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Everything posted by -Neil-

  1. i look emo! i have cuts and scraps all over my hands! and now my alarm doesnt work, ive dislodged something with the dash out, so altho my heaters now work and my heated seats are now wired up, i cant go anywhere in it!
  2. anyone got a pic of this infomous screw?
  3. ive heard people bending screw drivers trying to get it, luckily i dont know where it is or need to get it out.
  4. well i started it, and ran it for a bit, i got some very dodgy sounds from the engine, kinda farting rummbling sounds (air through water pump?) but soon there was hot air blowing through the matrix.
  5. anyone any good with alarms and wants to earn £20? come sort mine out for me, ive pulled a wire out somewhere, but cant find it!
  6. yeah no problem, i must adm,it i owe alot of thanks to 'Tonedef' who gave me loads of useful info and a wiring diagram. i've got a few pics so ill put the in this post, as you look at this pic, D11 is in bottom left of the green plug and D12 is in the bottom right. Blue/grey. There will probably be spare blue grey sockets on the top of the fuse box or behind the fuse box. It doesn't have to run all the way there if you don't want, any blue/grey will do as they are all switch illumination. Black. This is the only tricky one as it's the power supply to the switch and should come though the same fuse as the power supply to the seat heaters. If you look along the bottom of the wiring diagram there are numbers 1 to 14, these are the columns on the drawing, at column 7 you should see the 0.5 BK (Black) which goes from the switch to a thin line above it. The thin line joins it to a 1.0 BK at column 4 and a 1.5 BK at column 1. The number is the wire thickness, you'll see all the wires from the switch are 0.5 which are small control wires, the one at column 1 is the main power to heated seats and is 1.5mm as more power is required. The thin line joining these three black wires just shows that they are connected together, it's not a wire! So, what you need to do is connect the thin black from the switch into the larger black which goes to the fuse box. To identify where the larger black finally connects, you probably have to remove the fuse box, all sockets on the back of the fuse box are identified by moulded letters. Find socket D and then terminal 9 on that socket, hopefully there is a black/white wire coming from this terminal to another terminal block that you can connect in to. This terminal block (TV5) will be either on top of the fuse box or behind it, follow the wire (if there is one) from D/9 to TV5 and this is where you connect the thick black wire. If there is no Black/White wire coming from D/9 you will have to connect one in, if this is the case you really need wiring terminals of the correct type, I have loads at home but of course I'm in Saudi. Hopefully not anyway! i just put the grey'blue into spare black box on top of fuse box and directly soldered the black from the loom to the black/white from D9, its all fine now.
  7. what will happen if i just start the car with no water in the martix? will it push the air around and then end up in the water bottle?
  8. wired up the seats no problem, soldered them as you said, their working fine. but now my alarm doesn't work, it has no power going to it at all! not a happy bunny! in 2011 if you want any help with your car, let know, ill be glad to help 8)
  9. yes that black white comes from the D9 slot, but it's not plugged in anywhere. i dont think i have any spare TV (black boxes) on top of my fuse box, could u use a female conector and plug it directly to it? ill try it 2morow whilst i try and put my car back together and see how i get on. cheers for your help. PS, started your work yet with that kit u got?
  10. nice one tony, cheers for your help, still bit confused tho, let me see if i've got it right.. i can put my grey/blue wire from my loom into the black box next to the other grey/blue one? still not sure where i put the black wire from my loom tho as the black/white isn't plugged into anything?
  11. ive done mine today, the biggest problem araprt from my hands being cut up too fook is that i cant get the direction dial to move freely, its really sticky, i replaced my controls while back coz of this problem, can it be the cables? I got my matrix from gsf, £47 in total. another question tho, when i start my car back up, do i need to flush the system, as at the mo it'll have an air bubble where there is no water in the martix, or do i just start the car and then fill the water bottle up?
  12. what i want to know is that if i put a connector on the end of my grey/blue iluminace wire from my loom and plug it next to the other blue/grey, in this pic at bottom of post, on the left will that work? and if i put that black/white wire from D9 into one of the spare slots in the black box just underneith the green connector(on top of fuse box) and then put my black wire from my loom into the other spare slot, will that work? and how to them little black boxes work on top of the fuse box?
  13. I know i have another post on this somewhere but i cant find it and i need a quick responce please. Ive got my dash out to do my matrix so thought it'd be great time to do my heated seat loom into my fuse box now. I have found the D setion on my fuse box and found wires coming from it, just need to know what i need to do next... as you look at this pic, D11 is in bottom left of the green plug and D12 is in the bottom right. I've been told 'the thin black from the switch into the larger black which goes to the fuse box. Find socket D and then terminal 9 on that socket, hopefully there is a black/white wire coming from this terminal to another terminal block that you can connect in to.' the black/white from D9 is not connected to anything, its the one u can see me holding my my hand. Cheers for your help!
  14. i know how to do it, read the corrado canada club guide and also another one bout doing it without removing the dash. Im stuck tho, i cant undo this bolt.... it's just above the exhaust downpipe, the whole nut and thread turns, ive tried WD40, and holding the thread with grips, but it just keeps turning, what can i do? I've got the fan part out, after trying to remove the relays above it, had to break them off :( I just cant get the actual matrix bit out, please help!
  15. good work! whats the price tag so far 8)
  16. I recently did a 2 hour trip to seaside, first long trip in my car, and on the motorway steady 70-90mph my water temp stayed around the 70 mark, went upto 90 when driving through villeges and stopping and starting. Is this normal and my radiator works fine or should it be higher? only reason i ask is that my heater matrix has gone just after this journey.
  17. so ppl are spending £100+ for wipers and blades that can be got from the TTshop for £83, surely thats madness?
  18. My ABS light has come on and the red LED light for the hand brake flashes when i accelerate when ive just started the car. I dont have VAGCOM but going to get it checked out thursday. What does the red flashing LED mean?
  19. are these EXACTLTY the same ones as the ones from the dealer?
  20. please dont photoshop it, i want to keep my dinner down :gag:
  21. I think this every single time i look at it. I work at morrisons and drive and park up, I dont mind parking it in public car park as its full of dints and bit of rust anyways, so cant get any worse, it's an everyday car. When i park and go into work i turn around, check the tyres both sides and look at it as i'm walking into work thinking, God I love the way it looks, i wouldn't swap it for anything else, and then when i walk back to my i love it coz i can look at it for a good minute from a long distance right through to getting into it. I only maybe see 1 corrado a month near me, i dont travel too much to be honest. I just love it so much, just wish i could afford a respray :(
  22. ive got to do this on mine, got one but just not sure how much hassle it'll be to fit :?
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