yacobwood 0 Posted November 16, 2012 (edited) Just seen the Chris Knott thread about women drivers being charged the same as men from mid december and i mearly stated i agree with it. Drive past a mcdonalds on a sunday now and there are alot of 'girl racers'. In my eyes, you shouldnt be pigeon holed by your gender. Her argument is that men cause more crashes (im assuming she doesnt have access to admirals databases so this is meer speculation). anyone else agree with the equal chargers for men and women? Argument to back up my point of view. Male My dad drives like a preist on sunday my mate drive like a tool and has lost his licence female some woman are safe drivers some woman at work dont know a parking bay from a lampost (or left to right) so there are good and bad male drivers and good and bad female drivers Edited November 16, 2012 by yacobwood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corrado_sunderland 0 Posted November 16, 2012 Bitch shut up and make me some pie :lol: The amount of women drivers that have caused accidents or near misses when ive been on the roads is mental Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wendy 0 Posted November 16, 2012 The Insurance hike from my understanding is only for young women. In answer to your thread though - personally I do believe most women drivers are pretty dammed awful, young or not. Shame to say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bristolbaron 11 Posted November 16, 2012 [generalisation]women are over cautious, men are over confident.[/generilisation] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted November 16, 2012 yacobwood said: anyone else agree with the equal chargers for men and women? Absolutely. Women have fought for equal rights for decades and now that they have it, they're still not happy! That was a joke before all ye pretty dames come at thee with yo pitch forks :lol: The biggest problem is the drivers who consider themselves to be "safe" (male and female) because they don't break the speed limits. But they cause accidents in other ways and are completely ignorant to it. Such as poor observation, failing eye sight, lack of confidence, poor lane discipline, etc etc and some more exceteras. In a bag. Plus an egg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yacobwood 0 Posted November 16, 2012 i do about 50 miles a day on the work run and my biggest gripe is those little orange flashy things on the corners of every car. people dont frickin use em. only this morning a car in front of me, in the left hand lane, TURNED RIGHT at a round about with no indication. he was in the outer lane the whole way round so naturaly, a car pulled out expecting him to turn off. the cheek of it is, he blasted the horn at the guy who pulled out!! sometimes you just want to get a highway code book, sit next to them, open it up to page 36 and beat them round the head with it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted November 16, 2012 Yeah the indicators thing is defo in the top 5 "Things you hate about other drivers" list. It's so common now I'm wondering if it's a "no one else indicates, so why should I?" thing? 'Monkey see, Monkey do'. Where driving in Britain is concerned, two wrongs definitely seem to make a right. Except when it comes to insurance claims. Every car forum is full of schitt driving threads these days. It does feel like a massive asylum of zombies has been freed and given car keys at the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Bowen 1 Posted November 16, 2012 I find it funny that during the summer months i get miffed by people driving around with fog lights on, and now its foggy there seems to be endless people driving around with no lights on :lol: I try not to get wound up by other peoples driving but its easy at the moment in a £150 car i plan to scrap in a week or two :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moneypit23 0 Posted November 16, 2012 Since i've been using my bike i've realised absolutely nobody sees you, ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corrado_sunderland 0 Posted November 16, 2012 (edited) The other day doris nearly ended my life, i was going straight over a roundabout in the inside lane (2 lanes entrance and exit) and this old woman in a new golf drove over both lanes and nearly mushed me into the barrier and as i blared my horn she kept doing it and if i didnt slam the brakes on very hard i would of been kissing barrier :rofl: This happened to me a few months back aswell with a bmw and a man driving he followed me home and asked why blared my horn and gave him the v's,when i explained he has cut accross both lanes and nearly rammed me up the barrier he seemed oblivious said sorry (ish) and then said you were going rather fast.My reply i was doing the speed limit round the bend and you should be aware of other vehicles around you regardless of it. Having said that though the woman was clearly worse she kept on going where the bloke (apparently unaware) straightened up. Our uk driving standard is pants now i blame new cars and the lack of feel for the road, but insurance should be equal all round,I bet they dont work out the average saved between the town ages thou and increase a little for woman and reduce for men the greedy ****ers will just put lasses ins as high as ours.... Edited November 16, 2012 by corrado_sunderland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emu 0 Posted November 16, 2012 I've got only one thing to say. As a bus driver I can honestly tell that most of the women should pay 10 times more or be banned from driving. Probably most of you will say same about bus drivers :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted November 16, 2012 Women being better drivers is an old philosophy. I see as much bad driving by women as i do men. Times have changed. Some appalling driving from both genders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daleyboy 0 Posted November 16, 2012 emu said: Probably most of you will say same about bus drivers :D Been knocked off my bike twice by buses, anyway i thought the definition of equality was the equal bit, so im with you your right (in my view) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rado mc 0 Posted November 16, 2012 I (don't) like the way when they got all the equal rights for insurance brought in, they got put up to male prices rather males been dropped down to their lower premiums. A lot of insurance is just ludicrous these days no matter who you are. Probably why I'm still taxi'ing the missus about when quotes for £400 1.0 run-about are never below 1k. That said I ain't seen no bloke putting applying make-up whilst driving yet... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wendy 0 Posted November 16, 2012 I agree with you, it astounds me - make up being applied while driving, along with the lack of indicators and using a mobile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted November 16, 2012 Someone once summed it up for me. Bad women drivers are normally the type to tool around town and have minor fender benders.. scrape their car into someone elses, scratch body panels on walls, or have low speed rear end shunts. Bad male drivers tend to have enormous crashes at motorway speeds because they were tailgating or driving like a complete idiot. I had a 2 year old Audi Q7 full of young lads try and race me off some lights this evening whilst I was 5 up in my Octavia VRS. Much to my surprise we both nailed it from the lights, and I steamed ahead of them beating them to the 2 into 1 lane merge.. which made them look stupid. Rather than eating humble pie (that their 40k+ Audi had just been trounced by a Skoda estate full of people), they proceeded to tailgate me round a roundabout and then perform probably one of the most terrifying overtakes I'd ever seen and were about 2 seconds from going head-on into an articulated lorry coming in the other direction. I can't say I've EVER seen a woman drive like that... I have however seen plenty of guys drive like that. So for that reason I honestly feel guys should have to pay higher premiums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ben_wooduk 0 Posted November 16, 2012 Cant say i completely agree Jim, but i do think there should be a limit to what young drivers can own and insure. Everyone in their first two years of driving (no matter what age) should be made to drive something sensible, not a 40k+ Audi ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted November 17, 2012 I know i'll get some stick for sayin this but i agree that the price of women drivers should go up to males level as opposed to the males dropping. Think about it logically, women drive worse than the insurance companies think, so it makes sense to put them up. If they dropped the males insurance to the womens then all its says is, women may drive worse than is perceived but the price has stayed the same... Though i do think insurance for both should drop respectively. Would even go as far to say rise the female insurance premiums but then also drop the males, a middle ground if you will. Problem is you cant please everyone, my girlfriend hasnt had one accident, so why should she pay more due to others. It should be done on a case by case basis, but it would be impossible to do that without introducing these "black boxes" that monitor your driving.. and lets face it, no one wants that. Would be the end to having a "spirited" but SAFE drive we all enjoy every now and then. Suppose it would help with those people doing 50 on a motorway or 40 in a national speed limit etc. Would be impossible to track. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corrado_sunderland 0 Posted November 17, 2012 (edited) Jim said: Someone once summed it up for me. Bad women drivers are normally the type to tool around town and have minor fender benders.. scrape their car into someone elses, scratch body panels on walls, or have low speed rear end shunts. Bad male drivers tend to have enormous crashes at motorway speeds because they were tailgating or driving like a complete idiot. I had a 2 year old Audi Q7 full of young lads try and race me off some lights this evening whilst I was 5 up in my Octavia VRS. Much to my surprise we both nailed it from the lights, and I steamed ahead of them beating them to the 2 into 1 lane merge.. which made them look stupid. Rather than eating humble pie (that their 40k+ Audi had just been trounced by a Skoda estate full of people), they proceeded to tailgate me round a roundabout and then perform probably one of the most terrifying overtakes I'd ever seen and were about 2 seconds from going head-on into an articulated lorry coming in the other direction. I can't say I've EVER seen a woman drive like that... I have however seen plenty of guys drive like that. So for that reason I honestly feel guys should have to pay higher premiums. clearly youve never seen a girl racer then :lol: Plus there is the old chestnut that they cause more accidents than there in,ive bin cut up etc loads of times and had near misses due to a lass driving like a birk and bumbing off leaving a trail of destruction behind her totally oblivious :lol: Edited November 18, 2012 by corrado_sunderland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted November 17, 2012 Have to agree that the incidents I've seen of terrible, dangerous, high speed driving have, in the main been by men. However, on a daily basis the lower level incidents are predominantly by women e.g. not indicating, swapping/straddling lanes around roundabouts + on dual carriageways, hesitation, pulling out in front of oncoming traffic etc. One thing that always astounds me, although I expect it these days, is the lack of courtesey/awareness women drivers often seem to show. Men seem to let people out of junctions, say thank you etc way more than women do. I think in general, it's the way we're all wired. Men are more reckless, whilst women (Wendy excluded ;) ) are sometimes dangerously over-cautious. For example, I will turn out of a junction at the earliest possible chance, so long as it's safe. However, my definition of safe is different to my wife's, simply because I will drive out quickly, whereas she would drive out too slowly, so wouldn't make it. She sits and waits for a big enough gap that allows her to drive out at a comfortable speed for her. Can be very frustrating! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Critical_Mass 10 Posted November 17, 2012 CazzaVR said: She sits and waits for a big enough gap that allows her to drive out at a comfortable speed for her. Can be very frustrating! This winds me right up. Happens all the time, often you cant see the traffic coming, but you can count the gap and know they're was enough time to get out. V frustrating when you need to get somewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MurdoMac 0 Posted November 17, 2012 Lack of indication at roundabouts is one of my real annoyances, personally I would put 'indicator cams' at all roundabouts and have a fixed £100 fine and 3 points for every driver not indicating, and a lot of cyclists i've seen are frankly accidents waiting to happen they seem to have no respect for any other road users and actively put themselves in harms way by reckless behavior and ignoring basic road safty and rules. Women are 'statisticly' less likely to be involved in insurane accident claims (hence why their insurance has been lower up till now) that does not however mean that they are 'better' drivers more likely they don't claim since most of thier accidents are of a more minor nature and the figures don't show the causes of accidents either and as said women do sometimes leave a path of distruction in thier wake and drive on oblivious. People should be more angry at the insurance companies because they are just useing the whole situation to rip people of for thier own gain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkFoster 0 Posted November 18, 2012 MurdoMac said: ...a lot of cyclists i've seen are frankly accidents waiting to happen they seem to have no respect for any other road users and actively put themselves in harms way by reckless behavior and ignoring basic road safty and rules. Honestly, until you've spent some time in central London on a week day you ain't seen nothing! Some of the antics of our precious cycling cousins is astonishing; I'm not saying it's their fault but it isn't surprising so many of them get hurt. I definitely agree with recent sentiments in the press that they need their own sections of the road away from everyone else - to protect them and us! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wullie 1 Posted November 18, 2012 corrado_sunderland said: clearly youve never seen a girl racer then :lol: Plus there is the ld chestnut that they cause more accidents than there in,ive but cut up etc loads of times and had near misses due to a lass driving like a birk and bumbing off leaving a trail of destruction behind he oblivious :lol: Like this? http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3D2ex6dHzcgOE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daleyboy 0 Posted November 18, 2012 Just tell them they are wrong you are right, and walk round the office with your hands in the air proclaiming your glorious victory, job done. It saves all the blokes are better than women, equality blah blah blah, there are good and bad drivers on both sides for different reasons, its all pointless, just run round the office with your shirt over your head arms in the air saying "i won, i won" works for me every time......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites