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Two week old Scirocco parked at my local Asda. "My foot got stuck between the pedals."



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IS that your corrado you can see in between the rocco and the guy in the high vis

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What is it actually resting on at the back?


And anyone that manages to do something like that should hang their keys up and consider alternative forms of transport.

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My friend who saw this happen posted it on Facebook a few days back. The woman managed to end up on top of a bollard...

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IS that your corrado you can see in between the rocco and the guy in the high vis


Nope. Glad it was nowhere near her. It's sitting balanced on a four foot high bollard.

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Thats an awesome use of lifting equipment especially for a recovery truck!!! :lol:

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The stupidity of some people out there never fails to amaze me.. the scariest thing is that they're out there, on our roads..

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The stupidity of some people.


What gets me, how can someone hit a bollard with such speed and force to put the car 4 foot in the air and not damage the rear bumper?

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The stupidity of some people out there never fails to amaze me.. the scariest thing is that they're out there, on our roads..


And can afford a Scirocco :scratch:


People that stupid shouldn't be able to afford the finer things in life, otherwise it makes a mockery of the hard working, intelligent people of this country who can't afford to buy a Scirocco.


If I'd have witnessed it I'd have given her an earful for both wrecking a nice car and wrecking the street furniture which we all have to pay for. utter, utter dumb arse.

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haha I just saw this thread, its a small world ! I was there too just after it happened and took these pics






The bit that impressed me is that the car is actually almost completely undamaged and if they managed to lift it off the bollard it could have been driven away.


Although most found it funny you have to remember that if that bollard had not been there it would have shot back right onto the main entrance walkway next to the cash machines and most certainly have killed someone as it was a very busy sunny saturday afternoon.


---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------


forgot to add, Im surprised you didnt see my Raddo as it was parked just over a bit on the other side LOL

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Given the angle, what was the damage to the front bumper bottom edge?



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Strangely enough it was very minor scratching from what I could see, it was only just touching the ground at the angle it was perched at.


It really did look like someone had actually lifted the car and sat it on the bollard lol

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We all have bad days .


A bad day is missing the bus, wearing odd socks, crashing a server, getting told off by your boss, or falling over. Driving up bollards or through shop windows is just stupidity and I have zero sympathy for her. I would pity the person she mowed over though (as Steve said), if that had happened. To get into a car is to accept the responsibilty that goes with it and "getting feet stuck between pedals" just doesn't wash with me.

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A bad day is missing the bus, wearing odd socks, crashing a server, getting told off by your boss, or falling over. Driving up bollards or through shop windows is just stupidity and I have zero sympathy for her. I would pity the person she mowed over though (as Steve said), if that had happened. To get into a car is to accept the responsibilty that goes with it and "getting feet stuck between pedals" just doesn't wash with me.


Im with fish-sticks on this one... I expect she started to reverse, hit the bollard and then panicked, dropping the clutch and throwing the car up the bollard. These folk need their licences thrown away!

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If I'd have witnessed it I'd have given her an earful for both wrecking a nice car and wrecking the street furniture which we all have to pay for.....


YEAH me to and then DDT the biatch ........ and then hunt down her family :snipersmile: !!

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I generally agree with the comments made, I was merely trying to add some balance.


The area where the damage is on the bottom right of the bumper would indicate she was reversing out of a space to end up facing 90degrees from where she started; her back to the ATMs and facing the exit. It would also appear she was reversing out of a disabled space, indicating she might be a blue badge holder (not the Peter type). I shan't get into discussing the issue of people with disabilities being given the opportunity to drive (personally I have no problem with it, I however feel differently about the elderly but that's by the by) but it might provide food for thought. Maybe she has a case of elephantiasis of the right foot, making her more susceptible to getting her foot stuck. :geek:

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Was it a DSG by any chance?


No reverse sensors on it. They are not good for reversing with, even if you can drive. Back left & right quarters are almost blind despite using the wing mirrors. And it bulges out front or back more than one thinks. Plus its a wide car.


Had to get out of a spot this afternoon with mine. Haven't a clue at times where the corners are for tight manoeuvring even after 18 months. Mk2 Scirocco or Corrado would have been no problem at all in the same spot.



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Was it a DSG by any chance?




According to the report it was an automatic

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