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The Admin: Passat W8 4motion (pg10)

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yes, i did see this! looked for a thread but assumed there'd be one soon enough! guess those torques and horses are all nice and low down?! 8)

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Beautiful Passat Andi. I like that..... i like that alot!


Its got more buttons on that centre console then the starship enterprise :lol: Looks mint when all lit up! :D

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Always wanted one of them myself. Still on my hit list. They were still a bit expensive last time I really thought about it.


How did you pay for that beast then?


I was always surprised at the lack of bhp considering its a 4l 8 cylinder engine. But, as we all know, its torque that counts at the end of the day.


Lets us know how the fuel consumption comes along?




P.S. just looking at the pictures, very nice. I would have to have the estate though. I like fast estates!!!

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Actually it's torque AND power that count really. I guess that engine is tuned for crusing more than anything, hence the low(ish) power output.


Nice car :)

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Fuel consumption is about 26-28mpg.

Can touch 30mpg on the motorway. Could probably get 32+mpg if I didn't use the Cruise all the time.

Because all the torque is so low down, you just need the slightest of throttle to get through all the gears.

You can accellorate away in 6th from 30mph quite easily.


There's only 73 (I think?) W8 estates in total, so finding one of those in manual, with the toys I like & cream leather, that's for sale... might have been a big ask.

Least I had 3 times the number to choose from for the saloon variety.


I paid £8k for her - which maybe slightly on the high side, but I got £300 extra in part-ex for my car than they wanted to give, plus another £100 knocked off the lifetime warranty, so all in all it was really £7600 + £500 for a lifetime (that I own the car) warranty.

Considering changing the thermostat is £250 for the part, and £500 to remove the engine (yup...) then I thought that was worth it.. ;)


And yeah, I lurve the buttons!! Lol.

Is a very nice place to be with driving, so comfortable, and so easy. Driven 150ish miles today... It's more effort to drive the g/f's Fiesta to the shops than that! Definately a car for soaking up endless miles on the motorway. Wafts along gracefully :)


Thanks for the nice comments! I'm still dead chuffed with it too!

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that looks brill andi, nice colour! the interior looks like a really comfy living room 8) i heard so many people at e38 saying 'i bought it to keep standard but...' theres not much hope spending time with us lot! i look forward to seeing it in the flesh!


forgive my ignorance but is that the daddy of all passats then? cos i seem to remember the top passat b5.5 costing somewhere upwards of 30k, ooo imagine if you'd bought it new! :shock:

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Yup, it's the Daddy, and yup, £30k new base price.

Which, of course, mine isn't as its got some nice extras ;)


But there's not a lot I can do to 'mod' it, most Passats you mod with the W8 extras... which, erm, I've already got now! :)

Don't want different wheels (why would I?), don't want to lower it (ride is too good), don't want to bodykit it up, don't want to change the lights, etc... s'all good already! 8)

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Can you change the air filter on it so that you can at least hear that big W8 engine growl a bit more? :)

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Probably some how lol

Think its a normal panel filter, so will have to see if I can get a K&N panel filter when I sort out some extra ducting for cooling in there.

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I do think it's a lovely car, cracking engine, etc but....


Aren't you in your 20s still Andi? Is it not a bit pipe and slippers for someone your age?

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I wouldn't call it quite pipe and slippers.

Perhaps mid-30s middle-management rep car - but pipe and slippers?


Not exactly a Jag XJS or something is it.

My grandad drives a Honda Jazz, gran a Nissan Micra and my other nan a Ford Focus..

Old people can't afford big powerful cars anymore :)

They wouldn't be able to get the clutch down for a start - its pretty heavy!

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  Andi said:
I wouldn't call it quite pipe and slippers.

Perhaps mid-30s middle-management rep car - but pipe and slippers?


Not exactly a Jag XJS or something is it.

My grandad drives a Honda Jazz, gran a Nissan Micra and my other nan a Ford Focus..

Old people can't afford big powerful cars anymore :)

They wouldn't be able to get the clutch down for a start - its pretty heavy!




To be honest I drove an s-type jag the other day and loved it. exactly the same driving position as my rado. Goes like stink too!

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My best mate has a Jag XJS V12 and a XJR (4l? flat-6).

The V12 sounds mental, and the XJR has a proper Sport button. Drives like crap until you press it then it totally flies!


But, certainly more old man than my Passat! And he knows it. lol

They're both proper old man cars too cos they're Autos.

At least I save some grace by having a manual. And lots of buttons. Old men would get confused lol

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  Andi said:
Not going to mod this one, no. (Famous last words..)

I'm going to do a little work on the 'soundz' - got an USB MP3 player fake-cd-changer coming which is compatible with the Gamma and daisy chains off the 6cd in-dash one, plus a Sony-Ericsson carkit, and some parking sensors.

Other than that, it shall remain how God intended :)


Wouldn't mind piping some more cold air into the airbox, since it does suffer a bit from heat soak on a hot day.

And perhaps get it mapped, which should push it to around 295bhp. We'll see. No rush.


There's not a lot you can actually get for the W8, so limits the mods somewhat :)

And yes, it is uber-smooth. Motorways just waft along in a calm near-silence.


Apart from a slamming and pimp-daddy chromed 22's that is! :lol:


Nice motor Andi, this should make you more uber on UKpassats now! :D

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Great car Andi, sounds much more different to a V8 than I expected and manuals are also rather rare. A real sleeper though and great for surprising those that don't know the car. 8)

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Bit of a sleeper that ain't it! Just looks like my dads TDi 8) (Apart from the wheels) Manual too, very cool!


with only 300 in the UK it's no suprise I haven't seen one in the flesh! I'd be deffo finding a way to get a nice induction kit on it so I can hear the growl!

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i want it backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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