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Everything posted by Mave

  1. Mave

    my corrado 16v

    See where this is going :)
  2. The corrado was feeling wooden again..
  3. Not too sure of them really to be honest, where's them all reds then? :D
  4. Well, they're half right :-P Dopey blokes!
  5. Very good price I reckon :thumb right:
  6. Bloomin eck :shock: that's a great buy! (mind telling us how much? and what year? and what mileage? :-P)
  7. Weclome back, that looks a bloody beaut
  8. I spose I could add a joke like the others :roll: but i wont be silly try checking your shoe laces sowwy!
  9. Mave

    my corrado 16v

    omg it's the same car, good eyes :(
  10. where's tornado red? :mad: cool stuff though edit: to save pic, hit "print screen" on the keyboard, then goto MSPaint, then hit paste :)
  11. Oh dinky dinketr, you lucky man!! Shown him the pink eh? ;)
  12. It's a shame you can't see who's voted! Probably some people voted multiple times, and some lying :)
  13. Bit like that wife of a Radio presenter put her husbands Espirit Turbo on eBay with a Buy It Now price of £100 or something after she found out he was cheating on her! Mad world :)
  14. Dammnit, you're teasing us lot now...what is it?!?!
  15. Damn, I hope it's going to a lovely home that'll treat it well. Congrats on an awesome build Jay.
  16. Mave

    my corrado 16v

    Wow a lot of work, I like. Except the colour :-P
  17. Maybe it's a laquer problem?
  18. Awwwwesome!!!! Someone get it! Thanks for that Tempest, :hail:
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