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Hi from Harrow

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Been lurking for a while and thought it was time I stepped out from the shadows!


Am hoping to pick up a Corrado to share daily duties with my 1980 Dolomite 1850.


Used to have a 1983 Scirocco back in the day and absolutely loved it. Always wanted a Corrado though but could never afford one. Times change however and now I figure I can :cheers:


Ideally I think I'd prefer a valver largely on economy grounds (although if I'm dead honest a VR would be tempting) as if I want a sports car blast, I've got one of these [ATTACH=CONFIG]51135[/ATTACH]


Really impressed with the help and knowledge on the forum so far and hope to be able to share my Rado experiences with you all




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Hello and welcome mate!


I'd say go for a vr6 if your budget allows as fuel costs are the same and maintenance costs are only slightly higher.


At the same time I'd also say buy whatever is best in your budget... If you want to spend 1500 buy a good valver IMO, 2.5k+ get a vr...

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WOW, your car is amazing, to be honest, its first time I saw something like that. 16V corrado, hmmm, had one and I will never do it again. VR6 is great but use a lot of petrol. Look for G60 or swap 1.8T which can be picked up under 3k. VR6 all the way if you no bother about petrol, engine sound is amazing and I will never regret having one but as a daily, no chance unless you can afford few hundred quid petrol bill every month.

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I don't agree with Emu at all there.


My first valver used to average 30mpg as did my vr (on a run the vr was better then he valver) and my most recent valver was actually worse then the vr; couldn't average more then 25mpg and technically it had the most looked after engine of the three.


It's all a bit hit and miss really. Either way good luck finding the right car!

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My vr6 usually do 13 MPG but I'm driving around small town only. Max what I got was 38 MPG driving from london to aberdeen, so 600 miles trip.


I had 2.7T audi which did same figures what vr6 so v6 engines like petrol, specially if you use them on short distance.


Now I'm using Golf MK4 TDI as a daily and investing all saved money on petrol in VR6 as a Weekend/Fun car


I was using 1.8 20VT Corrado driving same distance as I'm doing now on VR6 and I could do 50% ore miles having same power but......... no enough nice sound from the bonnet.

Edited by emu

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Woah fella your VR is drinking far too much, even with lots of stop start driving (london style) it shouldn't be that bad.


My CLK which weighs alot more then a rado, has an auto box and a 4.3 v8 and that does 17-18 around town and i don't tend to hang about...


My VR would happily do 23-25 mpg around town with mixed right foot action.


Agree with you on 1.8T's; they sound crap, don't even make a nice dumping sound which is part of the fun with a turbo imo lol.

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Welcome to the forum :)


Based on my experiences over the years my 16v did prove to be more frugal than the VR6 but not by a significant amount! I'd just say set yourself a budget and buy the best example of whichever model comes up in budget :)

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A 2ltr valver is a thirsty beast, but then so is the VR from what I've heard and would imagine ( I don't own a VR). Your driving style is def a major factor though here.


Insurance will also a deciding factor. The VR6 was a few hundred quid more than my valver to insure.


Ten Ton

Edited by tentonhammer

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Welcome to the forum. I live in Northwood, so not too far from you. Whereabouts in Harrow are you based?

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Hi Hasan,


Wealdstone way.


I know Northwood (Hills) quite well, I ran a badminton club at the Potter Street school for years.


Good to have someone in the vicinity.





Welcome to the forum. I live in Northwood, so not too far from you. Whereabouts in Harrow are you based?


---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------


Welcome to the forum :)


I'd just say set yourself a budget and buy the best example of whichever model comes up in budget :)


Yep, I think that's my plan!




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Welcome to the forum. I used to live in Pinner so not far from you at all (now in Surrey though). I love the GT6.

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I definitely disagree with emu. I use my vr6 as a daily runner and i am averaging around 25mpg, and thats with me having a heavy foot on the accelerator! The only costs you really need to bare in mind is the insurance and some of the maintenance bills can be pretty hefty. And as for my 16v its just as good on the mpg and very low maintenance if looked after properly!

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No clear winner then it seems :scratch:


re VR6, don't particularly want too many maintenance probs - got enough of those with the Triumphs :rolleyes: (to be fair though they're not too bad) and not likely to be clocking up huge mileage so may not be a deal breaker. Any real mileage will be long motorway trips so mpg may not be too much of an issue either!




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I think its more important to find one (VR or Valve) that has clearly been looked after. Attention to detail from the previous owner, receipts that match up with the owners details given when you talk to them and personally I'd advise to only buy from someone on here that has clearly loved their car. It doesn't guarantee anything of course but it would be a massive step towards finding the right one. History of posts on here will show you if the owner has looked after their motor. Jon

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Welcome to the forum, good luck in finding the right car for you. I've had both a valver and now have a VR (which is up for sale?!)


I wouldn't say that the valver is significantly more frugal than a VR to be a deal breaker, just find a good one within your budget :)


I personally wouldn't have another valver after having this VR. The VR is just something else.


Anyway welcome to the forum.

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Re: fuel consumption, it really seems to be pot luck. I've had a G60 and 2x 2.016v that were very good on fuel. They would all get 40mpg+ on longer runs. All my VR6s have been similar- usually 26-30mpg on a 20 min run, up to mid thirties on longer runs. I've had a 2.016v which was very similar to this, and my 1.816v was marginally better. The 8v is by far the best for consistent fuel consumption, and is actually quite nice to drive. I wouldn't exactly describe it as 'quick' though :lol:

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Cheers Cazza,


Interesting, thanks. Am I right in thinking the G60 is basically a 1.8 with supercharger? If so, at what point does the supercharger cut in?





Re: fuel consumption, it really seems to be pot luck. I've had a G60 and 2x 2.016v that were very good on fuel. They would all get 40mpg+ on longer runs. All my VR6s have been similar- usually 26-30mpg on a 20 min run, up to mid thirties on longer runs. I've had a 2.016v which was very similar to this, and my 1.816v was marginally better. The 8v is by far the best for consistent fuel consumption, and is actually quite nice to drive. I wouldn't exactly describe it as 'quick' though :lol:

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Well, I am teetering on the precipice of purchase - a sub £1500 valver but looks to be in good nick and well maintained. Mind you I'll have to go Edinburgh to pick it up but hey, what's life without a few adventures?


Just need to consider the other half's reaction. :blackeye: I expect.




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Well, I am teetering on the precipice of purchase - a sub £1500 valver but looks to be in good nick and well maintained. Mind you I'll have to go Edinburgh to pick it up but hey, what's life without a few adventures?


Just need to consider the other half's reaction. :blackeye: I expect.





Hmm really?? How about I have that one and you have my 'project' valver? :p

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[quote=;770031]Hmm really?? How about I have that one and you have my 'project' valver? :p




I've given your very kind offer some considerationbut will probably stick with my purchase thanks, as I'm off this eve on the overnight coach to collect my new Rado. Yay!! Then for a 7 hour A1/M1 blast home on Sat - that'll test it's comfort levels




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Mission accomplished and the Rado is now helping to clutter up the drive. There must be a limit to our neighbours patience - but one of the Dolomites will hopefully be off to a garage tomorrow.


Well chuffed with the new acquisition, I must say! Front wheels need balancing I think and ISV needs sorting but otherwise :dance:


Not only that but the other half seems quite impressed too. (Just need to explain to her why it's so much better than a Golf!!)




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