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Everything posted by M777CUSGTI

  1. Your all going to have to use your imaginations for this little story scenario guys :lol: Ok so you wake up in the morning and you find your Corrado has gone :shock: but in its place is a nice lump some of £5k, you obviously need to buy a replacement car, What would you buy??? mine would be a Fiat coupe 20VT. oh yeh, stipulation is you cannot go out and buy another C :wink:
  2. They do not have more low down torque than a 16V mate :wink: the 16V develops more torque throughout the whole rev range than an 8V does, sorry to sound pedantic, but ive heard this arguement so many times, and it just aint true :)
  3. so true :wink: i made the change from mk2 golf to corrado, never looked back, there in a diffrent league to the golf mate :) :wink:
  4. oh man, some fuckin people love taking the pi$$ eh :x
  5. Thats pretty fucked up dude, whats going on there then??? :?:
  6. Bought this morning :D absolutly loving it, was throwing her around a few twisties on the way back up from cambridge and she was loving it, better handling than my old mk2 16V f**king brilliant :D spec 1.816V royal blue 157k miles full service history though e/m e/w sebrings, totally standerd Its class 8)
  7. alot of :shock: :shock: going on on this thread :lol: VR6 storm, very very nice quattro you had there :wink: absolute classic car, great choic by your dad if he goes for this shilak :wink:
  8. flipping mavis :shock: :shock: very nice :wink:
  9. Goin to view a C on friday, sounds great from the advert and spoken to the owner and he seems to know his stuff. one potential sticking point is the mileage @ 160k? is this too much? its got full service history and has had regular 6 month interval services. advice from you chaps would be great. Thanks in advance :wink: P.S fullish spec on car: 1.816V 90 H plate e/w e/m e/sr royal blue sebrings, totally standard. im hoping that after my long wait for a corrado that this will be the 1 for me, looking forward to viewing it :) just out of interest who out of you guys went and brought the first C they saw when buying? :?: :lol:
  10. my mate fucked a cat up about a year ago :lol: what a bloody mess it made of the road :twisted: :lol:
  11. good man :lol: i bet that skoda was V nice :)
  12. i wouldnt touch that with a shit stick :lol:
  13. sounds like a minefield, and to be fair i doubt the guy whos selling knows what he has got. its prob a 1.816V that he assumed would be a 2.0. has anybody spoken to him???
  14. sweet jesus! :shock: :shock: thats RS4 SHIFTS :lol: :shock:
  15. However I had a letter from the student loan company today asking when I'm going to start paying some of the money back, shall I reply and see if they will take an incomplete corrado 4x4 instead :?: :cry: lmao :lol: the basteds have just started stinging me for it as well :mad: student loans eh :mad: cars looking good with the porsche rims dude, :wink:
  16. Works a funny old place eh :lol: on the Quantity surveyor side of things the money is fantastic, does anyone know if you can do a disctance learning course in Q'S ing? got me thinking! :lol:
  17. Brick counting :lol: no, on a more serious note they earn a shit load of money dealing with building quantities and the like........ i think :lol: :lol: :lol: ive placed a few and still dont really know what they do :lol:
  18. :roll: quantity surveying is definately the degree i wish i had done :roll:
  19. well if you wouldnt mind relocating to the midlands, i could potetially find you something :wink:
  20. i may be able to help there, do you do structural steel or reinorced concrete? as a recruitment consultant i tend to have a look at whats going on in all sectors of work. tbh on the production side of things for the automotive sector seems to be on a bit of a down turn at the moment. however as a production manager/quality manager there is some fantastic money to be earnt :)
  21. on second thoughts id sell it for £1250 :lol:
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