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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. where do the bag type ones come from? mine has a big hole in it, like something has melted it
  2. does anyone use a battery cover? my car came with the battery in some little foam type bag thing which is really tatty now so i took it off. i seen you can get stainless steel covers, but wouldn't this short out the battery? or i have seen carbon ones, but they all seem a little crap/tacky looking to me. does anyone have any ideas or shall i just not bother with one?
  3. more niceness arrived today got a bit i didn't need, didn't know the y-piece was golf only, i did say on phone it was for a corrado but they didn't mention that i don't need it, (my fault really should of read things properly) took 2.5 weeks to arrive from date of order, just for reference.
  4. cheers, i like to keep a record of everything, i should compile all the pics and part numbers i have into one thread but never get round to it
  5. It's a slippery slope tbh Kev, it's starts on your own car, but it's not long before you'll move onto cleaning other peoples cars for the love of it, whilst taking thousands of pics of each process and listing each individual product you've used at each stage for the benefit of internet peoplez - then it moves onto your clothes, and house, You'll find yourself spending hours and hours making sure your windows are spotless and your shoes are shiney enough to see your face in. Its at this point that you'll quit your job and start your own 'detailing' company using your newly aquired expertise learnt on internet forums. Within a year, you'll be having grief from your other half because you've taken to spending 3 hours in the shower each morning detailing your penis. :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap:
  6. after paying £55 for one hose from VW, i thought £200ish was a bargin for all of them, should last longer too (in theory)
  7. just got back from collecting cable. i ordered part no: 536823531 - CABLE here is what you get £23.79 + vat it doesn't have the bit i need, the ekta was very confusing, seemed to have the bits for a LHD corrado and the bits were in the wrong place, but ordered 535823555 Nipple - £4.27 + vat N0102631 Screw - £0.08 + vat which i hope is the bit for the other end of cable, where you adjust it, was shown in the wrong place but looked like the right part
  8. i know, i had to do a hose before and had so much trouble with the original clips, have checked with a few places now and they all seem to think jubliees are fine as long as you get the right ones
  9. got my samcos today, many thanks to Dukest off here :wave: and been on phone to a few companies about clips and settled for JCS Hi grip jubliee clips, they make a fully stainless steel clip http://www.jcshi-torque.co.uk/higrip.htm and here is a list of sizes i worked out you need: 13mm (2x required) 15mm (1x required) 23mm (1x required) 27mm (8x required) 30mm (2x required) 39mm (2x required) 46mm (2x required)
  10. i have a pic of it, not taken it off yet, but my car is in pieces at the mo its the black tube you can see here
  11. what else needs to come off then to do the crackpipe. does the thermostat need to come off again? :eek:
  12. i had exactly the same and was the thermostat housing, suddenly got a whole lot worse one day, but before that was hard to find any signs of a leak
  13. are they for your gonads or car? :lol:
  14. does anyone with the Ekta parts diagrams know if the ends are included with the cable was loads of bits and numbers on the screen but i only ordered the cable, no.18 on their diagrams was over £30 so it better come with other bits :lol:
  15. about exactly the same, am always resetting the trip thingy when i fill up got less when using shell v-power
  16. ?? today is my Dolmino day 8) whens yours?
  17. its started again btw, they reset all the points
  18. i already had the fun with the little screws holding air con rad to the other rad :mad2: managed not to round or break anything so far
  19. i just got a new VW one for a VR6, is £188 including tax before any discounts
  20. after Bahrain 1 THE MONOTONES Mr Owen 119 2 RAT RACING Mr Kennedy 72 3 SHEEETSPEEEED Mr Kennedy 67 4 FORCE VR6 Mr Smart 61 5 SANDMAN68 Mr Lowdell 61 6 SONIC08 Miss Elliman 58 7 ANDY665 Mr Williams * 58 8 DAIMATT Mr Wilde 55 9 JAZZDEVIL F1 TEAM Mr Fielder 50 10 FINAL STORM Mr Beddows 46 11 BEEP BEEP VROOOOOM! Mr Wood 45 12 CRANWORTH Mr Finlay 43 13 JUNKIES Mr Watkins 40 14 JAY2-710VW Mr Furniss 36 15 THE HUB Mr McCurry 35 16 MINCYS HEROES Mr Cole 31 17 BEN16V Mr Pegler 29 18 RIGHTLINE Mr Line 28 19 CHOCOLATE SPEEDWAY RACERS Mr Tulloch 28 20 TEAM SCIROCCORRADO Mr Bromley 23 looks like me in 1st 8)
  21. i was going to take pics, but once hands are dirty i don't like touching camera etc, and takes ages if you always wiping hands. may get some as it goes back together
  22. another thing for my list then :lol: i really couldn't get the old one off, the screw was rusted solid
  23. for the cost of posting and sorting out getting it fixed, i'd try getting in touch with them and say whats happened and wondered if they can do any deal/ better price on some new ones
  24. the samco jubliees are 100% stainless, most stainless clips don't have a stainless screw thread, i was told also the samco ones have a rolled edge to them so they don't cut into the hose, the chap at baileymotorsport said they are v.nice clips, but he has used standard clips for years now and never had a problem, as long as you avoid ones with holes in i saw your link to those other clips, would you recommend them, and any idea of sizes and quantities i may need?
  25. is the gas dangerous? or does it just need regassing if you disconnect it? its really in the way
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