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servo replacement to increase braking?

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Just a thought - what's the feasibility of putting a bigger servo in to augment the assistance in braking? Will there be any restriction due to the vacuum from the inlet? The Audi has what's called a suction jet pump in line which essentially acts like a venturi speeding up the velocity of the air. Would this also work/assist?

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The audi also uses the same vacuum as the corrado does, but it seems that the speed is increased by the venturi. Just really looking to see if there would be any effect or indeed any other way to improve the pull on the servo, or to use a larger servo with the same vacuum. Does that even make sense, or am i talking gibberish?

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The vacuum pressure is total and all the venturi would do is to increase the initial fill time. The vacuum only runs at the same pressure as the engine can output. On diesels you get a vacuum pump as you don't get any vacuum on a diesel.


If you had more vacuum in the servo, it would overwhelm the spring holding the internal diaphragm shut. The only way you can increase servo assistance is to have a servo with a larger internal capacity.

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Ok good comments. So the next question is which servo could be used as an upgrade?

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If you're using the standards ABS you're stuck with the standard one due to the pedal sensor

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He's right, you'd need to upgrade to Teves 20 to loose that position sensor and from then you are free to use pretty much any 9 inch servo you want. I've got a mk4 servo fitted to mine.

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Does anyone know what purpose the pedal sensor has? Is it a simple on off switch or does it have a variable rate?

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Does anyone know what purpose the pedal sensor has? Is it a simple on off switch or does it have a variable rate?


It is of variable rate

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