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brian g60 corrado

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Everything posted by brian g60 corrado

  1. hi all just to say thanks to you all for advice.now have speakers and pods fitted and now sounds so nice . can i just say these pods are the nuts.and thanks to all involved with the group buy. thanks. brian.
  2. hi kev now have the door pods and nice speakers fitted and sounding so much better,well pleased with the pods. have 6.5" components in pods and mounted tweters in the corner of the foot shelves,just in case i feel like fitting 4" speakers in the dash holes at a later date .very happy with the sound now ,so may leave as it is . thanks for the group buy as i think they are worth every penny. cheers. brian.
  3. hi rack any luck on an intercooler from germany at all :)
  4. thanks for all replys guys ,unfortunatlly my budget is between £100-£200ish.so what do you all think would be suitable. im after a nice sound but not to bright or shrill.do i go for 6.5subs in doors withposs 4" in dash ortweeters. or components,or a good set of 2 ways.as still not sure what to get .was looking at infinity 6500cs or focal 165a???? cheers all. brian.
  5. pablo what speakers do you have up front in the doors of your car also have you had those alpines in your front doors . wonder what they would sound like.
  6. a20lee those speaker sizes 6.75" will they fit in the audioscape pods?
  7. would also be interested in anyone that has more info onthis mod ,looking forward to other replys. cheers. brian. 8)
  8. hi pablo could you give me some more details of the alpines thatyou may be selling and poss some pics. thanks brian.
  9. cool,but noticed that the size is 6.75" will they fit the pods o.k..may think of taking this option. please let me know how it goes and what it sounds like.cheers A20 LEE. speak to you soon. brian.
  10. a20lee those kicker speakers are they subwoofers and do you have to seal them totaly at the pods,have you done that before ,what does it sound like . cheers. brian.
  11. o.k. will leave zeus , now what do you mean by,sealed at the right volume and modles o.k.
  12. me again is it poss to fit 6.5" subs in to audioscape door pods ,what i mean is would it sound good ,poss with 4" two ways in the dash. as i have seen 250w 6.5" subwoofers there name is zues,£45 each .can anyone tell me if this is worth doing. cheers. brian.
  13. fancy some focals 165As ,or maybe the 165V2s,now i can get these from audioscape were i got the pods with the group buy prices,but was woundering if there is anywere cheaper,or maybe an alternative make.was also looking at infinitys. any other makes to consider. cheers. brian.
  14. what size are the jbl and do they sound good
  15. just got my new pods and would like to know what speakers to fit in them ,what are other peolpe using cheers . brian. :)
  16. so have you now fitted this oil cooler,and if so did it make much differance to oil temps
  17. just got my pods and look great just need to get some tasty speakers to fill them. any recommendations.and thanks to all involved in the group buy. cheers. brian.
  18. hi chaps still havent got my pods yet,also havent bought speakers yet ,wondered what other people are fitting to there pods. has anyone put 7" subs in the pods or would it not sound anygood.any recommendationswould be great. may go with focal 165a or next up modles from audioscape at the slight discounted prices.165a at £109 not sure on rest of prices. can anyone get better deals than this . cheers. brian.
  19. just to let you guys know i have just ordered my pods ,but couldent buy speakers as well ,£157 is enough for now. any suggestions for speakers,they are being cut to take 142mm speakers. cheers. brian.
  20. hi could i have my pods cut to fit 6.5 speakers please ,dont have speakers yet,but may go for focal 165a. cheers. brian. :D
  21. hi mr biege pm sent .and yes i am still in for 6.5 pods in black ,also is it worth getting the focal 6.5 165 AT £109. WHAT ARE OTHER PEOPLE running in these bigger pods. cheers.stu. 8) brian
  22. what is the biggest speaker size that will fit these pods is 6.5 the max. cheers. brian
  23. can anyone advise me were to get a bargain large golf or rally intercooler from.[with all ness pipes ect]. a nd does anyone speak german and fancy purchasing one for me for an agreed fee cheers . brian.
  24. are these bolt on skirts or diferant bumpers
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