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Everything posted by just_say_meth

  1. Right have mounted my cooler, ran the pipes, changed the water pipes to the mk1 versions, now just wondering what i need to trim down on the sleeve to make it fit the sandwich plate and oil filter?! Thanks in advance
  2. Not sure if it comes in standard guise or not, but thought i read earlier in the thread that it was gunna be made! Would have made a good christmas pressy!!
  3. When i did mine i didn't really need to move anything, just really disconnected the wiper and motor, undid all the mounting points and then jiggled it a bit to get the motor to come out. only took me bout a half hour. Got my grommits from halfrauds, but i stuck a fair bit of plumbers tape around the grommit to make it a bit more water tight. HTH :)
  4. Yeah defo gives it a chunky look but still not sure!! Will probably refurb them after christmas!
  5. Was G60-R not running a 63mm pulley on his passat?! Thats the only one that crops up!
  6. Would defo need a disclaimer!! though there probably is some money in it for darren if he has to rebuild the charger every other week!! :)
  7. Think it's the same model that has been postponed mate!
  8. My missus had it on order from hobbies-plus.co.uk, got the email this afternoon!! really sucks guess i'll just order it in january
  9. Had one of the revell models on order but been sent an email today saying that they have been delayed again till january 2007!! thought i'd post it up for all who are waiting!!
  10. Small is one way to describe it!! :)
  11. just a thought, did you disconnect the dim-dip coil on the passenger side wing? yellow & yellow/black wires? this may be the cause or i may be totally wrong!!! :oops:
  12. Glad you got it all sorted mate had similar recently when my old polo was broken in to!!
  13. Cool cheers guys, had a wee thought that it might be this but wasn't sure! Thanks again
  14. Was removing my carbon canister this morning and found this sensor thing was dangling in the hole where the cc had been any ideas what it is? Part no.357919379a i think and it follows the loom into the drivers side. Can see it has some over spray on it so guessing its been dangling there a while!! Cheers in advance!!
  15. Went to bathgate a few years ago, was pretty good usual stalls and show 'n' shine etc was a good turn out too IIRC! Always an excuse to get out of the house and go see some vw's!! :lol:
  16. only 1 .the rest belong to friends {honest} You only got the storm now? what happened to the ice/violet vr?
  17. I've nothin planned for that weekend, so yeah, I'll try to come along. Would be good to meet more of the folk from here face-to-face. I take it you'll be there? Definately be there but might have to come along in a mates car if my charger isn't back by then!!
  18. How many are yours? :lol: You coming along to bathgate paul?!
  19. Any more details on that? Or a link? Doh! Just found this. Probably should've looked before hitting post... You thinking of heading along? hoping to see a few corrados there!!
  20. Remember guys Scottish VW Show on the 29th of october at the bathgate sports centre!! Hopefully have my charger back from G-werks by then, otherwise i'll be along in my mates g vr!
  21. There are quite a few around! know loads of them around stirling I just never pass any of them when i am out!! :cry:
  22. lowering is definately on the cards!! as for the wheels they don't look too bad but gunna have to have a wee think cause i love my bbs!!
  23. Was just test fitting my S2 calpiers this morning, heres some pics! The calpier fits fine behind the standard g60 wheels, but when its slide fully out (towards the wheels face) it catches the spokes! Take it this won't happen when ther caliper is contracted as it usually would be? Couldn't get my camera to flash so no pics with wheel on!!
  24. Right was test fitting my s2 calipers this morning and decided to quickly try these!! What do you all think? Dunno if someone can photoshop it with gloss black centres? Forgive the dirt and heigh ride height!!
  25. Cheers osv, thats one of the photo's that got me thinking about these wheels, was in pvw last month!!
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