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Everything posted by LicklePaulie

  1. Resprayed what colour? Could have been me (if you are mistaken :wink: ) cos I now live in Loughborough but can't be sure - I've been to bed since then.
  2. In my previous life I drove another model of car and we did exactly this. One manufacturer, 48 cars, strictly adhered to (I know, I had to wait til lunchtime before being given a late-comer's slot due to no-shows), usual strict guidelines, £150 full day. I agree with comments made earlier that certain organisers are very efficient at dissuading the more reckless elements from attending their track-days and think some of us seem a little paranoid (or, dare I say, snobbish?) about other models' drivers. A 'one model' day does make for great fun, though, simply because we tend to have more technical ideas in common - however, I would think that 100 cars of any type would be a tall order to organise (and I would be concerned about throwing round my car amongst a group of 25/30 others, whoever they were). Either way, I'm deffo interested in the core idea of this thread should it turn into reality :D
  3. Quick note of thanks to you both - seems to have done the trick (he says whilst banging head idiotically). Will let you know if the problem comes back.
  4. That's if you still HAVE a key :wink: Back to topic this is a really simple job, as mentioned several times already.
  5. Right - here I've come across a slight problem. Got my new starter motor, removed the old after eventually getting bolts undone, can't get the top bolt back in when trying to fit the new - feels like something has slipped/dropped across the retaining nut at the rear of the casing. Did I miss anything obvious here or am I just doomed to being a failure? :oops: As before, all helpful advice gratefully received.
  6. Not strictly true - the DC5 is argued to handle much better, the debate is whether the more aggressive punch from the DC2's 1.8 engine allied to the less controlled feel is more fun to drive than the more refined (but much more powerful) later 2.0 model. To add my two-pennuth (and I've said this often before) I love my VR but I truly regret having to sell my DC5. 220bhp (before playing with chips, intake, zorst, etc), six proper gears (imo the best gearbox around today), torque-biased lsd, brembos, recaros, etc, etc, all as standard - handling to die for, speed and power to beat an Evo VIII in the wet on twisty roads, eighteen months of absolute reliability, and looks that get envious looks wherever it goes... Oh I miss her :cry: Still, on the upside, even with the mods my VR cost about half as much to buy :wink:
  7. Thanks guys - I'll look into it asap (and I'm not running it til I nail the problem). Bit embarrassing running round in a Mondeo estate but I can't allow the C to die.
  8. It's a long shot I know but is there anyone around who could pop round to my address in L'boro and run a quick VAGCOM test for me? I have a major problem with starting my VR... Everything turns over, engine misses, something (unknown to my ignorant brain) continues to spin up. This continues whether ignition is left on or turned off. It stops in its own time (sometimes twenty secs, sometimes twenty mins). Nothing else is operable while this is going on. The spinning item sounds like the fan but is at the base of the engine block - I need to resolve my ignorance and find out... A) What is the offending component? B) What is causing the component to offend? Am assuming VAGCOM would be the easiest way to sort this out? All helpful suggestions appreciated.
  9. M3 CSL - hate the badge but hated trying to follow one round Cadwell even more :mad:
  10. LicklePaulie


    The later models do NOT require setting up to RHD professionally - they have a lever behind the front reflector plate which requires switching from left- to right-hand drive. Instructions included and it literally takes two minutes per side. Supercharged Junkie, GIXXER is correct - main beam does switch off when main beam is applied unless flashing (in courteous fashion of course :wink: ). What you desire can be done but the wiring mod would be in the car body rather than the headlight unit
  11. LicklePaulie


    To clarify: the In.Pros for some unknown reason come without any height adjusters - as stated earlier you must either remove them from your original headlight units and install or (my own experience) go to the stealers and buy some cos the plastic locknuts become brittle with age and won't come out in one piece :mad: . They are still available but stealers are having trouble locating them at short notice
  12. I suppose LHD might have something to do with it.
  13. LMAO - but beware... We don't know if he wears polyester slacks and a tank-top or maybe cords and a sports jacket (with faux-leather elbow patches) :?
  14. I beg to differ on this point - as Jim has already said, I run a GruppeM ramcharger and it gave me 9bhp at Stealth. I fitted it because I have previous experience of the gains available and you can most definitely feel the difference with higher power and more mid-range torque - the sound with foot planted is the coolest though and a major reason for my high fuel bills :)
  15. Well done that man for reminding us - many of us are aware of Vince's reputation for getting things right in the first place but excellence comes in the detail... and wanting to look after the customer rather than simply relieve him of his money is something I think Stealth are very adept at. I agree with the previous posts too - it's great to hear positive feedback to what would in many other cases have been a very negative situation.
  16. Sam, same thing for me... I know what you mean. The adjusters everybody is talking about are not the electrical variety but the angle adjusters! The output on the angel eyes themselves appears to be VERY low and is difficult to see, even in half-light. Am looking into the very same issue myself at this very moment - will pm you if I get any joy (and would expect the same in return!)
  17. Also - yes you CAN hardwire Road Angel etc without any problems.
  18. I do believe I passed the same vehicle (lay-by, northbound, Ashby) yesterday morning (Friday). Hope it's not as serious as that might suggest...
  19. I'm not sure about this one... some DO wanna have a go but I had an interesting conversation with one of the plastic-kit brigade on my estate recently : "Your car sounds SICK and it's mental quick... but it's pig-ugly - I wouldn't have one if you paid me!" I must say I was mortified to consider that the chavs don't want to break into my car and take it away for a quick spin :wink:
  20. Most of us would tell you that much to your face Sam :wink: Seriously though, couldn't agree more with Kev - £50 for two months' unnecessary storage would be about the going rate imo. Get your girl outta there asap!
  21. I agree with Henny - either tyre pressures or grabbing rear brakes
  22. True - and in my humble opinion they work jolly well indeed... I mean speed-bumps are not the most enjoyable experiences but are still passable (unlike some others I've had) but the cornering ability is still superb. 'You get what you pay for' as they say.
  23. That's looking good there Steve - it might be nice to meet your C one of these days... not that you ain't gorgeous yaself :roll:
  24. The only problem with that idea (and I DO agree) is that the HUGEST part of a three-grand budget has gone on the box and diff - forgetting the brakes, sus, tyres, engine... and base car :shock:
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