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Everything posted by SR_Neale

  1. The other thing to consider is security. You don't want some pond life helping themselves as the shell probably won't have any security. As for doing it on the drive why not!
  2. I've always used mole grips. Work a treat.
  3. That's what I thought. Don't like this new system. You could do it early when post office did it.
  4. Hi all hope the hangovers are subsiding. Just wondered if anyone knew when the earliest I could tax my currently sorn rado without having to pay for the full month? If that makes sence?
  5. Check the dizzy cap. Mark it's location and take it off and spray with wd40 or similar spray. I used to valet cars and it happened quite a lot with me till I learnt to avoid that area.
  6. Cheers for the offer but until I have committed to a doner car or new engine I'm in no position to start buying stuff as I do like to change my plans.
  7. Nice one will bare that in mind. Cheers
  8. Cost is a major one. ie price of donner car. Also to fit a vr6 from what I can work out you have to fabricate new mounts or buy a kit from euro wise which is about $1200 (don't know what that works out in £'s) where as the mount kit for a v5 is £116 plus £150 for 100mm drive shafts. Also vr6 1.8t 2.0 16v into mk1 have been done whereas a v5 is a bit different. As for power gains over the original 1.8 8v should be enought for me.
  9. I think you might be on to something. Have been looking into the v5 and it does seem to tick all the boxes plus they seem to be cheaper than their 1.8t equivalent.
  10. I agree with you but you hear people say I change this or that to get it through mot then change it back and there is no way of stoping people doing this unfortunately.
  11. One problem I can see is if people know that the strech will fail the mot what's to stop them changing wheels for the mot then changing back after. Is there an actual guide as to what is/isn't legal or is it up to the testers own discresion?
  12. Fitted my e30 arms today. Much better and at about £100 cheaper. Typical the only day it isn't raining so had to use the washer. The amount of dirt it removed that was left behind by the old ones was shocking.
  13. Got tents 2 in fact. Small one for shows and big one for the family holiday. So either way will have to tow something as the big tent won't fit in the rado let alone a mk1 cab. The idea of the van is that the inlaws are buying one that we can borrow anytime and I could borrow the car to go with it but then I'll have all the great roads of Cornwall to drive round but in a boring diesel. The 1.8t may be an option as I've looked at vr6's as donner cars and they either look to good to pull apart or to far gone engine wise but there are plenty of turbos kicking about. Would another option be to turbo/charge the current engine 1.8 8v?
  14. Yes it will because when you use the tool correctly all the pressure is on the clip not the trim. If you tuck your fingers behind the trim and pull you can cause all sorts of damage like bending or breaking the clip brackets or even rip the card due to the pressure in the wrong place. I have been there. That is why the clips don't always line up on refit.
  15. To be fair a trim tool isn't needed. But the idea is that you get the clip in the middle of the tool which presses in the lugs and it pops out with little force which limits the chance of damage. As a fitter in a previous life I have done both methods and using trim tools are the way to go. Stocking filler for £8 wink wink mrs goldfinger.
  16. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/BERGEN-2pc-CAR-DOOR-PANEL-REMOVER-INTERIOR-TRIM-CLIP-POPPER-TOOL-KIT-/261830868523?nav=SEARCH This is what I use. Not a lot of money and the amount of uses you will find for them you'll wonder how you ever got by without them.
  17. Don't mind if they take the engine and stuff just put me in there with a tool kit and I can spend eternity fixing all the rattles.
  18. I told the wife I wanted to be buried in my G60 not a coffin. She wasn't to impressed.
  19. Corrados. Can't live with em can't live without em. Lol
  20. If you could send him an email please to let him know that would be great cheers.
  21. Have tried to pm kur2 a couple of weeks back but haven't heard back yet.
  22. Can't beat the whine of a g ladder at full chat even when you get people who don't realise that is what they should sound like and suggest you get it looked at.
  23. In my opinion the way prices are going up you might be better off paying to store it away.
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