one Jake! It's come ona bit since I saw it ;) Keep an eye on the shark- had one once and it killed all of my Congo Tetras through constant chasing :( My tank currently has: 1 Leopard Plec 3 Columbian Tetras 4 Blue Black Emperor Tetras 5 Cardinal Tetras 2 Ember Tetras 1 Gold Neon Tetra Have lost count of how old the Gold Neon is, but it's in the region of 15 years old! A complete freak! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted May 11, 2013 l will be dont worry. I know they can be territorial and thats the reason I have added him last. So far he has been well behaved Tank looks good Andy and 15 years is hell of an age for a fish! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted May 11, 2013 Thanks mate. Needs a bit of a clean though... Yeh, it's mad! A small tetra like that shouldn't last much over 5! :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted May 11, 2013 Still need to get my Cichlid tank set up.. not happened yet though, too many other things going on at the mo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seanl82 23 Posted May 11, 2013 I had them a couple of years back, the Rainbow Shark I had was fine, it was the Angel Fish that killed all my Tetras! I had a couple of Siamese Fighters as well, those were my favourites! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted May 28, 2013 Since I last posted on this I've changed my complete setups! Some of you will know as your my fb friends but I sold all the tanks I had, (3ft marine, 3 ft tropical, 5ft tropical and a 1ft cube) and have bought a 5 ft marine tank with 3ft sump Here is how it looked she I picked it up from Birmingham Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr And it came with Tank pipe work & sump Sump pump Arcadia lights D-D ro unit D-D booster pump 300w heaters x2 600 uv tmc 1000 skimmer tmc Sump light Koralia 4 powerhead Cabinet On the way home we stopped off at abyss aquatics in Stockport and I spent another £700!!!!!!! On aquaroche. Over the upcoming weeks I bought some more powerheads, live sand for the sand bed, bag of coral sand for the display, auto top up unit, a reactor, nd some other bits Here is some of the residents and how it looks ATM! ---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ---------- Hammer Coral by Philuk56, on Flickr ---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ---------- Chalk Goby by Philuk56, on Flickr Frank the Regal Tang by Philuk56, on Flickr Mushroom by Philuk56, on Flickr Daisy Coral by Philuk56, on Flickr Anenome by Philuk56, on Flickr Polyps by Philuk56, on Flickr Little Toadstool by Philuk56, on Flickr Black & White Clown by Philuk56, on Flickr Flame Angel by Philuk56, on Flickr Yellow Tang by Philuk56, on Flickr Chalk Goby by Philuk56, on Flickr Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr ---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ---------- And one of the tank in nightlight 5x2x2 Reef Tank with Nightlight by Philuk56, on Flickr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerfish 10 Posted May 28, 2013 Reef is looking really good mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted May 29, 2013 Looks good phill on another note my rainbow hark has vanished without a trace. Cant find it anywhere in the tank :( Must have jumped out though the small feeding gap in the top and eaten by one of the cats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted May 30, 2013 I'm saw you had put this on fb earlier! That's very random of it!? Probably a 1 in 10000 chance and its happened :/ I'm guessing you've checked any pipe work etc you have? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted May 30, 2013 Ya I checked everywhere in the tank :( only thing i can think of is the lid of the tank is quite heavey so there is a small gap in it to drop the food down into it and he must have jumped out through that. And been eaten by one of the cats ---------- Post added at 8:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 7:41 AM ---------- Ok this is strange! Just tuned the fish tank light on and there he was swimming around like nothing has happened!!!! God knows where he was hiding then! Also he seams to have a big "beer belly" (lack of a better description) but can't find anything on the Internet about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites