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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. That does not make sense - as some time later - it will apppear - usually. Plus - some will not appear for ages and others will appear within minutes. When you are in effect in conversation on a thread - it is very frustrating. Plus - on the For Sale items - if your thread did not appear after you had agreed to purchase the item, but others did - who would know who actually had managed to claim the item. Oh and I located this thread on the Forum - not the new posts - aas it was not there, despite other posts coming in after mine. Its now - 9.10pm and two responses I made to threads this morning have not reappeared at all in 'new posts.' as in the threads have not re-appeared - at all. I have not looked to see if they ar ein the Forum somewhere - this was - so guess so. Difficult indeed for conversations. Would be good if this can be sorted.
  2. Guys, it is esential you gently wear in new tyres. 1/ so you have grip, they are not very sticky from new, 2/ don't flat spot them -not quite the same as in F1 ;-) - but so you get even wear from them during their life.. It is really easy to wear out new tyres quickly by driving hard on them. I always allow 200 miles of smooth driving. So no heavy foot from standstill, no booting it generally. You go steady guys, these are powerful cars, no accidents please
  3. I spotted this too yesterday, did seem to be working ok, as sure I would have clocked it before.
  4. Maybe - but you keep going back for more - like most men !!!! :-)
  5. Miltek with a Ram Air Filter. Superb !! On the quieter side for general driving, it is not going to upset anyone late at night, in villages etc. Over 3000 revs - the sound is supreme. I have had my Miltek for probably 8 years. Initially it took a little adjusting to get it to fit properly, including returning to the garage several times (AMD when they were in Bicester). It would knock against the bodywork. But now, I may have it adjusted very slightly every 2 years when I observe it is closer to one side of the bodywork. I did have a Jettex, not on my Corrado , but Scirocco Scala, I loved this too - but on that vehicle at least it was noisy/ burberly all the time. Heard a rumour a while back though - Are Miltek still in business ?
  6. I think more information is required - How many miles per day is that you are doing? If only 14 per day, 7 miles per trip the car is only just warm, if that was in heavy traffic too - that would probably be about right I would have thought Are you in heavy/light/No Traffic ? Are you letting the Oil temperature reach 80 degress before opening the car up ? I will let the Mentalmen ;-) provide the more technical side of an answer. By the way - calling the car a 'She' - is for when she is behaving and a 'He' when misbehaving !!!! Besides that would be good for a VR !!
  7. You doing the sanding work yourself ? If so, I can help - will bring brillo pad with me !!!! ;-)
  8. I know, I can't believe I actually was on here to get the first reply in. I always seem to miss them. Dead chuffed as mine have to go in for refurb this year and now I have wheels to put on mine - well when I get them of course ---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ---------- Exactly !! AS everyone knows I love the snow, but really need to Winter tyres living here. If the local farmer had not come out last Sunday, despite the snow fall only being about 3 inches, yes enough to block me in or out of the village. Also spot two nice Corrado's for Sale at the moment, Yan's G60 and Craigowls VR. See what you lot are doing to me - I am even now thinking of a second Corrado. Note to self - Must get out more !!!
  9. Thanks Kip, I am sure they will be fine anyway though.
  10. This is a personal choice thing. My view would be - No a 52" TV would not be a central point - but I think it would to most. I would not remove it all together as the room can be very non descript with nothing, but just a box. Given the funds - then yes, I would change the existing fire to a more modern one. Don't know if you have been following the Log Burner thread, but Kev showed a webpage of fires - which I think have similar things available in gas. Not cheap ! More importantly - I would live in the house as it is for 12 months, so you make the right decision rather than rush out and buy something. Besides you are almost definetely going to get various unexpected costs in the first few months.
  11. jamiehamy - my stove is in its fourth year and I have not experienced any problems what so ever. It wwas a nightmare when I had my installed - as even though only 4 years ago, building regs had to keep checking the legality/rules etc. Infact that Company you visited helped through many of the issues. Oh - the B & Q - old chap had had tow of this manufacture of stoves and could not recommend then highly enough. He also had one on a narrow boat, so - if that's not risky and a sure thing of safety and recommendation heh - what is ? ! I didn't think - the company I used - being so close to you - result !
  12. Wow - that is a nice Stove and reminds me of the radiators I found when looking for something stylish and different. The one I fell in love with - was like a piece of art and came in at £2000. Needless to say - I did not buy it. I bought this Stove - http://www.woodburningstoveslimited.com/images/189_1.gif which is nothing like as fancy and decorative as most on the site and at £299. I do have to cut logs a tad smaller than easypops does too but it works brilliantly. I also did not bother with a fireplace surround, just a single Oak shelf on the chimney breast and a black marble heath - which does have an effect of keeping it very minimimlist. You comments made me laugh. I should have been working from home today and so far have achieved nothing, well not work - guess I will be working now one day over the weekend
  13. Tart comes to mind !!!! Kev - not all stoves are pricey - seriously - check out the website attached -http://www.woodburningstoveslimited.com/ I got mine from here after being recommended by 'the old boy atthe local B & Q'. He also advised to get the smallest possible due to the heat they give out - he was right. My room size where the burner is situated is approx 12' sq ft. This company were really helpful - knew their stuff and significantly cheaper than the local shops/outlets that have set up all over the place now. They are made from Iron ore - which I am led to believe is stronger and more durable than cast iron which can crake - so I am told. Being really tight fisted, Ibought one with a flat top, so I could put a saucepan/kettle on the top to save on other heating applainces. Perhaps not a good idea if you are trying to pull the women though !!!! I actually thought you were married and No that is not some kind Come On. !! ;-)
  14. Nor here !!! I am that sad person though, that when I go for walks, I always take a carrier bag and colletct all my kindling wood. Then when I have my tree's cut back, I keep all the wood for the fire. Sadly only enough to keep me going over one winter in 3, but - it all helps.
  15. The Chimney sweep always does the smoke bomb thing after cleaning my fire too. I too burn more wood than anything else, but have been thinking more recently about getting some coal. i was aware it burnt at a cooler temperature to wood. I also don't burn paper other than when lighting the fire, it scares me to think that may have gone up my chimney and set it alight. Re the Insurance side of things, when I installed my burner, I was in contact with building regs and it was agreed that I did not need a liner in my chimney, so surely in this case I am ok ? I do have cracks in my plasterwork, how would I know if I had cracks in the brickwork ? Really appreciate your comments Toohottotrot - better safe than sorry.
  16. I have a Multi fuel burning stove, installed about 3 years ago with no liner and I spoke to the Council Planners about this. Due to the fact I was replacing a open fire with the stove, it was agreed a liner was not required, but essential I had a room vent. The chimney is swept annually by a very 'Must follow all regulations' Chimney Sweep. He would prefer I had the chimney swept more often - but this is obvioulsy usage related. He also always checks I have not covered over the vents. If burning the stove night after night and fully stocked up the chimney breast does get very hot. Surely this is logical though, the bricks would heat up in this way - Is this not the same as old Night Storage Heaters ? I do not get mortar coming down into the fire. The room directly above also gets the benefit of warming but not hot. Best thing I ever did, house is oh so cosy now !
  17. Think mine will be poor, also on 205's, but then with only about 3mm of tread too. just need my tyres to last another 6 - 8 weeks, so could really do without this weather right now. Just wish everyone else would stay off the road, every year I get more nervous some other idiot will damage/write off my car in these conditions.
  18. Just looked outside, still snowing. Looks like I'm stuck here and walking the only way out. You guys be careful out there.
  19. Not sure about Essex, about minus 3 in North Oxfordshire and white. I guess you have been skiing or boarding. You going to get back to the Airport ok ?
  20. Well, it has only been snowing here for about an hour, village is completly white already. Give it another 2 hours and reckon I will be well and truely snowed in. Good job I listened to the forecasts and shopped for a few provisions this morning. Sledging tomorrow then - yippee !!!!
  21. Thanks Andi, Would you mind telling those of us that don't know - how to do this please. Cheers WEndy
  22. Unlikely I will be either, too mad about the whole Sky viewing of F1. Can't really see the point of watching the series this year if I can only watch half of the races on the BBC. Yes, I know I can watch the Sky shown ones as Highlights on the BBC, but I actually like watching the whole race. Does anyone know what is happening with the Qualli sessions and who's showing them ?
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