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Everything posted by BigTartanJudge

  1. BigTartanJudge

    dial needles

    I wouldn't bother replacing the needles mate, I would just get some fluorescent / electroluminescent / luminous orange or red paint can be bought from most good model or craft supply shops or alternatively, eBay, try here (they also do every single other colour you can think of !): http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/30ml-UV-Reactive- ... dZViewItem Cheers and HTH
  2. I know of a supplier who does them in 17" and 18" sizes but with 5x120PCD (BMW fitment), therefore only suitable for fitting to 5x100PCD (VR6 etc.) with a set of adapters. However, I will try and get in touch to see if there are other fitments or if he can tell where where he gets them from, they are 8.5x18" in size and here's some pics of them, IIRC they are £499 (GBP = around $1000) without tyres and £699 (GBP = around $1400) with tyres. Cheers
  3. Hey all, Does anyone know which MK4 rear calipers people use to replace the standard G60 rear calipers ? Am starting to collect the final few parts to finish of my G60 rado, and already have the MK4 Goodridge conversion hoses suitable for use with these calipers but am loathed to pay the £80 per side some places want for the calipers and I reckon I can get them a lot cheaper from a local motor factors but need to know the correct ones to get. It is any MK4 rear caliper or is it 1.8T GTi-specific rear calipers I need to do this conversion ? or those that have done this conversion, I guess any part numbers corresponding to the calipers I need would be helpful. Cheers
  4. BUMP Want to get these this coming week, so need some help here guys, don't want to end up getting wrong-un's !
  5. Some day hopefully, aim is by end of the year, just collecting last parts and then going to put her in to get everything fitted and set-up ;-)
  6. Ok, so not restricted to just MK4 Golf rear calipers then, can anyone else help with either part numbers or confirm which MK4 Golf calipers I need to purchase for the rear caliper conversion on the rado ?
  7. Glad they caught him mate, sounds similar to what happened to me / my rado a while back, good luck getting insurance sorted, I had a bit of a mare with mine....... read about it here: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... ng#p499642
  8. Yep, get a black cloth rear bench and front seats / doorcards for about £250-£300 then sell the RECARO's on their own for £800-£1000 and sell the VR6 for about £3000. That's what I would suggest.
  9. Well have just won a kit on eBay by through making an offer which was bit less than sellers buy-it-now price and it was accepted ! Have told the seller my bulb-type is H7 (for fitting to my In-Pro angel-eyes), so hope that's correct. Went for the 6000k colour temperature, so bright-white with very slight blueish-tinge to the light output. Just gotta wait for them to be delivered and get them fitted now !
  10. Ok, going to buy a kit tomorrow for the HID's, so can someone confirm if I need an H4 or H7 buld HID set-up for use with my In-Pro angel-eye headlamps, andy665 ? Cheers
  11. Hey all, Does anyone have the correct part numbers for the MK4 rear calipers which people use to replace the standard G60 rear calipers ? Am starting to collect the final few parts to finish of my G60 rado, and already have the MK4 Goodridge conversion hoses suitable for use with these calipers but am loathed to pay the £80 per side some places want for the calipers and I reckon I can get them a lot cheaper from a local motor factors but need to know the correct ones to get. It is any MK4 rear caliper or is it 1.8T GTi-specific rear calipers I need to do this conversion ? I guess any part numbers corresponding tothe calipers I need would be helpful. Cheers
  12. You could always buy some alloy piping (much cheaper than BBM pipes) from a supplier, as people use these for custom charger / turbo / IC pipwork, to replacethe VAG pipe. I did this with mine and looks much better, won't deform under pressure and cheaper than any manufacturer.
  13. I have worked out, with the price I paid for my 1-bedroom flat 5 years ago, and the price I could sell it for, I could pay off the mortgage and have enough to buy a brand new RS4 outright...........but then I would have nowhere to live, right ? Ah well, could always live in the RS4 like a hobo, and wash in public toilets etc, LOL And here she is, only have the one pic....shame really, but was more interested in driving her, took this when parked up having a coffee at Costa outlet on road north, having a fag, engine running just listening to her and admiring !
  14. Had a pretty special experience yesterday, so thought a would write a quick note about it. Picture it, 7.50am on a rather dull dreary Monday morning. You arrive at your place of work (at a local urban branch of a large, well-known multnational car-rental company) and do the usual, set-out the cleaning equipment, check-in returned vehicles from the weekend, move them from the pay-and-display parking into the yard, pretty boring really. Then I went into the fleet office to get some keys to move cars blocking in a vehicle that was going out on rent and the fleet controller gets a call from Audi saying that an Audi needs picked up from Edinburgh city branch for a customer in Aberdeen. So, seeing as it's an Audi and better than the run-of-the-mill cars on our fleet I volunteer to go down to collect it. I was allocated a Ford Fiesta 1.6 Ghia to drive down to Edinburgh city in and I asked what I was picking up and only got told the reg and that it was an "Audi A4". Now one of the contracts our company has is to deliver courtesy Audi vehicles to Audi ARCS Roadside Assistance customers (if Audi themselves have no spare courtesy cars or drivers to do it). And the SLA (service level agreement) for Audi ARCS means that all Audi customers who have purchased new Audi vehicles must get as least an equivalent model of Audi that they own or better........ So I left Aberdeen about 9am and meandered down to Edinburgh city branch getting there about 11.15am and handed the keys to the Edinburgh city branch fleet controller, who said "Are you the guy that is getting the RS4 and your giving me a Fiesta for that ??!". I was a bit dumbstruck, and thought I had misheard at first.....but then with some more grumbling he said "it's in the garage, as would be expected for a car of that calibre". I went round to to the garage to be greeted by the awesome sight of a '07 plate Audi RS4 in Ebony black, with only 440 miles on the clock........which I was to drive back up north, refuel and take back to my branch. I got into the car and turned the key but in my excitement I had forgotten that RS4's have a push-button start. With barely-contained excitement I pressed that button and the V8 engine rumbled into life, settling down into an idle with a throaty burbbling coming from the fat rear tailpipes. I got one of the guys to shift the Boxster blocking my exit and then I settled back into the cosseting heated electric RECARO seat, dipped the heavy clutch, slowly letting it out and edged it out of the garage onto the road. I tried to relax and be cool whilst driving through town out onto the bypass to head north on the motorway before seeing what she was capable of. I cannot describe just how good this car really is and you will only be able to understand if you have ever driven one and for distance. It handles superbly, and the power delivery is just seamless, effortless and unrelenting. The sound from that NA 4.2L V8 engine is amazing, and the noise produced when the throttle is floored in 4th gear at 60MPH from 3500rpm to 7000rpm makes your spine tingle and the hairs on your arms stand on end. I had a little play with a '55 plate Ford Mustang on the motorway and absolutely destroyed it TBH. I don't think there is a lot on the road today, bar your hugely expensive supercars, that can compete with this car.......It's just a beautiful, stunning capable machine in every way, shape and form and it's also an amazingly addictive car to drive, feeling safe, solid and extemely comfortable. It just isn't comfortable driving at any speed on the motorway under 80mph (would seem to be the ideal cruising speed, although I never drove above 70 mph guvnor !) it just wants to go and go and go ! When I got back to the yard in Aberdeen after refulling (BTW ok the fuel consumption is pretty awful, i.e. I used just under half a tank - 40L to do 140 miles = average 20.7 mpg and I wasn't exactly driving slow either........but who cares, it wasn't my fuel), I was asked if I wanted to go for my lunchbreak as it was 2pm, but I refused and said I wanted to deliver the car there and then. It wasn't due to be delivered till 4pm but no matter. Now I ALWAYS make a point of making sure that I get my lunchbreak, but strangely enough, on this occasion I didn't care that I didn't get it...........I delivered the car to the owner of a subsea engineering company (whose RS4 was in for a major service, he was one of the first in Aberdeen to take delivery of an RS4 back when they were first launched) located about 15 miles from our branch. All in all, for me it was the most amazing experience and I have now decided that I HAVE to own one of these cars at some point in the future. We had another RS4 last year for use to Audi customers but it was sent for sale back to Audi last November and I never got to drive it. I also know one guy who owns an RS4, but who rarely drives it (he has his own driver to pick him up from pubs+clubs when he is in town at weekends) as he drives his TechArt 997 911 Turbo normally during the day. Now I have had that chance and experience, my conclusion is that it was without a doubt the BEST car I have EVER driven, and I was sad that my time with the RS4 had to come to an end. I had the most amazing experience and I have now decided that I HAVE to own one of these cars at some point in the future. Sometimes my job is really crap at times, but it's days like this that make it all worthwhile. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case......... Cheers EDIT: Oh yeah, and did find the Sport button on the steering wheel (actually was pressed permanently.....), which made it sound even more raucous and the seat bolsters move inwards and grip you more tightly, awesome ! And Jim, the RS4's are actually apparently supplied "run-in" from the factory niw, so wouldn't have been a problem there !
  15. Crapola, yeah they have separate bulbs in the In-pro's...so that would mean would have to get TWO HID kits then I guess, to run HID dipped and HID main beam.....can anyone confirm ?
  16. Sorry, did actually mean H4 bulbs, got mixed up there. So you reckon a 6000k H4 Bi-Xenon HID kit would be the one to go for then mystic rado ? Anyone else have any opinions ? Cheers
  17. Am currently deciding whether to get a 6000k or 8000k Xenon HID set-up for use with my In-Pro Angel Eye projectors. Most OEM HID's are 6000k but I do quite like a bit of the blue colour but not too much, and am not sure if you can see enough blue with the 6000k bulbs or too-much with the 8000k set-up. Can people who have either 6000 or 8000k HID set-ups tell me how they compare in looks or even if they have any pics ? Am totally not interested at all in the ultra-blue / purple kits / HID bulbs I have seen on a lot of chavved up motors as they just look silly and seem to attract a lot of unwanted attention from the boys in blue. However, I think a small amount of blue tint to the light output does look quite nice and softens I think the ultra-white, harsh HID light you get out of the 4000k "daylight"kits. Andy665, Storm 2, corradog60stage4 , and any other forum users who have fitted these kits, what K rating are the HID kits you are running ? Also I can't decide whether or not to go for the bi-xenon HID set-up or just the normal H7 dipped-beam set-up, as there is only aroound £20-£25 difference in the kits price. Plus the fact that if I got just the standard H7 dipped-beam kit I think the full-beam normal halogen bulbs would become almost defunct, as it wouldn't compare to the new dipped bulbs output at all ? For those that have purchased bi-xenon HID kits and installed etc, are they just as easy to set-up and install into the headlight housing ? Is there any differences in wiring etc. ? Any help is much appreciated.
  18. In response to comments by Andy665, dr_mat and W3RKD, there is absolutely no way that same / blue_joe wouldn't have noticed the buckles / damage on his wheels when he still has them, have you seen the photos I posted of the damage ? It's not exactly subtle damage........ As I stated before , the wheels could not have been damaged in transit, as they were adequately protected / packaged and were transported on their own with nothing packed on top or around them. I can't claim back any monies from the courier company as private courier consigments are only covered by standard RHA (Road Hauliers Association) insurance - up to £150, and plus it is more than 30 days since the consignment (finally) arrived. This wasn't even a necessary considered option, as Sam spoke to me on holiday and assured me he would pay for the wheels to be collected / repaired and then re-delivered, in fact I still have the texts he sent to me stating this. I don't remember reading anywhere on dubforce that they had a "no naming and shaming policy". I just think it's a shame that a felow dubber has basically ripped me off and has got away with it and I can't let other dubbers know by posting up about the situation on one of the biggest dub forums in the UK. It has also transpired that a pair of the adapters sam sold me are useless, as the threads are stripped........so I am even further out of pocket. I have tried to call / text / PM Sam / blue_joe constantly over the last 3 weeks since I returned from holiday,but have been blatantly ignored, so he has obviously just washed his hands of the whole thing, which quite frankly, I find disappointing and infuriating (in polite terms).
  19. Well Darren, I expected Sam to have some sort of conscience and do the decent thing and pay me what he has promised to srt the wheels I bought in good faith from a supposedly respected forum member.........and the reason I am posting this in other forums is to try and hopefully make him feel guilty enough to reimburse me for the repair cost. I think it''s important that other forum members (not just from here) know about my experience, and to warn others who might be considering buying, for example, his engine etc. It's a shame that one cannot express their experience or opinions in a public forum without thier post being deleted........I am more than entitled to post about what has happened here, although it seems that other "powers that be" are not of the same opinion, which is very disappointing. And trust me, if I had Sam's address (only have his old one as he has conveniently just moved house),perhaps I would be paying him a visit ! I am disappointed with your comment and attitude Darren, thanks a lot for the useful and sympathetic comment :roll: LOL, great, and now my Dubforce post about this experience has been locked !
  20. Well, well, I put up an identical post about blue_joe and this wheels business over on edition38 and it got deleted after a few hours, with no explanation or apology.........
  21. I saw the photos of the wheels from the original advert and they looked fine, and there was also no mention of damage at all in the advert. I guess I would have collected them in person, but he did live 400 miles away and have used the same couriers to collect / deliver items for over two years with no problems, including buying several set of wheels from all over the UK with no problems with the items. I guess I am just unlucky that the seller blue_joe / Sam Empson has been dishonest in his description of the wheels and in failingto dishonour his agreement to repair the wheels and sort the situation out. It's a nasty situation to be in but look as though I have no comeback and will just have to absorb the costs of the repairs myself and wait till I have these done till I can use my car (as have no other transport) as it seems Sam is totally not bothered one bit now he has my money. I really did think more of him as a forum member and (now ex) rado owner, but obviously I was wrong. Seems a real shame that people like this cause a bad name in the VAG scene, by selling items that are not as described for large sums of cash then washing their hands of any responsibility or even conscience when a problem with such item is reported to them, even though they have made an agreement to reimburse the buyer. Cheers
  22. Hmmmn, it seems that blue_joe is keeping a very low profile around here there days, (as well as not answering calls or texts to his mobile), am still wondering if other forum members who bought parts off him when he broke his rado for spares had problems ?
  23. Subaru Sonic Blue Metallic rado's rule......and AFAIK I have only heard of one, and it's mine ;-)
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