VEEDUBBED 0 Posted October 26, 2016 One scary fu#$in moment 5 mins ago, dam bed started to shake and curtain rail strings going like Pendulums.. I wonder if i'll still be here tomorrow mornin or buried under 100's of tons of rubble... Scary **** indeed chimps.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harrier 1 Posted October 26, 2016 That does sound scary, hope it doesn't come to anything, Italy has had more than its share recently Very tragic:( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lilfuzzer 1 Posted October 26, 2016 hope all stays ok dude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jamiehamy 0 Posted October 26, 2016 Wow! I heard that on the news on the way home, never thought for a moment. Out of interest - do you have an action plan for a serious event? Safe place/strong room or at least common place for you to meet family/friends? Keep safe (btw just sent that money before I read this!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VEEDUBBED 0 Posted October 26, 2016 Yeah, not very far from Rome either.. Another one 10 mins ago, I'm gonna sleep in a car tunite, bollocks to this.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VEEDUBBED 0 Posted October 26, 2016 Cheers guys. Thanks Jamie, I hope I'm still around to post your tower.. Building collapsed a few weeks back for no known reason down by the Tevere river, I live in a building Made in '20 with crap materials.. I'm bricking it bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fla 9 Posted October 26, 2016 Stay safe. Please do keep us posted that all is ok, if feasible of course. Hope it passes soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
16VG60 1 Posted October 26, 2016 Take care indeed. Nothing on the same scale, but I have just returned from Venice and yesterday i witnessed for the first time ever, ground tremors which were strong enough to shake the Doge's Pallace in St Marks square. It was enough to make me not want to be in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harrier 1 Posted October 27, 2016 I experienced a mild tremor when I was skiing in Italy a few years ago, it was 3 am and pretty frightening, didn't sleep for the rest of the night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VEEDUBBED 0 Posted October 30, 2016 Just got woken by a long tremor.. I could barley move, felt like being on A ship in a gale..7.5 on the Richter scale.. I'm ****ting myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jamiehamy 0 Posted October 30, 2016 In all seriousness - do you have a quake plan for the house? Where will you go (and anyone living there), how long will it take you to get there, can you get there in pitch black? I read an article a long time ago that took the view that some basic planning for events really increases your chances of being okay - don't leave it to chance - if you and everyone else can get out of the house and to a safe place within 30seconds - it could be a lifesaver. Also - the key thing is not to panic/freeze - if you've prepared for it mentally, you will get moving whilst the tremor is happening not after. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted October 30, 2016 VEEDUBBED said: Just got woken by a long tremor.. I could barley move, felt like being on A ship in a gale..7.5 on the Richter scale.. I'm ****ting myself. Broken the news here and is the top story - 6.6 magnitude in Norcia :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mic_VR 3 Posted October 30, 2016 Hope you're all ok over there, terrible news to wake up to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VEEDUBBED 0 Posted October 30, 2016 Thanks guys. No, bloody horrible.. I was still in bed with head and back ache, an hour previously i'd taken meds for the pain so i was still quite out of it.. The first thing i did was grab my 2 year old daughter and try to get out, by the time i'd actually got out of bed (stoned) grabed my daughter, unlock the front door that has 6 different locks and actually got out, i thought sod it, even if i got out and got onto the open road, then what? Hi Jamie, no such precautions here mate, you grab what you can and try and run out of the building, if it hasn't collapsed already.. Now we face another nite.. Nothing i can do about it either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lilfuzzer 1 Posted October 30, 2016 hope clears andy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites