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So come on.. Who can't park... hehehehe

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Just browsing a certain funny site where the they slate people who can't park..


I came across this little gem: http://youparklikea****.com/post/21566321920/saw-this-specialist-bit-of-parking-in-the-car


So come on, own up, who's is it? :lol:


EDIT... The site is a little naughty so you have to replace the **** with a naughty word beginning with C


Probably not suitable for work due to the nature of the C word used.

Edited by P3rks

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Oooh, thats bad. What's even worse though is that there is a website with that name...

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The link wont work mate


It does, but the swear filter has blocked out the C word and replaced it with ****


Just copy the link, paste and replace the **** with the naughtiest C word you can imagine.


Oooh, thats bad. What's even worse though is that there is a website with that name...


It is, ruined the site really and could have made it more family friendly to be honest and would have been taken more seriously. Is pretty funny though. :p

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beauty. i've just submitted the passat i posted on e38. for the benefit of non members, here it is again, in all its c**t like glory.



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I was only chatting to a mate today about how this country appears to be living by a "drive and park how the f'ck you like" culture these days.


Some of the utter c'ntish things I see people do on the roads these days beggars belief. And toss pots in pimped Range Rovers parking diagonally across 2 spaces at supermarkets.

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I was only chatting to a mate today about how this country appears to be living by a "drive and park how the f'ck you like" culture these days.


Some of the utter c'ntish things I see people do on the roads these days beggars belief. And toss pots in pimped Range Rovers parking diagonally across 2 spaces at supermarkets.


You mean like this mate?




It was the perfect combo in terms of basically saying "screw you" to everyone else! One I spotted when visiting 2cc down in Wiltshire last year!

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yeah shame about the very naughty name.... funny site though & Im sure if we look hard there will be more than just that C on there. Thats C for Corrado by the way, just incase i told told off for name calling.

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I've seen alot worse parking than that corrado, poor lad just doesnt want anyone to open their door into him/her. :L

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You mean like this mate?




It was the perfect combo in terms of basically saying "screw you" to everyone else! One I spotted when visiting 2cc down in Wiltshire last year!


I was just thinking to myself then Jim that 'that looks like B&Q in Trowbridge', but then thought they probably all look the same!!!


Can understand why people would want to park over 2 spaces though, the amount of dings my 'rado has had from people opening doors!

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That's abondonment not parking.



Indeed. Was it still running with a shot up gangster in it??

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to be fsair i park over two spaces intentionally


also as far away as possible but when I do that in normal lines there is always someone next to me when I come out rados are like a magnet for other cars. So over two spaces as far away as possible so really do see who I am hindering

Edited by lilfuzzer

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It annoys me when people park over 2 spaces...Its just not right...I just park my car away from the mass of cars within the parking lines and just walk a bit further and my other pet hate is people throwing rubbish out of car windows.

Edited by VWVW

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I was just thinking to myself then Jim that 'that looks like B&Q in Trowbridge', but then thought they probably all look the same!!!



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Anyone with a Corrado they like knows that a car parked next to it, will most probably make a dent in the door, because it's low. So I understand that parking, and the owner does not hinter someone else's parking/driving.


My crappy neighbours kids or wife made two dents in mine, because they can't f.cking park ;( ;( ;(




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