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Blue Joe's G60 - FIRST DRIVE!!

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Looks like a quality job.


Did consider losing the roof gutters on the Nugget but decided against it - the colour needs to be broken up by some black

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this is going to be fecking awesome when its finished , i take it your going the whole hog and having a full repray ? like it needed it :roll:

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  Andy665 said:
Looks like a quality job.


Did consider losing the roof gutters on the Nugget but decided against it - the colour needs to be broken up by some black


Just thought on mine that a completely smooth black corrado should look awesome!!


  GIXXERUK said:
this is going to be fecking awesome when its finished , i take it your going the whole hog and having a full repray ? like it needed it :roll:


Thanks Fella!! - Yes it's a full respray (barr the engine bay - but watch this space it will be coming soon, I still have a few interesting plans for the engine bay!!)


They are be going to be using the original colour (LO41) but are going to be putting down about 6-7 coats, then spending about a week mopping it!! lol - about a day a panel to get as shiney a finish as possible. I'm hoping for a mirror finish almost!!

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Well after the long debate all that time ago about what to buy.............


It FINALLY arrived today. Sorry about the blurry pics, don't knw what happened there, probably just me shaking as it's soo damn cold!!!!

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  Jim said:
How long before it breaks down... ;)


Thanks for that Jim :lol: - But I bet it costs less to repair than your Corrado will over the years (all my maintenance, tyres etc is included!!!!!)



  ZippyVR6 said:


What does the engine note sound like?



Rather like a diesel unfortunatly!!!!

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that alfa looks like something I would love to own....


and I have no idea what to say about what you´re doing with your corrado mate....

incredible just doesnt cover it!


I seriously cant wait until I see the finished result (and I bet you cant neither)!



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OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm getting sooooo excited!!!!


Went to the bodyshop today and the car is in paint!!!!! They've put on 7 layers of paint!!! It's been in paint for 2 days but they are still waiting for it to go completly off as it's so cold at the moment it's taking a while and they can't start mopping it until it's fully hardened due to the amount of mopping they are going to be doing!!!!


But even without mopping it (and they are going to spend a whole week mopping it!) the finish is unbelievable!!! They shine is so deep, it makes it look like there is an inch of paint on it!! And the mods well, in black thye all look so subtle and suited as if it should have always been like it!!!


I can't wait to get it back now!!!!! Only about a week to wait and I'll get pics up!!!!!!!

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  Stan 24v said:
How much is 7 coats and a weekend of mopping costing you???? :shock:


Thats a WEEK of mopping not just 2 days!!!


And it's costing enough!!!!

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A WEEK of mopping ?? THere wont be 7 coats of paint still on it when they have finished that !! It will look like a delorean !!


Ha Ha


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Well they are now 5 days into the mopping!!!! :shock: And so far he has just about done the lover half of the car, however he still has the final mopping to do on it with the "finesse" coat! Yet already teh shine on the car is unbelievable!! I left with the biggest grin on my face!!!!!!


He still has teh roof to do. And also paint the bumpers, bonnet and mirrors, spolier etc but has been unable to as the high winds at the beggining of last week blew the spray booth chimneys off then the snow at the end fo the week got in and fried the control circuits. So are waiting an engineer to come out hopefully tomorrow to fix it so they can crack on with the last bits. Then he just has to mop them and reassemble the car!!!


Anyway took a few pics on my phone camera so quality not great but good enough for you to get the picture!!!! The finish on it already even when not finished is awesome!!!

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