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Battery Conditioner

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To all those that have there Corrado parked through the winter, are you using any battery conditioners whilst the car is parked up in the garage?



I have been looking into the CTek 5.0, but thought I would ask what everyone else is using and there experiences with them.

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I've got a CTEK zafar 90 and it's an awesome bit of kit, I use it with my caravan battery, just leave plugged in for the whole winter and it 'cycles' the battery.



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I had an Aldi (or was it Lidl?) one which I was told was a rebadged CTEK - I didn't use it as a battery conditioner but charger whenever my Corrado was put away for weeks at a time and the battery would go flat. Technically it wasn't used that many times (no more than 30?) before it packed up!


I've only ever heard good things about genuine CTEK's and would definitely buy one again if I were in the market for one. Wouldn't be so keen on buying the Aldi / Lidl one again.

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Should have used the search function as its been discussed many times before.


Seen a lot of recommendations for the Airflow and Ctek ones, so think i will just stick with Ctek 5.0.


Just for that fact that its fitted as standard to some top end cars and it looks like a better piece of kit then the Airflow one.


Thanks guys for your responses.

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Seems a bit odd to me to spend that much on a specialist charger when I just bought a brand new varta battery with 3 year warranty for 42 quid delivered.

Most batteries only last about 5 years anyway with regular use, I'd just buy a cheap trickle charger and put that on once a week.

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Understand what your saying, but I don't know how many times the car will come out of the garage during the winter.


Also remembering to put a trickle charger on every other week, seems like to much work and messing about. Rather fit a conditioner and forget about it, with knowing that everything should be fine.

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To all those that have there Corrado parked through the winter, are you using any battery conditioners whilst the car is parked up in the garage?



I have been looking into the CTek 5.0, but thought I would ask what everyone else is using and there experiences with them.


No.. I just charge mine every 6 weeks... batteries are cheap enough to buy a new one every few years if needed.... have a look at euro parts for battery prices. mines not been out of the garage for the last 10 years ! cars on the third battery in 18 years !

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I also use a CTek. Very impressed. It recharged a completely flat battery in my 2nd VR very quickly. If I am leaving the main car for more than a few days I connect it up. The battery connections stay on the car so very easy to connect up as and when. I wouldn't be without one now, so much easier than risking having to wait a couple of hours for an AA call out

Edited by Billzeebub

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I have the CTEK MXS 5.0. Brilliant, plug it in and forget about it.


X2 I did have an airflow one but it felt ll apart. Ctek seems solid and is working well so far. I saw a lot of good feedback from customers prior to purchasing. Pay around 50 quid for a 5.0

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X2 I did have an airflow one but it felt ll apart. Ctek seems solid and is working well so far. I saw a lot of good feedback from customers prior to purchasing. Pay around 50 quid for a 5.0


*fell apart

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I just use a solar panel stripe charger which just lies on top of the dash,

and trickle chargers the battery during daylight hours.

Only cost me £9.99 and never had a flat battery in the last two years since having the solar stripe,

so weather I'm at home, work or out and about the battery can always be topped up.


It's no good if you are going to store your car over winter in the garage,

not unless you've got a window or have a skylight in the roof.

But for out door storage it works great.

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Another vote for CTEK, nice product and has recovered some batteries that have seemed past it due to the recondition mode de-sulphating the plates.


I did have a Halfords fully auto one before but that was very crude by comparison and despite having a trickle function it seemed to overcharge batteries.

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Have used an Airflow for 5 years - on 24/7 from October through March. The existing battery is at least 7 years old and its never let me down once so I think the Airflow has done its job!

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I've only ever read good things about Ctek chargers, and the september issue of Car Mechanics mag gave the ctek 7.0 their best buy award. If you want to read the article, Ctek have reproduced it here


I see that Aldi have a cheap charger on offer from tomorrow (17th) - says it has 4 different charging modes, but doesn't elaborate - though I wouldn't expect too much for 13.99 but might be useful for anybody that could use more than one charger.

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I've been using an Optimate charger for about four years with perfect results.

I disagree with some previous comments too - a lead acid battery will last potentially for ever if it's treated right. Buy a 40 quid trickle charger and routinely keep the battery topped up when it's parked on the drive/in the garage and you'll never have to replace the battery again.


I use one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/p1173-OptiMate-4-Dual-Battery-charger/dp/B004LAA7QC/ref=sr_1_2?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1418727677&sr=1-2&keywords=OptiMate


It's not going to charge a flat battery very quickly (it's quite low current) but it'll keep it topped up just perfectly.

Edited by dr_mat

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