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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. 130k according to last mot.... needed body work
  2. provisional bid of £20,800 plus 11% buyer premium not far off reserve so guess it will sell https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C1127667
  3. Never made reserve highest bid £1400
  4. Lot 2 is a storm.. https://www.charterhouse-auction.com/classic-car-sale-catalogue
  5. Bump for this weekends auction... This also looks tidy.. https://www.classiccarauctions.co.uk/volkswagen-corrado-storm-vr6?utm_source=CarandClassic.co.uk&utm_medium=portal
  6. Not aware of the emissions reason... thought it was just for countries in northern climates... I changed my grill too.
  7. May chop the wires down and attach cord to either end of the wire and attach the cord to the underside of the slam panel. May look neater.
  8. Did an emergency release for my bonnet this morning... need to hide the wires a bit better as you can see them through the grill but they work
  9. Keep us informed.. I could be interested... thanks
  10. Was thinking similar...do you have a picture..
  11. Nice bonnet fix... I heard that you can put an emergency pull cord somewhere in the mechanism. So if it fails you have a way of opening it from inside the grille
  12. anyone else going this weekend ?? often see a corrado in the carpark
  13. I use this stuff... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Liqui-Moly-Transparent-Clear-Silicon-Grease-Silicon-Fett-100g-LM3312/254212322983?epid=1123855584&hash=item3b303c36a7:g:1XMAAOSwhBpcw3J-
  14. Any joy with the replacement evaporator, did you change any pipes in your installataion
  15. any idea if the relays get warm when the lights are on ??? thinking about putting the relays in a waterproof electric box or even something as crude as a sealed plastic bag... wondering if the relays need any ventilation, or will the relays get hot and melt plastic.
  16. Doubt it. But you never know... I was at coys auction preview today at Blenheim palace... had some ropy cars at high prices then you pay 15 percent buyers premium.
  17. Yes some about on a p reg... last ones which were in storage to be sold... This one need bonnet foam...
  18. https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C1127667 It’s done 42k
  19. original are blue, I've bought some black that don't last that long... are the blue a better fit and last longer and worth the more expense.
  20. Thread revival.... Any modern ideas for better garage lighting... Currently have 3 very old strip lights.. they really need replacing... It’s a double garage.. walls are painted white, with a light grey reflective floor... But really do need better light... one problem is I’m limited to lights at the back of the garage as their is no room at the front as the garage door would obstruct when up. I have ladders on the walls and shelving so wall mounting is a problem.... I
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