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Everything posted by KIPVW

  1. Yep 50's are now no more as Crazy Dave tried to order one last November and was told only the 90 one was available, can confirm also that the 50mm ones were only fitted to the very last year cars so 95 year only.
  2. Part number D003500 from main dealers, it comes in liquid form and can pe brushed on or added to a spray gun, it's the grey stuff that is on as standard and we use it too for small repairs once dried it can then be painted to suit :) ---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ---------- lol beat me to it David :)
  3. Hi All. EDITED 7th August I Have arranged 2 Meet points for the day so we can convoy up! 1) Meet at WOOLEY EDGE SERVICES, M1 Northbound which is just after Junction 38 at, 7.45 am to leave at 8 am Prompt! then convoy on to meet 2. 2) Meet at McDonalds (Colton) LS15 9JH just off Junction 46 M1 8.15 to leave at 8.30 Prompt! then convoy onto Harewood. PLAN TO HAVE BREAKFAST AT McDONALDS :) For those who are attending this event just a reminder that you MUST purchase your tickets in advance from, http://www.vwfestival.co.uk/tickets/ Failure to do so could result in no future club stands at this event See you all on the day and we may need to group up before the show entrance but not essential just requested by the show organisers. Thanks and any problems please let me know, Paul (Kip) 07890109122 We Have a 15 car club stand booked. List as follows, Paul Kippax Dave Dewson Judith Hygate James Clayton James Shillaw Wendy Duckett Anthony Edwards andy butler Gareth Pearson Chris Morris Matt Staines Tim20vt Phil Morris Daves16v Lazer Mark Purple Tom
  4. Yes indeedy not getting the splitter thing either Kev, the term RIMS even more winds me up! They are bloody wheels a rim is the outer bit that the tyre goes on Grrrr! Oh Yeah! Build Threads! WTF is that all about??? they are restoring/improving something Building is something you do from scratch. Sorry for the rant stu lol! too much sun yesterday me thinks :) Need one of these too so nice to see still available for a good price...
  5. Are you for real??? Bloody hell man why bother taxing it! as if you run it like that you have no insurance and no MOT. Just stupid and downright dangerous. Do not get it at all.
  6. KIPVW

    Bvf 2011

    Yes I wasn't surprised by the poor turn out to be honest, over the last 5 years things have steadily got worse and worse. I usually go for the whole weekend and get there friday night but i had to work saturday so didn't get there till 9pm sat evening but was still charged the full weekend price of £30 clearly taking the **** if you ask me but i know i would have rather have done that than drive there sSunday and drive back again. Hardly any usefull trade and that's down to the organisers charging stupid money to have a trade plot, to me the basis is no good trade no good attendance of punters. The show cars, whilst obviously very pleased to have won the super class and then gone on to win best in show watercoled it goes without saying that there is a massive lack of cars on the field over the last few years but then this year there was no information sent out to previous show folk like myself and that also is going to affect numbers considerably they just dont seem to have much of a clue when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is without doubt a thankless task i'm sure but unless you are gonna do it right then why bother at all? No show cars on the field + poor trade stalls = less punters = less revenue Not to mention the costs of attending, i have always loved bvf because of it's superb location and superb atmosphere but i seriously think it's had it's day. Stanford Hall truly leads the way by some margin as VW shows go and long may it continue.... Plus with shows like VW Festival at Harewood house and VW Northwest which are much closer i'm starting to ask myself why go to the expense. The bonus for me though is talking to folk i've met over the years and the comments and conversations i get from peoplee admiring my car on the day, now that is priceless :)
  7. A coat gone on tonight Eeek! another few to go!
  8. A little more progress this morning, went to have a chat and the doors are off as well as the sunroof cassette out and lots more besides. cant wait to rebuild it all and get it all working again :/ will be a trivial time am sure but like to get involved with it too...
  9. Yeah the cake was pure class! Thanks to Jude x and of course to Wendy for re-arranging it on my 40th lol! Laura, yeah i dropped the car off in January and said June July if thats ok as i was so busy riding in jan,feb and march i didn't want to have to deal with it then april is getting the VR ready for the season so it was planned tilll about now :) Looking forward to it but really nervous too! Lol!
  10. AARRRGGGGHHHH! the paint shop just sent me these pics not 5 mins ago! Gulp let the sleepless nights commence lol! will be down tomorrow to have a closer look.....
  11. Yeah you often see them on ebay.
  12. Yep really looked superb today mate and the wheels are definately my choice too should i ever fit bigger wheels! Just a timeless classic to me and suit the Corrado perfectly. :)
  13. Really gutted to hear you had so many problems dave after my recomendation, that's not good at all! Hopefully it'll be ok now they've been out to it again. Still annoying all the same :( guess i'll retract the recomendation as i'd hate to say they are good when clearly customer satisfaction is not a high priority for them. Must come over soon!!!
  14. What was that Steve? I wondered who it was........... Thanks for spotting and sorting matey.
  15. Wheee! Result. Maybe I need to be on commission lol! Hope you mentioned being a club member... Usually you need to have the car valued by either an independant Engineer/Garage or car club Official, thats where your CCGB Membership comes in handy. :) Send me through the documents when they arrive and i'll happily do it for you, can only do if for the Corrado though.... And in return you could do an article for the Sprinter as i know it'b be a great read just by flicking through your thread (pretty please) lol! Kip ;)
  16. Wow thats proper poorly, Keep the faith though i'm sure it'll be up and running soon ;)
  17. Indeed mate and i only have the agreed value to thank for that! Gotta also say my insurance have been truly superb throughout, i guess no one ever wants to go through all the hassle but it's far more difficult when the car actually means something to you as opposed to just another car you buy every 3 years if you know what i'm saying. Cant wait! will definately get a full article for the mag when it's back home in one piece and i'm happy with it all! So now begins the real worry of hoping it gets done to my satisfaction lol! but I have absolute confidence in the guys doing the work.
  18. Ah thanks rich that'd be ace, will be a while though yet as gotta do loads to the VR first ;)
  19. Yeah no great rush when you have 3 of the damn things lol! plus i was way too busy training on the bike between Jan & March to even want to think about it :) Looking forward to it's return now! Also if anyone could tell me why there is no readout on the MFA at all that'd be good, it worked after the accident then just went blank after a while. I'm wondering if the connector has detached itself due to the impat or something??? I get illumnation on all the binnacle but no readout where the MFA is clock is annalogue old style so cant check that is blank also.....
  20. Na not to that level just yet Richard, just wanna get using it a bit as it's hardly done 10000 miles in the last 3 years which aint good, will eventually have out the whole engine though to really sort it out and literlly strip everything thats bolted onto the engine off for a bit O Kippy love :luvlove: What happened to your old one Danny? Missed that and if i saw what happened i've probably forgot :/ getting old Lol!
  21. Been to the body shop today for a good old natter about the car, should be starting the finishing process soon (next few days) been taking off more trim which they say is much appreciated plus i have it all at home cleaned up ready to go back together, as we speak the side rubbing strips and sill covers are in the bath having a good soak to remove the self adhesive tape and all the inground dirt. Been talking about the kind of finish i want and weather to use laquer afterwards (Nuggets weren't laquered from the factory just bare paint hence why they fade if left unattended for long periods in UV light. Definately want to keep the standard feel and look so wont be having that done. :) all windows are out now exept doors as they can be left in, just want to crack on with it now and get it home so i can put all the stuff back in then it needs taxing and an MOT as that ran out a few weeks ago but couldn't be bothered as it'd need ages to get it ready for that and then i'd have to strip it all out again. Plan is to get it home on a lorry as i want to tidy up the bay a little so it'll be dropped off without the front bumper and slam panel missing and i'll refit them after a little fettle :) Thats all for now, No pics as not much has altered but will do when we see action.
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