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Long Term Storage - Is It Worth It?

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I've finally managed to convince MrsW that her Corrado isn't the right car for her any more. She's covering an increasing amount of mileage with work, she sometimes has to go as far as Kent from here in Cornwall for meetings, regularly up to Taunton/Bristol/Cardiff etc etc and it just seems silly to be doing so in a 17 year old car. So we've decided to go for either a MK5/6 GT TDI or the A3 TDI S-line, I'm hoping that once she's got one she'll appreciate the benefits of a newer car! Don't get me wrong, the rado hasn't put a foot wrong under our ownership (15k+ miles), it's never let her down but it's condition is going to start declining the more she does this sort of mileage in it, and the creature comforts and MPG economy of a newer car will make the journeys a lot more comfortable and safe.


So, I've convinced her to go for a newer car, however convincing her to sell her beloved Corrado is a different matter! She wants to keep it tucked up down the side of our house (we don't have a garage) because if we sold it the chances of being able to get hold of one in similar condition are pretty much slim to none! I'll admit it, I do love taking it out for a blast now and then, but after 10 or so years of Corrado ownership I've been ready to move on for a number of years, it's just her that cant let go! :lol: In my view it seems silly to have an 'old' car sat on our drive doing nothing, also baring in mind we live a stones throw from the sea, surly it'll just rot away? I can just imagine it sitting there for a few years before we realise it'll never get used again by which time it'll be worth nothing but scrap.


So, firstly what sort of value would you lot put on it? It's a N reg black 8v, 2 previous owners, absolutely standard having never been altered at all, with just over 92k miles on the clock, no rust anywhere, a couple of parking dinks but nothing too bad. The interior is mint, no squeaks/rattles/knocks etc etc, steering is pin sharp and precise, suspension is remarkably comfy and it handles as a Corrado should (having spent years driving 'modified' Corrados it's shocking just how nice they are to drive in standard form! :lol:) it returns 35mpg+ easily and just flew through it's MOT with no advisories. Is it worth anything? I've not really paid any attention to values like I used to but having just had a peek it seems like rado values are rock bottom, also there was never much demand for 8v's (although I've always rated them!) but with the cost of fuel nowadays is there any demand for them now? I'd appreciate any advice with this as it'll have a fairly large impact on the decision of whether to keep it or to sell it on, if it's not worth much now anyway I suppose we may as well just park it up and see how we feel about it in a year or two.


Also, is there any way of preventing a car from deteriorating whilst being parked up, or is it inevitable that it'll rot away regardless of what measures we take to try and maintain it's condition?

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I've decided/worked out that the the cost of storage vs getting the rust/paint sorted essentially means that it doesn't matter which way you do it. It works out about the same (unless you own somewhere you can store it of course!)


Personally, I've bought the car to drive and enjoy. Just fix what breaks, repair/replace what rusts and enjoy it while you still can :) Mileage matters less and less now at this age, the actual condition of the car is more important IMHO.

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I can't help with any info on long term storage but I do keep an eye out for 8v prices.

Kip & I both drive 8v's as dailys and for those in the know (and with a VR tucked up somewhere) it's a great car.


There are two 8v on Autotrader. One with body kit (mileage not stated) @ £1.5k and one with 125k miles @ £2k. Both are dealers.

I changed my 8v 2 years ago and paid £1600 privately then spent on overhauling the brakes and have put new suspension on.


If you were happy to hold out for someone who knew what they wanted and they wanted an 8v I would say £1.5 - 2k would be a fair price from what you say and if I needed another 8v for any reason I would be down there like a shot.

But there's not many that really appreciate the 8v.


If you do keep it a few years then decided that having it sitting around is not good let me know as I would probably be looking for another lower mileage to swap to!!

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I'd have another 8v in a breath. Problem is, (as Judith said) very few others think the same.


Mines kicking on mileage wise (147k). But I have no issue jumping in it, firing it up first time and driving anywhere. In fact Im even contemplating picking up a spare engine (just in case), I like it that much.


Personally I wouldn't bother storing it, for the same reasons mentioned above.


Price is tricky at the best of times, but given the current prices and you're location, you may be looking at the lower end of the price spectrum.


Unless "that" person lives nearby.


There was an Ice grey violet 8v on ebay recently, which went unsold. Think it had about 120k, two owners, service history, standard listed for 1500 sheets. I thought the price was about right. Seems Joe public thought otherwise.


It's unfortunate but it seems dog rough early 16valves command higher price tags than 8valves. And I don't mind sticking my neck out and saying that most of it is to do with badge snobbery.

Edited by James.

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I hate the idea of storing a car if im honest and especially if its outside. It will suffer no matter what you do. Id try and sell it if I was you, I would be tempted if it was closer and I could get away with using it for work. Price wise you will be lucky to get £1500 I would have thought, they do make great everyday cars.


Whats the full run down on the car?

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Hmm, yeah my gut feeling with storage is that the car will just rot away, it just seems a bit like being stubborn and not letting go when it could be getting used and enjoyed by someone else, a bit of a waste really.


As for the 8v's reputation, if you speak to anyone who has actually owned and lived with one for any length of time they all say the same thing, they're fantastic cars, utterly reliable and cheap to run/maintain, the engine really suits the chassis whereas the 16v just doesn't, i've owned 3 8v's and 6 16v's (I know I know!), the 16v is a terrible engine in the Corrado IMO, the 8v is leagues ahead and actually serves it's purpose as being an economical option, it's not 'fast' by todays standards - but then neither is the 16v, and not everyone enjoys these cars because of speed.


Cheers for the guesses at its value, it's a difficult one really, £1500 seems cheap for a 17 year old car that has been kept in this sort of condition IMO, if it's only worth that then it seems pointless selling it - and round the circle we go! :lol:


I think we'll get the new car and go from there, there'd be nothing worse than buying it having sold the rado only to find that she's not enjoying the new car as much as I think (hope) she will leaving us in the situation where we're trying to find a black 8v in decent nick again (it took us YEARS to find this one!)


Coullstar, what do you mean by 'full run down' mate?

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If you have the option to retain the 8 valves services whilst easing a new steed into the fold, then I say go for it. I'm not saying keep it and let it rot before your eyes. More the fact that the 8valve is such a rewarding car to own and drive, that I've yet to find anything close to it for the same money.


I get better MPG than most of my friends everyday cars as well...


Which is nice.

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Sorry if this stating the obvious but are there any friendly club or forum members near you with a corner of a barn going begging? Check the google map of forum members...


I managed to convince a neighbour to keep my 16v golf in their car port for 9 months, just by being polite but forward.


If you can tuck it away in the dry and under a bed sheet for a year, you will be pleased you did.


don't, whatever you do, use a car cover, no matter how breathable they claim to be. They will hold moisture enough to rot the car. If you can go undercover, use bed sheets to save the paint only. Cardboard or carpet at most, to keep cats off.


chock the wheels and keep the handbrake off. Buy a conditioning battery charger like the ones by Ring, intended for bikes.


good luck :)

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I stored my old one for 12 months and it went green mouldy but started first time, wouldn't do it again though.


Just a thought though, if it is your wifes car then shouldn't she be making this decision? If she enjoys driving it then long may it continue :)

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She can make as many decisions as she likes as long as she does what shes told!


---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------


Nah, only kidding! Obviously it's her choice, she wants to try a newer car :)

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imo if she still loves it, its up to her realy what she wants to do,why you even trying to convince her otherwise? isnt that the womens job? your descriction of the car sounds like its going to be reliable for years to come, at the end of the day the cars not worth much but it is to her so just let her run it till it dies..

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Errm, as above, if she wanted to keep using it, she would, whether I 'let her' or not! :lol: If it was down to me we wouldn't have bought it in the first place! She's come around to the realization that a Corrado no longer suits her/our needs as a family, so it's time to buy something more suitable - its not that I've told her she can't bloody use it any more :lol:


She's covering a lot of miles, a lot of the time with our nipper in the back, a lot of the time on her own, the Corrado is 17 years old, bits and bobs on it are starting to let go for example, silly things like the MFA LCD bulb has gone, now who do you think is going to take the time to take the instrument cluster apart and replace the bulb etc? I certainly have no time or inclination to be messing about with things like that any more and paying a mechanic to do it is silly, keeping a car like the Corrado in tip top condition requires time and effort, it's not the type of car that you just jump in and abuse, we no longer have the time to be messing about with cars, so it's time to replace it with something newer that can munch the miles up safely, cheaply, and easily whilst being able to fit all the stuff a family needs in at the same time. A 17 year old coupe no longer fits that bill? A 5 door 2-3 year old TDI does, it's as simple as that.


Whether or not the rado is kept in daily use isn't an issue, we both agree that it shouldn't be because its obvious that it shouldn't, it's whether or not we keep the thing or sell it that's up for debate.


---------- Post added at 07:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------


£54pm for a garage just big enough to fit a corrado in from my local council.


Cheers for the suggestion mate but I live in the sticks, there's no council garages around here, and besides, I don't think we would want to pay £600 a year just to keep it sitting there.

Edited by Walesy

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Im sort of in the same position at the moment......mine is sorn and has been sitting in a garage since the summer when I bought the Audi. I thought I would occassionally go and start her up and go for a spin but it just hasnt worked out that way.


I have decided to sell in the New Year so someone else can get some use from a very good car - doubt I will get what I want for her though.


So in short, I would sell it if I were you ...... all the best corrados are going to stay here on the CF, so I hope to be able to return to ownership in years to come - if I ever fancied it - by just keeping an eye out here.

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Yeah I think we'd be the same, the more I think about it. If we left it parked up I expect within a year we'd come around to the fact that it's better off being sold, by which time it'd have no MOT/TAX and we'd have to insure it to get both those sorted, and it'd have been be sat there decaying and in the way for 12 months.


As I've said, I think we'll sort the new car out, give it 2-3 months of owning it to confirm whether or not it's the right decision and if it is then we'll sell the rado while it's still got TAX/MOT and is in decent usable condition. Storing it long term isn't an option.


P.S - I think most people would struggle to find enthusiasm for a Rado if they had a 4.2 V8 A4 Avant on the drive :)

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P.S - I think most people would struggle to find enthusiasm for a Rado if they had a 4.2 V8 A4 Avant on the drive :)


:D it is an epic car indeed, but to be honest it wont hold my attention and enthusiasm like the rado has for the past 7 years !!


Plus RS246.com is rubbish compared to here :thumbleft:

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Yep, Im with you on that. Im back looking at Audi uber estates again as well, this time with the 5 pot upfront.


The problem from storage is if and when you do decide to sell as most folk wont touch anything that isnt MOT's at least which means having insurance and sorting out niggles to get it through the MOT. I always find that I regret selling every Corrado Ive owned but only till I buy the next one. Sell it, you will find another if you want.

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