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VEEDUBBED last won the day on December 2 2017

VEEDUBBED had the most liked content!

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  1. Not many of the old cru left dox.. Bloody facebuuk, Instagram..
  2. Rite then, Been ages since i posted or ranted.. I envy the uk after pulling out of the UE and not having to deal with all their bull$hit laws. Latest stroke of genius? They pass a new law here in Italy regarding car insurance, as from the 28th of december one can no longer keep a car without insurance, no matter if it's been hybernating for 14 years in a private garage, garden, off the public road.. Now I have to renew the policy regardless. Has anyone ever heard of such madness? Your comments pleeze. How do these UE borocrats get away with this kind of lunacy???
  3. Hi everyone left on here.. Happy new year to all!

    ABF cams

    Dam, I've been looking for a set for years..! If Ger doesn't take them, I will!
  5. Got a few mate. I'check the part number and get back to you. Send me your email and I'll snap a couple of photos. Cheers-Andrew

    vr6 starter motor

    Didn't recieve it mate. Try andrew.albanese@libero.it as it's my email. Much easier to send you photos too. Cheers.

    vr6 starter motor

    Got a starter off a '92 corrado that's only got 19.000km's.. Crashed car in late '92 so was only not even a year old. Let me know if your interested mate. Cheers.

    VR6 springs

    All right mate, I've got a pair off a crashed '92 corrado that have been sitting since the end of '92.. Car had only done 19.000km's.. I'll check the paint marks and get back to you. cheers.

    Mocal hoses

    Try spraying a bit of silicone spray to ease It all the way in or a pot of boiling water usually softwns the hose end enuff to reinsert. Definatly use a hose clip, my fittings that i used ayons ago to build various oil cooler set ups would Always leak After removing the end, even the barbed end types..
  10. Rite then, Been awhile now since i came across two rear quater lite windows i found recently, they look ok, the glued in place seals look fine. Anyone Need a set? Let me know, either send me your WhatsApp or email and i'll get a few photos sorted. Cheers.
  11. When i built my 2.0 9A 16v engine it would only work using a st.5 SNS eprom, all the rest were rubbish in comparison. Night and day difference between SLS and other off the shelf chips. Also remember that the sns chip programming eliminates the infamous 'Digilag' that's present on every original and aftermarket eprom. Probably not related to your problem but i'd check the fuel pump voltage under load too, the g60 Digifant harnesses are getting quite old now..
  12. Hi Aston, Have a look on NKAutomotive, they have the distancing shim ( 861955245) you need mate. The other part is just an oil/grease seal. Let me have a look down in the garage and see if i have a few spare, used to have loads of old g60 bits.. If i do have any tensioner arms left i'll send you over the ness. bits mate.
  13. Maxrpm.de does the original Bosch g60 plugs too, 30 Euro each though PLUS postage..
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