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Seanl82's ringer Storm

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Shame I couldn't get there. Mind you the state I was in , in the morning ! . Me neck and shoulders gave out , I was in agony . Got an appointment , two hour massage ! Very sore now but hopefully sorted for Xmas .

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Done a few little things over the last few days. Mostly just simple bits, but makes it look a little better I think. First off was the roof aerial. Wasn't all that keen on the shark fin that was on when I bought the car, and to tie in with the OE with a few choice enhancements I'm going for, I put an original back on. Radio reception is much better now too!


















Next up as the rear Corrado badge. Original was a bit tired, so swapped it out for one that's a bit better.










Side by side.















Just need a new VR6 badge now!

Next up was a few little bit for the bay.




















So as previously mentioned, I bought a pair of wings and a bonnet in classic green from Monkey last week, and had to swap the bonnet straight out. I had a few hours spare today whilst the missus took the kids in town for some boxing day bargains, so set about getting the wings swapped over. I did a wing swap a while ago, but I'd forgotten how much of a ballache it was! After fighting with the cavity wax I finally got the drivers side off, to be confronted with this.









Not good! It's certainly unexpected as everything else on the body and underside is really really solid.

Needless to say it's gonna have to come off pretty soon to cut it out and weld in New. I'll speak to a mate at work who's handy with a mig and get him to sort me out I think.


Other side has a bit of surface rust, so I'll get it treated and stone chip it I think. I need to align them better anyway, and it was showing signs of rain and getting on a bit so I'll take it in work to sort out in a few days. It's much tidied now though, no lacquer peel and much less rust. There is a slight bit of rust on both, bit it's right near the bottom so easily sorted and sprayed by hand without it being noticeable. Front end really needs a good mop now though which I'll do at the same time.


Other bits to do when my LEDs and resistors arrive is the rear light. Getting there!

Edited by seanl82

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Good progress Sean 1 thing do it right mate regarding the inner wing's I know you will if you need anything let me know bud they are your's gratis.



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Thanks James, I may well take you up on that if you can cut a section out before you scrap the shell. Better to have a proper section as its obviously the crumple zone, so better to get the correct piece than weld in some metal that's not designed for it.


I should have thought Rog, thanks for the offer. It was a pain in the arse as the in-laws is on a slight hill and didn't trust my standard widow maker car Jack, so had to use the kerb to get underneath!

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I'd say so buddy! Cheers James, let me know how much I owe you and I'll get it over. Thanks mate, legend! :thumbleft:

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where abouts did you find a new corrado badge in brushed metal effect, cheers


It's not a new one bud, just much better than my original. You can see a little wear on the 'O' at the top edge. Got it from CazzaVR. :o

Edited by seanl82

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Quick update though no pics sorry! Managed to spend the day on the Corrado today after the bloody Saab decided to throw another wobbly! Spent the last two days swapping out the alternator and thermostat on that piece of crap! Pain in the arris trying to get a quick 10 minutes here and there between downpours and looking after kids. Missus had to use the Corrado for work, which I was really reluctant about. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing though, she came in after the first day and said she loves it! It's the first time anyone but me has driven it in my ownership, but she got two waves and a race proposal off the lights. She says she now "gets it". Anyway, alternator was ordered for next day delivery so she had it a second day. Cue more grins! Saab now fixed and she was off work today so I went in work for some dry workspace. Managed to get the wings off, cavity wax stripped off, primered and stonechipped any bear areas and put back on. Still not perfect, so I'm gonna have to do it again ffs! Drivers side needs to come off anyway to repair the skin which Clumpy has cut out of his breaker for me. I think where they were pulled off the original car, they were bent out of shape slightly. Just need to persuade them back again. Gave the front end a machine polish which has made it better although not great, and not up to the rest of the car. They've all seen paint obviously as there are sanding marks under the basecoat and areas of orange peel. I'll have to re-visit them too with a wet sand and a bit more time and effort. I also got the tank straps off, ground back, primered and stonechipped too. Another job ticked off the never really ending list!

Edited by seanl82

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I think everyone who owns a Corrado has a list of varying length, most being as long as a Neanderthals arm!


A bit of Sun shone through the clouds for a few minutes today, so I went out to have a look at the front end to see what it was like. It made me smile! :cool:

Just 're-read my entire thread to see how its come since the beginning. Have to say, I'm really chuffed with how it's come along this last 9 months or so since I got it. :smug:

Really gives me the enthusiasm for cracking on and getting it to a high standard.


I'm gonna 're-paint the spare set of rear lights this w.end and stick em on. Looking forward to seeing how it goes together. I'll go for a little pootle and get some more pics too if weather is ok. :thumbleft:

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Oh mate, unlucky with that corrosion. I wonder what caused that as normally it is dry up at that top under the wings. Maybe someone ran the car without an arch liner for a while?

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Making great progress Sean , looking forward to the pics . You let er in doors drive the rado ? your a braver man than me lol !

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Hoff, not sure tbh mate. It's a weird one, and even the sills under the wings are rock solid and never been touched.



Rob, thanks mate! The missus has only been in the job 6 weeks since returning from maternity, and she needs a car for work. Couldn't really let her call in and cancel tbh, so had to bite my fist on that one!

Edited by seanl82

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Mixed day today. A while back I mentioned that someone previous had cross threaded four of the sump bolts. The three inside closest to the GB bellhousing, and the one that pokes out a little by the PAS pump. I finally got round to removing the sump again and re-tapping them all, using some M8x15 bolts to secure it all. Sump now seals nice and tight. Unfortunately the hope that this would be the end of the leak in that area was quickly snubbed out after running it up. Looks to be the crank seal after all, which is obviously an utter bitch! I also noticed a slight leak from the oil cooler as well. Insurance is up beginning of April, so I'm gonna take it off the road for a couple of weeks, and pull the engine. I've got a couple of weeks off at easter, although we're away for a week, but I can make a real good go of the engine bay and paint up the lump and GB in a few days. I'll now start sourcing various new seals and bushes ready to fit. I tested the coil I got for £15 from the scrappy and its spot on, but what I didn't notice was the Auxiliary Water Pump I also got,has a different connector for the plug! It was only a fiver so not too bothered about that, although there's still a slight weep from the bottom of the one that's on. Got the JL components that came with the car back in with the crossover velcro'd to the back of the glove box. I also sorted a slight issue with the alignment of the wing from a couple of weeks ago, and gave the car a much needed wash and interior clean.

I'll definitely get some photos when I pull the lump, its something I've kinda wanted to do for a while to make it look nice in there! Its a bit of a ballache, but there's good reason to do it now. :rolleyes:

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Hopefully not Matt! Although it has got quite tappety and a bit Smokey of late..........


I'm not stripping it completely, although I'll inspect chains even though they were done less than 10k ago. It may need a complete rebuild in time, but it's not gonna happen in the next couple of years tbh. It may just need a top end rebuild and its the weather that's causing it to look Smokey. I may have something to rebuild over time if I pick something up next w.end anyway................:silent:

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Pull out the engine, its the way forward!!



Doubt it'll be anywhere near the standard of yours Chris, but hopefully it'll look nice and fresh all the same. :thumbleft:

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Haha, I wish I could afford it Sean! If I had a grand I would have snapped up that project in the sale section, unfortunately (in this respect) the missus has booked two holidays this year that I have to bloody pay for! so I'm skint. :(

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I know mate, I'd have bought it as well! I bought my first VR from the same guy. Good bloke, switched on and fair!


My wife did something similar last year so I have full sympathy for you!

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Looks like I've sprung a leak. Coming back from Halfrauds to get a couple of fibre glass kits to do a boot build, I noticed steam from the front whisping past the lights. Two minutes from home and oil and water temp was ok, then the low water level light started flashing. :( Can't see where its coming from at the moment, but my guess is the rad. Something else to add to the list! I'd planned on taking it off the road at the end of the month until May, but may have to go a little early now. Booooooooo! :roll:

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