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80's tribute...we didn't own an ipad

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This was posted on thesun today...if you were brought up in the 80's you'll probably find it hilarious and oddly moving as I did.


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Still to young to remember all of the stuff but remember most of it. It's only a proof how world did speed up.

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I saw this on another forum and it really took me back to my childhood. I was born in 1969 so the 70's and 80's was exactly the time I was growing up. I remember every one of the images in the video and it's quite poignant and sad looking back at so many years past. As a complete contrast my kids have an iPad each and their lives are completely different to my childhood in so many ways. I work with someone only a few months older than me so our childhoods were very similar and we are always talking about times past and how different our early years were compared to the new graduates that have recently started.

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Great that , i was born in 69 as well , brilliant to look back at stuff and think ''i had those toys '' , life was so simple then . Berlin wall coming down as well ,remember that in 85 , my daughter bought a spy book a while back , She had know idea what the wall was there for ,or who the stasi were . What history do they teach nowadays ?, thanks for posting .

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I remember just about all of those. I still make Fingermouse (or should that be Fingermice?) for the younger kids round my way, shows that fun needn't be hi-tech or expensive

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Thank's for posting that i myself was born at the end of 69 the image's certainly brought back fond memories from a time that was a good time to grow up i wouldn't like to be young now if anything i would go for being born earlier i certainly don't feel old at 43...

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Excellent, another 69er here :) Even though I grew up in Germany during the 80s (which had its own unique things in the 80s), a lot of that stuff I do remember, but where is the ZX Speccy, the world´s best computer? Still have mine now :)



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Was that the same as zx81 ? so long ago i cant remember , think i will be goin on utube tonight for some classic 80s , no rick astley either !

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  robrado974 said:
Was that the same as zx81 ? so long ago i cant remember , think i will be goin on utube tonight for some classic 80s , no rick astley either !


I think the zx81 came first the spectrum was more powerful now we have phone's more powerful

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Yes... ZX80 was the first Sinclair computer (white and bought in kit form that you assembled). This was followed by the pre-assembled black ZX81. Both of these machines displayed black and quite only and ghad about 1k of memory I believe. Sinclair them followed these up with the 16k spectrum and later the 48k spectrum (both colour).


...and for the sake of reviving old school arguments about which was better the VIC20 and Commodore 64 were superior to the Sinclair stuff :) :lol: :thumbleft: :D :lol:


---------- Post added at 6:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 6:03 PM ----------


Sorry for the terrible spelling above... Phone predictive text and editing disaster.

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Thats ace! I was only Born in 82, but I remember most of these, and they bought back some very fond memories! I have images of playing Subbuteo with my brother and dad in the living room at the house I grew up in, the Commodore 64 playing games at my Grandparents house, and watching Challenge Anneka, Timmy Mallet, and the Young ones or Only Fools and Horses. Very humbling and as said, a good reminder of much simpler and fun times growing up. :afro:

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Nice one! :)


---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------


  Wullie said:
And you can't forget the Amiga.


Deff not - sadly I think Commodores role in computing have been harshly understated whenever one watch documentaries etc dealing with these things.......


For anyone interested in Commodore and/or Amiga:




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  Wullie said:
And you can't forget the Amiga.


Possibly one of the greatest gaming machines ever made. A1200 was a monster.


Fantastic video! I was born in the 80s but can remember the majority of that. Ta for posting.

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