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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. A really good day at a lovely venue- thank you for booking the weather too - how lucky were we. Also, nice to meet some folk not met before. I have a rather nice camera that I picked up - all with photos of the day too............ Offers being taken - obvioulsy photo's are extra !!!! And - Judith's car was not clean - it this a first ?? !! ;-)
  2. I had a good result yesterday. Went to Tesco's shopping, I had a £9.00 off voucher if I spent £60. Then in store they were offerinf 5p off a litre if you purchased Nescafe of Gold Blend, Persil W/M liquid and one other item with this offer. They had mixed up their prices on their promotional literature to the prices shown on the shelves. So I queried it and received the Gold Blend at £6.00 when it should have been £8.00 So another £2.00 off the coffee Plus my original £9.00 plus 5 p off a litre of fuel which is worth about £2.50 ish I call that a Right Result !!
  3. To save you fuel !!!! Sorry.........................
  4. Full Respray - but unlikley to get one for that price.
  5. Who else is going ? - there is quite a list forming on the CCGB website, the weather is looking good- ish. I reckon it should be a good day with friends and motorsport too - what else can anyone want ? Anyone travelling from my way - Banbury - Saturday and camping over ?
  6. I absolutly loved that Nissan in last nights programme and that lap around the track wa amazing and all for 60K - fantastic.
  7. Wendy

    Bvf 2011

    You mean you paid for his ticket and all the food and drink !!!!! The numbers were down but I enjoyed the weekend - probably something to do with having fun with friends !!
  8. Do you have discs with the holes in ? If so, when your press the brake is the noise louder and then without the brake on, the same noise but less noisy. A bit of a whoosh sound like air being forced through a gap. If so, it is your brake disks. I have had this since putting on new discs with holes and it is driving me insane.
  9. Well the weather report is showing sunny at the moment. I hope you enjoy it - especially with the drive you have Graeme. One of the best sitting spots in my mind is on the right hand bank as you climb the hill - you can see the wall that they all scrap by. Half way up - many of the F1 cars plus others do some antics - burn outs etc. From this position you can see - up the hill - the screen showing the whole circuit as cars climb the hill, plus you can also see them coming into this section from the bottom left hand corner - which can often be a point of crashes and tumbles. Bet you stay in the Paddock area for ages and ages - (to the left of the house), watching the cars - especially the Super Cars as they leave the Paddock areas is another favourite of mine. Enjoy !!
  10. My thoughts - I would keep the Corrado. I have had some excellent fun in M3's and think they are a pretty sorted drivers car - hiring one every month for a weekend would be enough though or Track Days even better. Personally and without looking - I really would not fancy keeping it on the road, with the fuel and repairs costs. I also would not dare leave it anywhere but locked up in my garage. It will attract a lot of idiots - on the road and then the envy crowd. Then allow children to get in it - are you mad ??? !!!! ;-) It is lacking in character to the Corrado - and I am not that in love with mine at the moment !
  11. I think you must work for Sainsburys - 10p off a litre of fuel if you spend £60 in store Tescos are doing 5p off for a £50 spend. Just had Martins Money Saving Tips come though !!
  12. I too have huge problems with trying to spend £60 in a Supermarket. So I can take advantage of these just sometimes - I have a shopping list running for weeks and it is only the stock up of cleaning items that means I can sometimes achieve it. I heard last Sunday, Tesco's were dropping their price by 3p a litre - my lodgers went to the Supermarket and said this was not the case - they maybe misheard about this. So then Kempy - Vouchers heh - FOC - Yes please !!! ;-) I deliberatly do my grocery shopping at several places to ensure i am reguarly offered the promotions too. Besides the variety is so much better utilising 3 supermarkets. ---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ---------- I spotted this - but the loo roll was so expensive - it hardly made it worth the effort of going in store to get the discount off the fuel. I did not bother
  13. Mic - so What Car has interested you in purchasing to the extent of getting rid of Mincy ? I met a guy in Banbury yesterday who has a 16v which he is thinking of selling - after telling me this - he said - and i suppose that means you won't want to talk to me anymore ?? !!! You do know that is what everyone on here is saying ;-) Sell the car and we will snub you !!!! ;-) It will be just my luck after this abuse to find out you are buying another Corrado !!!! ;-) Good Luck with your Sale.
  14. As a final resort - you could send a letter - recorded delivery- so you have proof of posting. I would list the details of the phone calls and other communications you have made and problems they have caused, plus your out of pocket expenses including your time at your Self Employed Rate - then provide them with options - to complete the job you contracted to them in a certain time frame, or to re-imburse you with your payment plus your costs etc. I would also include a - Failure to apply to the above - will result in Court Costs- as you have no option to follow that route. I too am self employed and get really mad at people costing me money through their inability to get the job done in a professional manner. Someone commented earlier - its their hobby which has gone into business- that is absolutely No Excuse - and given the poor service and now bad name they have on this forum - probably will return to a hobby. I wish you Good Luck with getting this resolved - quickly. Are you aware you can have a 20 minute FOC time with a solicitor - who will do this on your behalf - I do not have the up to date info on this - but worth a quick call to a solicitor
  15. Although I understand and see your point - my basic feeling is - it would not effect you if you had Insured your Car - which from my understanding - was the law of this country anyway ?? I think if you do not watch TV, listen to a Radio, buy a newspaper or read the news online - then there is little chance you would be aware of much of the news - change in laws etc - Not that I think that is a bad thing though - keeps you sane and unstressed from all the general agro going on in the world.
  16. Re food - I think it is very important to feed puppies - puppy food, mature dog food is probably too rich for them - and can from my understanding damage their stomachs. Your vet or specialist books should be able to guide you more accurately. There is bound to be a Lab Club/society - even a Lab Forum !!!!!
  17. Brilliant - Your wife does sound so understanding - somehow I never found guys so understanding !!!! I am actually really missing everyone and the whole scene - it seems to be taking an age to get going this year.
  18. I looked at about 7 Corrado's before I bought one - all over the Country too - and that was 9 years ago. Patience is a definite requirement - as I feel is more than 2k. As this is to be a weekend car only, I believe you should consider the running costs - if you are trying to stick to a budget. Although personally I do not believe they are expensive to run, but due to ages of these cars, wear and tear is an issue and the majority of people on here will complain quite strongly about the running costs. Also some parts are becoming obsolete and therefore difficult and pricey to obtain. Just things to consider...........
  19. Can't believe that Race lasted nearly 5 hours. Glad it was such a miserable day outside - did not make me feel so guilty about watching it for what felt like all day. I am so glad the BBc did not give up on the Race or the Fans. I was routing for Schy not to finish on the Podium, could you just imagine with Vettel and Schy on there. !! Two Germans - come on - we Brits would have never lived it down. Eddie Jordan is just a little eccentric, but I think quite a character and brings colour to what otherwise could be quite boring commentory. Hamilton is the one who annoys me most - best place for him - having to sit out of the Race as far as I am concerned. He desperatly needs to grow up - I really do not know how Button suppossedly took his actions so calmly. I would have been near to killing him. The reason for the Safety car so much was to get the F1 cars themselves to clear some of the Track of the excessive water - Yes, it would have been better without - but I also do not wish to see one of them have a nasty accident.
  20. Like it - would like it even better if I got my hands on one to have a small test drive in - !!!!
  21. Sadly in my opinion, Hamilton does seem to always be blaming someone or something else - rather a Mansell and true Brit in that sense. Although it would be great to see a Brit win, I would prefer Button anyday to have the Championship title - all due to Hamilton reguarly throwing his toys out of the pram. Shame.
  22. I have just worked out something that is happening - if everytime you open a post - you scroll back to check whether you are still logged in - sometimes you will be and sometimes you won't. So it is random whether you can manage to post a thread in full. T his is also the reason why after having logged on for the first time - sometimes when you try and open Today's Post - it tells you this is unavailable due to not being logged in, when you have only just logged in. The way round all of this for now - you don't actually need to log back in - open another thread, or Today's Post - scroll back and you will suddenly find you are still logged in. A spider in the hardware of all our machines ?? Sounds like a bug in the new Forum to me - knowing nothing about computers !!! ---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ---------- However - writing a message reply to the thread - does not mean you will not lose connection mid sentence - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is very frustrating and I think losing the Forum the volume of posts it used to have. Perhaps something to monitor................ and fix ? I know some temporary solutions have been offered - which of course assist for now, for me - however, it does mean I am unlikely to opening the Forum as often - especially at work. I am not leaving my Pc with a 'Remember Me' option for others.
  23. What a race at Monaco this weekend. Sad for Button with the Race being stopped 8 laps to the end and the restart some 30 or so minutes later. I really thought he was in with a chance before that. Sutil - though - 8th I think - good for Force India. I am really liking this season, the changes to the car and pitting arrangements have made a remarked improvement to the enjoyment as a spectator. Sooooooooooo much overtaking, and i don't care if that is related to Kers - it makes Racing Drivers race. Loving it.
  24. I keep get logged out too Dare not write more - as can get logged out mid message
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