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rear suspension removal problems.

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Fitting my coilovers at present. 3 down one to go.


The rear right side is causing me a issue. The bottom bolt is loosened but not coming out, it's not snapped I don't think as I can feel the end of it spinning. Any ideas?


Or what can I do?



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It could be the bolt is seized into steel bush is rotating inside the rubber part of the bush?

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Think Dox may be right, can't see any other reason for it.

You could try screwing the bolt from the other shock in to the nut from the back to try and push it through. Or lump hammer and thin bar/screw driver/drift it out.

Edited by VR6 Gar

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The nut is a captive one by the way. Won't spin as its part of the axle.


If you have an eletric wrench you can try spinning the bolt while levering it outwards with a screwdriver.


Definitely helps taking the weight of it. Disconnect both rear shocks at the top and you can jiggle it while trying the bolt.

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sorted, I didnt know it was simply a nut on the inside, I thought it might be welded or part of it. I stuck a spanner on it and got it off lol.

Dont remember the job being so much of a pain. The side with the tank on was such a pain to get out and then back in! arrrgggghh.. done now that got. well low now haha

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