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Help and advice I'm a dumbarse TSI problems .UPDATE.

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Long story short . As some of you may know , we had a TDI , it got stolen then recovered . Like a lot of people we didnt want it after some scumbag had been driving it , i wish to god we had kept it . We traded it in for an 08 Golf TSI. Me being a dumbarse relied on the fact it was a Golf and new ish [only 30k]and did not read up on them . It has a full service history. What i didnt know was the endless list of engine problems . Although i checked the oil i had no idea they drank it like you would not believe , apparently this is within VW tolerances .As far as I'm comcerned you should not have to check the oil on a new car until its changed when serviced , its only on 37k now . It appears i have let the oil get a little low , this would not affect any other car i know but its damaged this car . The mrs came back from work and said it didnt sound good . I lifted the bonnet and it sounded terrible , the chain guides are rattling and the bottom end has gone . We gave it to my friendly mechanic and after enquiries with an ex murry VW machanic he said its not worth repairing . The ex VW chap said we had these in for rebuilds all the time , there are endless problems with them . Im not sure if it was the low oil or the same problems as alot of other people have had that has done the damage . I know you cant solve my problem for me , maybe I'm just getting it off my chest , but i just dont know what to do with it !. My mechanic changed the filter and put in thicker oil for me and said the best thing you can do is offload it to a trader part ex for another car . I cant even do that as the engine is horrible on start up for a few seconds , no one is going to touch it , plus even if they did buy it , once they found the problem , which I'm sure would not take very long it could come back on us and we would be in trouble and back to square one . We got the car with an interest free loan from my mum , we still owe 5k on it [we pay £200.00 a month]. What would you do ?. Trying to find the dough for a 12 month warrented engine is near impossible and I'm not sure its a good idea knowing how weak these engines are . Ive even considered selling my VR to fund it .Im sick to my stomach and feeling very stupid at the moment .

Edited by robrado974

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That's really not a nice situation to be in, feel for you Rob. They are a really awful engine .

If the car owes you that much then I guess you really don't have much choice than to replace the engine,not much help I'm afraid :(

Don't sell the Vr though !

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It would be a terrible shame if it were to accidently drive into a river totally ruining the engine

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Gutted for you mate, I had no idea they were this bad! Can you not get a relatively cheap bare engine from a breaker, and call on a few friends to help you swap it over in return for a case of beer and a take away!? How soon do you need it doing, as I assume it the missus's daily? I'd happily give you a hand, but I won't be down and available for about a month if you can wait that long.

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Ah Sean that's a great offer , thank you , I'm sure Rog would be up for it too , but it needs to be done ASAP . The Mrs has a car from AnE at the moment and we can't take the mick . I'm just worried that the next engine could be as bad . At least if it's a rebuilt lump from a supplier it has a 12 month warrantee on it . I wish to god I had never bought the poxy thing . I should have read up on them first !. Thanks again bud it means a lot it really does ! . Hope to see you soon at a mini meet .

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Fair enough mate, any time you need a hand just give me a shout. Look forward to meeting up again soon. :thumbleft:

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Sorry to hear this Rob. Just wondering if its worth getting a cheap runaround for the interim while you work out what's best to do and how to minimise expense.

Is there no liability on the part of VW that you could try?

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Not good at all :( I had an Octavia VRS for about a year with the 2.0 TSI engine and whilst it was great, that thing used to drink oil too - like beyond what I would consider excessive and was told that it was perfectly normal for those engines too. Meanwhile my Fiesta ST doesn't seem to use a drop in the 12 months between services.


I think VW's heydey of being this pinnacle of quality and reliability is, sadly, long gone.


Anyway - I hope you manage to come up with some kind of plan to get yourself back on your feet as quick as possible. I hate to say it but you could try and offload it through someone like We Buy Any Car? It'd just get shunted off to auction anyway.

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Hi Hasan , yep that is one thing to consider . Sadly there would be no point speaking to VW, there are plenty of people who have tried and got nowhere . If it was still under VW warrantee yes , they have replaced a lot of these engines for people , but not for an 08 car .

Jim , no VW do not make cars like they used to . I did get a quote from we buy any car , they offered a measly £4300.00. I think it's outrageous the amount of oil these engines need . We are weighing up the options at the moment , we buy any car could still be an option , but it does state the car must be mechanically sound . As soon as you start it it's evident it's not right . I presume it's no salesman that checks the car when they turn up it will be someone with mechanical knowledge .

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Is this the 1.4 engine with the super and turbo blowers, or just the 1.4 turbo only?


Tbh I think even if you replaced the engine, you'd still be stuck with a hard to shift lemon, because no one wants them due to the well publicised problems. Take WBAC's offer and run!!!


VAG were supplied with chocolate piston rings for a while, which affected a lot of the DI engines. The 1.4 is a weird one anyway because once it's dismantled, it's scrap apparently. An entire replacement is the only fix.


If my Edition 30 is anything to go by, it's one of the more reliable / better Turbo DI engines VAG do. Mine's been brilliant, and no it doesn't scoff oil :)

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Is this the 1.4 engine with the super and turbo blowers, or just the 1.4 turbo only?


Tbh I think even if you replaced the engine, you'd still be stuck with a hard to shift lemon, because no one wants them due to the well publicised problems. Take WBAC's offer and run!!!


VAG were supplied with chocolate piston rings for a while, which affected a lot of the DI engines. The 1.4 is a weird one anyway because once it's dismantled, it's scrap apparently. An entire replacement is the only fix.


If my Edition 30 is anything to go by, it's one of the more reliable / better Turbo DI engines VAG do. Mine's been brilliant, and no it doesn't scoff oil :)


I did read on various forums that the oil consumption problem on these earlier 2.0 TFSI engines related specifically to how the engine was run in by the initial owners, though I don't remember the specifics or the explanation as to why.

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I did read on various forums that the oil consumption problem on these earlier 2.0 TFSI engines related specifically to how the engine was run in by the initial owners, though I don't remember the specifics or the explanation as to why.


Yeah I've read similar too. Audi were replacing quite a few engines in longitudinal installations (A4 and bigger), so they clearly knew there was a fault. Their official statement on it was faulty piston rings, and were instructing dealers to replace the short block if their standard oil consumption test failed.


Tbh I can't see it being down to improper run in, not the way modern engines are built (cylinder honing all smoothed off), but you never know. In some cases some people could have been ragging the t1ts off it from day 1, or just babying it too much.

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Its the Gt Kevin . My father in law has been online and found a company that will rebuild it for 2.5k . It comes with a 12 month or 12k warrantee . As said we don't know who had the car before and they could have ragged it to death .like I said before though , surly the bloke from we buy any car is going to inspect it and will hear the noise ? .

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Ah yeah, that is the twin charged one then and notoriously troublesome. Is 2.5K manageable and if spent, would you hang onto it?


Yeah WBAC usually do knock you down on the day they inspect it apparently.

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It would have to be found if we can't find a way out of it Kevin . Although it worries me that even with new parts it could start developing problems sometime later . Then your left with what's left on the loan to buy the car in the first place and the 2.5 you spent rebuilding it .

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I think you'll see a better return with a sound car even when offsetting the rebuild costs than you would selling as is mate. Get it done then get shot. Lick your wounds and count it as an lesson learnt to never be repeated!

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I think we will rebuild it Sean . But we won't be able to get rid . we borrowed 6.5 of my mum , we still owe 4.7. Plus the 2.5k for the new engine that's 7.2k . I'm not sure of the cost private sale wise now ?. But we would probably need more to get the equivalent car in a TDI version . That we just will not have .

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Well the final bill came in for the TSI . £3200.00 , I could cry I really could . The bloke rang me today and asked how many owners it had had , how long we have had it and have we had any work done . The car has one owner before us and we have had nothing done and owned it for eight months . He said the coil packs were glued together , so was the cam covers and the chain cover , there were marks to show someone had messed with the timing too . We bought the car at 30k on the clock so god knows why the chains had been messed with. Weather it was an engine failure or what I don't know . I think someone naused it up and traded it in . Weather the garage knew this I don't know . The three month warranty is up so we are screwed and very much out of pocket now .

Edited by robrado974

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It's extremely depressing to know you've been screwed. Looks as though the previous owners already knew it was on borrowed time and got shot of it, or the place you got it from did. Either way I really do feel your pain.


Hope it behaves for a while now :(

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Gutted for you mate. I guess it's just bad luck mate, no one could have envisaged this happening and like you though not to such an extent I've been stung with a car just a couple of years old. You just don't expect it.

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Thanks for the kind words both of you . I intend to pursue this . My first point of call is to try and contact the original owner . If he did the work there is nothing I can do . But if he says it was sold cheaply due to engine problems to a garage , then it must have been them that botched it and sold it to us ?. I may have a case then .

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I hope the mods don't mind , but can I keep this updated please ??. I'm on the trail of who naused the car up with disgusting workmanship . I may fail to get them to repay what I have paid out I may win !.

So , we checked the log book and the car came from reading VW. The bloke who owned it also lives in reading . I asked my uncle who also lives there if he could knock on his door and see if he wouldn't mind talking to me . My uncle has just rung me and the bloke is very happy to ring me and answer any questions . my uncle said , the bloke told him the engine was damaged before he traded it in .He could not afford VW prices to fix it , so he part Ex'd it for another golf , when he picked up his new car the TSI , was in bits in the garage . So when he rings me I will get the full story on who botched the car and go from there .

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Update . The chap has rung me . Yep , he had a engine warning light on the dash to alert him of a problem and it didn't sound to good . He took it to VW and they diognosed the dreaded chain guide problems , typical TSI . They quoted him £1200 to fix it , he said no and traded it to them and drove off in a newer Golf . Interesting that he asked the salesman what would happen to his TSI , the rep said it would be moved on , then corrected himself and said "of course we will fix it first ". My guess is a VW mechanic toted up the hours for the job , plus parts and they thought , no it's not worth it and sent it to auction. There someone knew it could be sold for good money if it was fixed , they botched it and sold it on . I'm now waiting for reading VW , to get back to me to tell me where the car went . I'm now like a dog with a bone ! . I will get to the bottom of this .

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