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Everything posted by Mave

  1. I beat an 8v pretty easy...dunno bout the 16v, never raced one. standard vs standard, golf would win most likely, not by much though
  2. Welcome over, that looks bloody lovely !:D Few calendar candidates there mate :)
  3. Thanks for the pics, that's cool stuff can you send me the large ones over to mailto:[email protected] please? :) ta. (seems pics was also taken at pendine sands too)
  4. I wanna get into this, I've started polishing mates cars for them, and they give me money :)
  5. Yeah, I'm sure the early ones came with vacuum C/L... PM gradeAfailure, he has a pic of how to do it..
  6. Hahah, doh :( I know Guy Hartleys got one with mine in it :) Be cool to see the pics tho
  7. Hmm, put the pics on here dude, it might be mine :)
  8. Watch this space? What, the arches? ;) :D
  9. That looks hella minty mate Gonna get a SS BAckbox? Would certainly look millions better than the one on there now :) Oh, I'm not sure on the front plate, maybe if you had a 90mm spoiler it'd be better? But fantastic work nonetheless :thumbleft:
  10. Oohh, she sounds lovely Can't wait to see this :)
  11. Welcome over dude :D Whatcha got?
  12. Yeah there was a thread somewhere saying someone would convert it over, I'll try to find it...
  13. Get a Supersprint one, nice oval shape too, not too loud, gives a bit more grunt :) Oh and peeps his is a vr6 edit: even kevHaywire bought one! surely that's enough :-P
  14. That sure as heck looks luuurvely, speedlines and splitter look mint too. Happy B'Day btw :D
  15. Don't really have any sideshots but this is one..
  16. Hey dude, check your oil, it usually does that... edit *shakes fist at Jim
  17. That looks bloomin awesome Kepp it up dude! :D
  18. You don't have the best of luck Sam do you? :( I wanna see your finished rado, but probably not as much as you!
  19. Mave

    Glass sunroofs

    http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/download.php?id=28866 Download that for a how to on the removal of the sunroof. I gotta attempt to that tomorrow as my trim has got snagged and it's impossible to sort it when it's up there, wish me luck :lol:
  20. Hahah, they're gone now :lol: :) Actually, the washer jets aren't, but they're disconnected..
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