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VR6 Gar

When did google maps update? Just found my C on there.

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Just noticed that google maps has changed. Looks like The Sims now when 45degree is turned on.


Found my Corrado on the drive in maps.







And my old S4 on street view.





Anyone else find their cars.

Edited by VR6 Gar

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There was some law changed this year that allowed them to show more detail. Used to be that you could make out a 50cm object and now is 30cm.


Going to check mine as didn't realise they had updated it already.

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well noticed


i checked mine & found the overhead images & the streetview images are different.


overhead shows my old mk4 golf but if i go streetview to the gates at the front of the complex i can then zoom in & see my VR sitting in its spot :D


the streetview cant be within the last couple of months though as they dont show my valver parked outside the gates - i wonder if google publish when they update

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  bristolbaron said:
My brothers mk2 parked up on the main road.. turn the corner and it's there again! :lol:


might be worth you editing those images baron, if need be, as you can see the street address ;)

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Guest sam1990rhodes

Google maps for my road hasnt been updated, if you type my address in it still comes up as a run down industrial estate with a for sale sign on it!

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  g0ldf1ng3r said:
might be worth you editing those images baron, if need be, as you can see the street address ;)


Its my brothers address, who cares! :lol: :cheers: :bonk:

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