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HOSPITAL Operation done, Metal Content lol!

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well set off for an epic ride on the bike from home in barnsley to cleethorpes this morning bright and early with a distance of 150 miles planned, the weather was looking perfect, i felt good on the bike after 1600 miles so far his year and i'd actually thought where i'd stop on the way too but alas less than a mile from home some careless dog owner is letting his labrador run across the road.


I didn't stand a chance as it ran from behind a fence directly next to the road so couldn't even see it about to cross, hit it straight on at around 30 mph as it's at the bottom of a hill.


police, ambulance the works really lol!


Result is the much feard cyclist's classic injury of a broken collar bone :(


Not at all happy.


all sympathies & critisism greatly received lol!

Edited by KIPVW

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great pic, glad you're broadly ok and have kept your sense of homour

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My only criticism is the way you have spelt criticism !

Seriously, hope your not in pain and it heals quickly,

one good thing is, the collar bone will heal stronger then before !

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  dragon green said:
My only criticism is the way you have spelt criticism !

Seriously, hope your not in pain and it heals quickly,

one good thing is, the collar bone will heal stronger then before !


Haha. Collar bone really hurts, my mate did it snowboarding. Pain killers they gave him were like morphine.


Hope it doesn't take too long to heal.


Hope you bollacked the owner. Can't have done dog much good at that speed.


How far did you fly?

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yeah i dont mind pain being such a hard roadie an all but it is very painfull ooomph, not looking forward to bedtime for a change.


sorry about my spelling and grammer in advance, i normally try a bit more but one hand typing is a pin in the shoulder lol.


the dog seemed fine poor thing, i dont blame the dog one bit. it seemed to be running around of afterwards but it has to be sore too being hit like that, hopefully a little bruising for it at worst.

Edited by KIPVW

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i'll tell you what though, in a flash of a few seconds flying through the air, hitting the tarmac and seeing the bike actually somersault like a cart wheel several times along side me narrowly missing me as it went then lying curled up in a ball gasping for breath really really made me feel not so tough anymore, i dont mean tough as in a fighting type person but general pain threshold etc.


I like to think i am pretty hard like that but it scared me a lot. just the lying there hopless and turned into a broken man was pretty shocking for me. :(

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Silly sod - that will teach you for getting into all the excercise lark, getting up early on a Sunday, thinking you're a man, all tough and all that !!! he he


Oh sorry you wanted sympathy, is the bike OK ? !!


Sorry sorry, honestly Kip hope you heal quickly - and take lots of drugs - I say - to ease the pain of course !!


Am I presuming this means you are house bound now and can't get out in the car either ? If so - very grim.


You take care, I will try not to take the P.......... any more.

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  KIPVW said:
....lying curled up in a ball gasping for breath really really made me feel ... pretty hard ... but it scared me a lot ... just the lying there hopless and turned into a broken man was pretty shocking for me


Sounds like a night with Toad :grin:


Sorry to hear about the accident though! Are you self employed or are you going to be ok with a few (paid) weeks off work?

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Well I've already expressed my sorrow for you on Facebook mate but no harm in saying it again. Not a good state of affairs and you've certainly had your run of bad luck over the last few years. They say it comes in threes and what with your eye problem, the Nugget getting stoved in and now this, I think you've more than had your three. Time for some good luck and positive karma to come your way I think mate.


All the best for a speedy recovery and I hope the incident doesn't put you off the cycling.. it could have been a lot worse and was a total freak of an accident, but I guess it does bring home just how fragile we are, when on the saddle!

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not self employed and i'd be on the statutory standard sick pay but thats the way it goes. not too woried yet.


supposed to be going to majorca on the 13th so hope i can cancel that as theres no ay i want to go watching all my mates set off for a ride every morning :(


a friend who's a surgeon also going on the trip is pulling out all the stops so i get seen to by one the top shoulder sports injury specialists in the uk so that one perk of being in the cycle trade.


yes wendy thank you i really apprecite your usual banter it helps lots x :)


---------- Post added at 6:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 6:13 PM ----------


thanks jim,


indeed it does bring it home, i haven't had anything near this for very long time, it will not put me off at all and i'll hopefully be shooting down the pyrenees mountains when the payout come's.


hope so anyway :)

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I know how you feel! Busted my collar bone a few years ago as a result of coming off my motorbike. Get well soon and enjoy the codeine! :cool:

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My 2.5 year old son fell down stairs last wknd & his collarbone is broken,he recommends calpol,nurofen & lots of cuddles !! Get well soon

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As Jim wrote, said it on fb but will say it again here, Kip... very sorry to hear this and hope you heal very quickly. Gutted for you that you're missing your trip abroad too :( Get well soon!

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Oh no! Bad news kip sorry to here this glad u pretty much ok. Hope u have a quick recovery :)

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Hey Kip, hoping for a speedy recovery, try not to over do it until your fully well again... Your seem like a fit man so sure you will be back up and running soon. Or cyclinging! Lol

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thanks all,


nice to hear a few others have broken them too.


hoping to see someone today and reall hope they decide to pin it as i dont want it to heal miss aligned and cause hassle later in life as i know quite a few cycling chums have had them heal naturally and have had some issues years down the line.


cant believe how stiff i am this morning (no jokes please it hurts when i laugh) that part of it actually hurts more than the break in the bone, guess hitting the road at around 30 mph didn't help there :/

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Hi Kip, hope you get back to normal soon. Gives you some time to think about new mods for the cars...

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Is the road OK, you must have given it quite a smack. Wishing you a quick recovery. If it helps I find a nice red wine quite an effective analgesic.

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