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Everything posted by KIPVW

  1. KIPVW

    sill protectors,

    I also have a pair of the scripted stick on ones spare, brand new in the box they were £35 each :/ so would do them for £65 posted. Kip
  2. Hi Laura, I dont have any more i'm afraid but looks like Jay may be able to help you out. Thanks. Kip.
  3. Am pretty certain i'd have bought Yan's if i hadn't already got a Nugget too, even though the G60 scares me lol! Suprised it's not sold already to be honest.
  4. 8v makes a superb daily Wendy very lightweight too so pretty good in the snow, especially with some winter rubber on. :) you know you need to lol!
  5. We did loosely discuss how many speedlines I have at Harewood last year mate so I think Wendy's pc was set up to advise her everytime i type the word Speedline into a post on here lol!
  6. Was just having a lesson on how to re-size pics to post onto the Add too. I'll email the pics over to you Wendy so you can see the condition. :)
  7. Got 4 speedlines i'm reluctantly selling, I really dont want to but need to create funds for other Corrado bits :) They are good enough for a daily use but would benefit a re-furb which is what i intended to keep them for. They are all straight as far as i can see with no dents in them which is why i have kept them so long. All have Michelin Pilots on 3 of which have good tread the other is close to minimum. I have deliberately not cleaned them to show the true condition but I know they will come up pretty well. It looks like they have not been re-furbed before too. Looking for £100 collected from Barnsley/Sheffield
  8. Are polished lips a pain to maintain Andy, I know a mate with a camper didn't have his laquered due to it flaking off later on so went for bare alloy and they do look the bees knees at a show when he's buffed them with some alloy cleaner but a bit time consuming maybe. But then that's how we roll! :)
  9. watched the social network last night, good story well told but wish he didn't talk so frickin fast, missed half of what they were on about 7/10
  10. Another good tip if you dont already have it is a seperate account for all your utility bills, and if you can pay more into it than you need to so at the end of the year you have a little extra to withdraw for xmas presents or beer vouchers :) Plus we have a seperate one for cars so al insurance is paid Annually, MOT, Tax etc, all come's from the cars account so it's easy to see what you have left each month for food etc. I'm terrible with money but I think i'm ok with this set up lol! Quite like something like this too! http://www.johnlewis.com/230206282/Product.aspx?s_kwcid=ps_pla
  11. ALL Corrado's have heated wsher jets, even the very early ones. :) they just tend not to work after 20 years under the bonnet getting covered in water lol!
  12. Result! :) last thing you need to be doing in these temperatures is faffing with wires lol!
  13. Try Peter D James insurance, we have 3 policies between our fleet with them and so far I'm ver happy with them including how they handled my incident in 2010 when someone rear ended me at a roundabout. (Silly Cow)
  14. I cant answer that but I think most folk who do the conversion tend to use Passat Parts, Have a look at PurpleTom's Members gallery I think he did it???? If not i'm sure someone will know better than me.
  15. Near the glass end of the strut there is a stud with a circlip on it, remove the circlip then simply push out the stud/pin but be warned it is ideally a 2 person job as the tailgate will just drop down on one strut as it's to heavy to be held in place by the other alone. the stut then unbolts from the fixing at the body end to enable replacement. Might be worth getting a couple of new circlips too as they tend to corrode or snap.
  16. Elliott, not a problem young man. Chris, i'll send you a pic of them if you pm me your mobile number ;) least you'll know what they look like then. Kip
  17. German ones? wel they were bought from Karmann in Germany so i guess that classes them as German ones :) If you aren't sure about the silver no problem & no obligation of course mate so if you want to pass on them its quite alright. ;) Kip
  18. Sounds exactly what my 8v was doing, replaced the relay that runs the ECU and it still did it so thought it can't be that, tried alsorts then gave up and called in an auto electrition who sais the new relays can be just as bad. So he basically soldered a the old relay and it has been perfect since. Best 50 quid I spent on it :-) Also do check the wire from the crank sensor just behind the front engine mount as that is a classic for going brittle and failing too on this engine. Good luck. Kip
  19. Sent a pm but keeps logging me out when i do so post up here if it hasn't come through mate. or pm me you mobile number and i can sort you a photo too. Kip ;)
  20. I'd say Prada's is your answer, just too cold for that kinda rubber out there I'm afraid not to mention all the grime all over the roads from salting.
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