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polished stainless parts

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polished stainless parts


We've started doing some laser cut polished stainless brackets for the vr which I hope will be of interest.

The rad brackets - not sure if this will be acceptable to the mods as I know dave16v also does these. Ours are polished though, so perhaps the mods can advise if this is acceptable? Dave your view as well please? Don't want to spoil anything!


We've got a version of the battery bracket but it has been difficult to get the corrugated profile without making it too expensive.


12.50 posted


List Date: 7/15/2014

Edited by fla

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Yeah, I quite like the look of the battery clamp ........... I'll have one of those please. PM me your payment details.

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Payment details alvia_ali AT yahoo DOT co DOT UK for PayPal. Gift if that's OK.

Don't make any payments yet though were just doing a run so when they're done I'll post up and let you know.


Various other brackets to come shortly and although we're focussing on the vr (I take parts off my car as necessary), all other cars please let me know what you would like and we'll sort something out for you.

Soon we'll end up with stainless and carbon fibre corrados!

Edited by fla

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A set of HT lead holders for those of us who hate the engine plastics would be nice... ;)

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I won't lie to you, of course it's going to impact my offerings so no I don't feel entirely comfortable with it. Nothing I can do about it though.


What also concerns me is that before long my engine bay will no longer be a little unique which was the original reason behind me making Stainless parts. I refuse to make a run of most of the Stainless parts under my bonnet for that very reason.


At the end of the day I can't stop you or anyone doing what they want. This will most likely change the direction I go with my engine bay.

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  daves16v said:


I won't lie to you, of course it's going to impact my offerings so no I don't feel entirely comfortable with it. Nothing I can do about it though.


What also concerns me is that before long my engine bay will no longer be a little unique which was the original reason behind me making Stainless parts. I refuse to make a run of most of the Stainless parts under my bonnet for that very reason.


At the end of the day I can't stop you or anyone doing what they want. This will most likely change the direction I go with my engine bay.

Good for you Dave I'm sure you will come up with unique part's for your car that will look awesome just a shame that there are some who will readily tread on other's toe's with "Rehashed" idea's to make a few quid. I'm a Dave's16v guy me as I believe in staying with one's I know and have bought thing's from in the past. Please don't stop what you do mate as I as I'm sure there is plenty interest regarding your bit's as they are Quality.

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bit of a stupid comment Clumpy - doesn't really add any value.

Just to clarify, I've never met Dave but i respect what he does for the forum and in particular the assistance he has given me on various topics most recently OBD2. So I have no reason to undermine what he has done and what he supplies and have discussed the same with him via PM.


No one has offered the battery clamp and the other parts which I am getting done. The rad brackets are polished which is an alternative to what Dave has presented, not a competitor product. However, in order to maintain the good relationships on the forum these wont be offered here, again as discussed with Dave.


If you don't like the products I would want to help other forum members with you don't need to buy them.

Also if you decide at some stage you want to help the forum, I wont be trying to shoot your efforts down with disparaging remarks.

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Let's just be clear here, the radiator brackets which Dave supplies are polished to a mirror finish, I have a set in my own car and it would be impossible to improve on them. I certainly feel that if you offer parts which he does not supply there should be no clash of interests. Just to duplicate his parts is totally a different matter.

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Thanks Leon I was about to go home from work and take pics of said part and post up. Sorry if you take offence from my "stupidity" I just say it how I see it it's what forums are supposed to be about.

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as mentioned in my previous post, the rad brackets wont be supplied - i have a matt finish and I understood that only this finish was supplied, so i stand corrected there.


However, if the general consensus on the forum is not to offer any stainless parts then obviously I wont spend any more time time getting them drawn up and made. Would be interested in the general view before proceeding further.

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The spirit of the forum is that knowledge and information should be shared and available for all.


In the same vein I would like to offer parts I have designed and made but do not have the time to do so. Because it is so time consuming I don't think either Fla and daves16v are purely in this to make a quick buck. They have designed things they need and are prepared to make more to share with folks who don't have the time or skills/equipment to do so for themselves. In addition, Fla has been really courteous to daves16v and they seem to have sorted it out themselves. Neither of them has a monopoly and they can co-exist here quite happily.


There are so many parts for the Corrado that are badly designed, obsolete and rusty and that having more suppliers for the parts we need and desire can only be a good thing.


There is a common need for the rad bracket part as all the originals are corroded, and Fla and daves16v offer different alternatives. The altruistic nature of the forum should let everyone offer parts, not just the first person to say so. If people get upset by this maybe no one will be allowed to offer parts? That would be a shame.


Don't forget some people give away parts, share their experiences and give away instructions they've put together themselves. Everyone should be allowed to contribute.

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Care needs to be taken when claiming 'ownership' on the design of these type of parts; afterall, the original rad brackets are a VW design anyway... We've seen slim line rad fan brackets being duplicated (which caused a bit of tension), rear axle alignment plates being copied and I myself talked a well respected forum member into duplicating a well known company's sump baffles. It's really not worth getting upset by these things, our cars fall apart as quickly as we can wave our wallets at them so if there's 20 guys on this forum producing stainless steel replacement parts that's probably still one too few!



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I agree with mark foster , the more thats available to our old cars is surely better

Lets not argue and get mad over parts that are available lets get mad at the parts that are not

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I agree with the last few posters. There's never going to be any doubt that Dave got here first and came to the rescue for a lot of owners with the door handle repair kit - which, it's fair to say, is virtually a legend in it's own right on this forum. And anyone who's dealt with Dave know's he's a totally decent chap who is always good to his word and makes high quality parts for forum members.


But if fla is willing to continue this work and produce other parts, that perhaps Dave has no interest in making or simply hasn't the time to do so, then I'm all for it - again, all it does is help keep our cars on the road.


I hope some sort of amicable arrangement can be made between our resident stainless merchants! I'd certainly be very happy to see more replacement parts for hard to find or obsolete parts being made.

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I certainly have nothing against anyone helping us in anyway but as usual my comment's have been misconstrued/misunderstood which for me can be rather frustrating as I know what I mean there are some who seem to get my post's for example Leon today. I may come across as brash/abrasive to some on here I can't help where I was born/bred/live. 1 thing I do know is I am alway's the same "I speak straight as I see it" the way people/reader's of a thread take it in from their understanding I have NO part in. I have my fault's but will alway's admit when I have been wrong pity other's can't ;)

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  clumpy1 said:
I certainly have nothing against anyone helping us in anyway but as usual my comment's have been misconstrued/misunderstood which for me can be rather frustrating as I know what I mean there are some who seem to get my post's for example Leon today. I may come across as brash/abrasive to some on here I can't help where I was born/bred/live. 1 thing I do know is I am alway's the same "I speak straight as I see it" the way people/reader's of a thread take it in from their understanding I have NO part in. I have my fault's but will alway's admit when I have been wrong pity other's can't ;)


I absolutely and totally agree with what your saying James, yes sometimes you really put your size 5's right in there :awesome:

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As said in my PM to Hasan, I didn't go into supplying parts thinking I was the only one and that if someone wants to copy them then so be it. If others on here want to offer parts then that's fine with me, I won't be offended.


Just for the record I have been offering both mirror polished and dull unpolished radiator brackets for some time. The unpolished versions are a cheaper alternative.




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Battery clamp received and installed using a nice new stainless socket head bolt and washer ........... a nice upgrade for beer money.





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