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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. I too could be interested in this, date dependant. Wendy
  2. As said before - could be diesel. Also oil, or perhaps too much throttle while still turning and slight damp surface - will certainly cause the back end to go. Been there - done it !!! :lol: :lol:
  3. A Track that has no run off - in my mind is hardly poo. No second chances, even the kerbs where too high if you caught them wrong. It requires great skill and full concentration for the whole race length and being a night race they also get glare and reduced visibilty. I think it shows the men from the boys - or skilled from the less skilled. Its Button for me, as I believe he is the best driver in F1, with Webber second and Vettel third. Hamilton is showing his lack of experience and a growing arrogence in my mind. Back to work !!!!
  4. I have owned mine for 8 years, and completed over 100k miles, obvioulsy running costs vary year on year. Including Insurance and Car Tax but excluding fuel - mine costs on average £250 per month. However, mine as much as squeaks and its booked in at Stealth. Although some seem to think running a Corrado is expensive, I would rather pay for my Corrado than have the cost related to new car ownership, as then you have significant Depreciation costs to add to this as well.
  5. I really like that - certainly appeals to me. Although would not want to be dusting it. Might be one step too far for my girlfriends !!! :lol: :lol:
  6. Z3M - is a hairdressers car and looks awful. Just my opinion. Out of your price range but the Z4M is much better. 350Z I would serioulsy consider - but awful in the wet - apparently. S2000 , very good drivers car. Drove an Exige on a Track Day at the weekend - although the day overal was good, I would never consider an Exige as ownership. It rattled, banged and crashed around terribly. Of course I knew beforehand the refinements were lacking, but overal I think it was much worse than I was expecting and considering i had been looking forward to the drive in it so much - dissappointing. It also needs to be driven high up the rev's to make it work (pull) properly, 5th gear a massive dissappointment, having to drop to 4th to get some serious pull out of it - infact the gearing just seemed wrong. Tiff Neddel was there taking folk out in an M5 for a mere £125 per lap. No, I didn't part with my hard earned cash for one lap with Tiff, but was overtaken by him on Track to watch him then completly miss his turning point into the chichane. !!!
  7. Waited to see the majority of replies before commenting on this one - In your position - seems to me you can buy the Porsche now and get the house later. If you take into account the depreciation of the Porsche and budget for that, when you sell it, you will still have all the money for the house purchase when the timing is right. Don't forget to Allow properly for the running costs. AS for your Dad having an eppy at the car purchase - you can easily tell him of the plans - which have been properly thought through. Plus, you will have had months/years of your Porsche ownership before the house - and had your dream come true. View of Mine- I think we should all aim to make good for ourselves and not expect to inherit anything - then if we are lucky enough to do so - bonus. AS some of you seem to think that as you get older the need for speed and exhilation is all lost - obvioulsy this is then ready for the Bentley purchase !!!! That's if it does not all end up being spent on care for them as they get older. Besides why shouldn't parents spend all their hard earned cash - its not a right to inherit from our folks!!
  8. Waiting until at least 80 on the oil temp before booting it. If other Corrado folk coming over and going for a blast, warm the engine up on the drive - to make sure I am ready. Hope and pray she won't stall when slowing on appraoching a roundabout, lights, junctions etc - very intermittent fault. Does it 3 - 4 times, then nothing for months and months. Always make sure the interior light is off before shutting the garage door - even in the pouring rain. !!! Always zero the clock when re-fuelling.
  9. Is that a polite way of say 'I am a Tart' :lol: :lol:
  10. Does this mean You may be organising to Germany ?? !!! Lets have dates soon............
  11. Only just spotted this thread - Not taking anything away from how good this car may be - but a car that has done so little mileage although may have no rust and may be to in good condition, in my opinion has not been driven enough for its age and surely could have many mechanical problems around the corner. In my understanding mechanical bits need to be used to keep them working. I would definetly want to know about the 2700 miles per annum, and what sort of length of journeys are done and how reguarly the car is actually used and what for. I really do not mean to be rude - just my opinion and thought process. For me personally, given the option for a spend of 8k I would buy something newer. You do only need one buyer, so Good Luck, you never know, it may be exactly what someone is looking for. It is actually worth contacting Motor Musuems with a car with such low mileage, they pay proper money and could well be interested.
  12. Nice to see the banner of us on the Scottish Trip. :D Seems ages ago - and it was sooooooooooo good.
  13. Wellies and a Credit Card to add to that list - I think Oh and some snacks !!!! :lol:
  14. Sahme as I agree, a brilliant car for the Track and having a good race about in. I have done most of my Track Days in the Type R. Its high revving which has always seemed to bother some folk, but It holds the road superbly and in my opinion is very forgiving. Lacks on top speed though - observed partically at Silverstone and Snetterton !! In terms of looks then its not my thing, I agree the old one looks much better
  15. However - Will it pass its next MOT on the bodywork ? If not, then this has to come first, evens if its a temporary fix. If you need new panels at all - with stock becoming harder to obtain - it could be wise to purchase those sooner than later too. I personally would be mortified if any damage was done to my car's bodywork whilst any engine or other parts were being replaced or upgraded - and - expect the garage to pay for the costs of repair etc. Alternatively, if completing the work myself - I would be protecting my car from possible damage. Just my thoughts ............
  16. Well, I reckon we should put Schumaker and Alonso in the same team - then we would have some real fighting. Schumaker today was the complete F................... That I have always thought. I actually stopped breathing on the first take of his performance of trying to put Barrichello in the wall. That was one lucky break for Barrichello - that wall finishing when it did. I did have some sympathy for Vettel, although great to see Webber on the podium and leading in the Championship. If we can't have Button winning the Championship this year, then Webber for me. Interested to hear the comments on the Front wing too................ I really do not like Eddie Jordan in Pink Shirts - they just do not suit his character. :lol: New Cameraman today as well, I think - he certainly was filming as many of the dear Pit Babes as possible- sigh !!!!!!
  17. Well, that was not a very exciting race and as for Ferrari again - is it really any wonder Massa lost some momentom, I would have felt a dammed sight worse than that. I turned off as soon as the race finished - pretty disgusted.
  18. I think it is loud, but not excessively so, either that or I have got used to it !!!! These days I would go for some ear proctection, although I never used to bother !!! The smell of the tyres and engine oil is just heaven. make do with that and save your ears. Spa is a brilliant circuit and very different in the flesh to what you see on TV. Its quite hilly with some good sweeping bends. I was lucky enough to go round it on the Thursday before Race weekend - in a white van !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Driven by the Bennetton team chauffeur - fantastic stuff. Can I have a Mars Bar too - Miles ?? Hopefully Sutil and Luizzi will fair a little better at Hockenheim this weekend...........
  19. Replacement Headlights - now have Xenons. Soooooooooooooooo much improved. My favourite mod though is............Ram Airfilter combined with Miltek Exhaust. Who needs music ? !!! I rarely listen to any now. On my 3rd set of Mitchelin Exalto's - good tyre ! Would like Strut braces .................. even better handling .............. !!!!
  20. Push the Pedal to the metal and keep up :lol: :lol:
  21. We called him Mr Grumpy :lol: :lol: :lol: Ok, well I did !!!! And he so wasn't, we all had our moments of putting the world to rights and complaining about the youth of today :lol:
  22. Hi Everyone, What a trip, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The last 10 days felt more like a month. I Just wanted to say Thank you to everyone who joined the trip in full or in part. It was good to meet up with some of our more Northern members. Shame some of you could not make it at the last moment. Hopefully your shoulder is repairing - JimmyVWJunkie. We had super weather, great accomodation and some excellent driving. For those of you who are wondering 'Where were the daily posts of the trip', we have been keeping a daily journal which after much editing will appear in the Sprinter. Some of the others will hopefully be downloading some photographs before then though, if not on here, on the Club Forum. I would, but somewhere along the trip I mislaid my Camera :( Where next year then ????????????
  23. Brilliant - look forward to meeting you for the last part of our tour. Please pm me your telephone number. Thanks Wendy
  24. Thursday is - Braemar A93 to Blairgowrie A923 to Dundee So quite a short driving day Points of Interest noted so far - Glamis Castle - I noted this was 12 miles North of Dundee In Dundee Captain Scott's Ship - this closes at 5pm and 2 hours are recommended for the tour - I particularly want to go visit this. Mills Observatory - this closes at 5pm and does not open until 11am on the Friday - not so important aas there are other observatories elsewhere en route. So, yes, I don't see why it is not possible to take you up on your offer. We both have contact numbers, so lets chat nearer to the time Wendy
  25. Jim - as if !!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Would I really do anything else ??? !!! Shame you can't join us. Wendy
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