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Window rubbers/seals

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hi all


i am starting on the road to fresh paint & looking at a window out job


as im sure many of you know this is a headache due to replacement parts being discontinued


i am hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction or offer their experience


front screen is ok as Heritage do a kit but rear window rubbers are nowhere - any ideas anyone? ive seen vintage rubbers in the US but am unsure


rear windows - ive been told that the rubber is fixed on the glass but only 1 side is available - is there a way to get them out undamaged so as can reuse? mine are not too shabby


also, does anyone have any experience of if the front & rear screens themselves can be taken out without damaging them?


any other thoughts are welcome



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I tried the front screen and broke the window, ripped the rubber, broke the plastics so you could say it wasn't a success :(


The 2 rear sides I ran a blade around the inside until I broke through the join, this had a reasonable ammount of success but still nicked the rubber in the inside face. Hopefully they wont leak now I've put them back in.


The VW way is to make a hole through the seal, run cheese wire around the outside edge then put the wire through the hole, attach some sort of screw to the inside of the window with suction pads and tighten the wires therefore drawing them in and cutting the seal.


The rear screen I cheated and took the outside rubber bit off, then masked the screen while in place



If I needed to do it again I'd get a pro in :)

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When I had my car painted I tried, unsuccessfully, to get someone to remove the rear windows. No one wanted to touch them!


In the end the car was painted with the rear windows in situ. I discussed this with the painter & asked him was it possible to paint without leaving a visible hard edge or masking line. He said he could do it. And I must say you really cannot tell the car had been painted with the windows left in. Not sure what he did but it is possible to get a very good result with the windows left in.

Edited by Mystic Blue VR

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Quite easy, just take your time.

I've done about 3 entire corrados over the Last 10/15 years only ever broke 1 side window and then only 'cos I forgot to tape the glass to the car body to stop it falling down when the Las bit of sealant is cut through..

I get the difficult to find side windows out by first heating up a long, thin flat head screwdriver then piercing the sealant, poke through the special gold coloured wire in through the hole, run it all the way around the perimeter of the glass and secure one end to the seatbelt's locating bolt the pull all the way around using a special T handle designed for this exact purpose.

The tools aren't very expensive but you'll probably snap the wire a few times, that's why I buy a roll.

The front screen is a pig to get out if the dash I'd in place, you have to be very careful not to cut the top of the dash with the wire, use loads of 1" masking tape to try and avoid damage.

The rear quater panel widow's seals are all one piece, no way of removing them so be very careful with the wire here..

Be VERY careful not to get any of the proper black windscreen bonding mastic on the body work or yourself, utter bastid to remove, even when using thinners on a cloth.

When replacing the windows don't put on too much sealant and not too new the edge of the blacked out part of the glass, it'll squeeze out when you clamp the windows with the special suckers and look awful.

Remember a few things here, once the sealant has dried it'll be a nitemare to remove from off paintwork, hands, cloths ECT.

Don't forget to get the gaps right too, especially the quaterlite/front door gaps, fuk that up and the door will still close but bothe rubber seals will rub on each other, set the gaps whilst the sealant is still curing.

One other thing, be careful not to scratch the blacked out perimeter area around the screen whilst removing the glass, it's easily done, tho applies only if your reusing previously installed glass though.

Can't think of anything else, just work calmly and don't For god's sake rush..

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thanks for all the replies people, very much appreciated


need a good chat with the window man my painter knows


on another note - damn it ive bloody procrastinated & the genuine wing mirrors have now all gone....grrrr

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All my windows came out for paint. It was all done without any breakages by a pro and all rubbers were perfect so it can be done if the fitter knows what they're doinf

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  seanl82 said:
All my windows came out for paint. It was all done without any breakages by a pro and all rubbers were perfect so it can be done if the fitter knows what they're doinf


excellent, that is very reassuring sean thank you

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I was hoping he'd break the windscreen so I could get a replacement through the insurance, but no such luck! Lol

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Just had my side ones taken out by a local window man. £35 and a little swearing but all goodto reuse. I did the rear myself so it is possible



Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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