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Everything posted by Mave

  1. LOL, I don't get mine! :) Ehmmm...Blue Joe? :| edit: Boooo steve!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L65TGwIy8Y :evil:
  3. Mave

    info please

    http://www.pistonheads.com/members/show ... ?carId=128 maybe that could help? :)
  4. I'm gonna love it if the owner comes on here...
  5. Absolutely bang on 8) Standard wise, an Integra would beat a Corrado. Track & Road.
  6. I absolutely LOVE that, the wheels really suit/give credit to the lines of the Corrado. 8)
  7. Nearly sold it. I think I'm going to be stuck with this car forever. :| Oh, and fixing the bloody window that decided to fall out of the holder thingy :mad: *goes to make for sale thread whilst stropping*
  8. Noooooooooooooo don't do it. I'm sure there's a part somewhere. Don't scrap it, you know you'll regret it :)
  9. Mave

    my car

    That is soooooooooo nice. Love them standard.
  10. Hmm...didn't think of that!:D Might have to do a trial and error jobby, but if anyone knows pleaaaaase speak up :)
  11. Lol but one will look odd then!!
  12. One of the centre caps on one of my sebrings is a bit groggy and I'm going to respray it, anyone know which colour it is to be exact? thanks!
  13. So a splurge really is the money shot :lol:
  14. Don't worry bout the insurance difference, I've always found it's cheaper to insure a g60 over a 16v. Then again, it's easy to mod like hell!
  15. What's the diameters? I've got 2 in mine but they're too big for the mesh thingy to fit over...
  16. That is awesome, nice work Dave.
  17. Nice to see you brung the wipes too ;) edit: Damn new page!
  18. Same old love hate Corrodo relationship eh :D
  19. Hactually, there's only like 2 or 3 people who actually say that rubbish here ;) (and it's all the time, same people, naming no names here! :roll:) Shame you sold mate, looked a nice straight corrado.
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