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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Wot a numpty, he put the steering wheel on the wrong side.. ;)
  2. FOUR lambdas?? bleedin 'eck!
  3. Anyone got their 24v/r32 working with standard Corrado clocks? Or at least with clocks that *look* like standard Corrado ones... ?
  4. It is probably easier to use the time-honoured suck-it-and-see method .. :)
  5. Sniffpetrol said it ages ago: From http://www.sniffpetrol.com/issue028.html But anyway. People DO all want to buy these mini MPVs. They sell like the proverbial. Why? Cheap, cheerful, comfortable, easy to park in town, etc etc. Boring? Of course!
  6. Charger vane RPM is proportional to the circumference of the pulley, yes. The problem here is we're assuming that the PSI output from the charger is linearly porportional to the charger RPM.. I'm pretty sure it won't be. Well, maybe it is, but only over a fairly limited range.
  7. Don't hold your breath. One day's good behaviour might not indicate anything.. These old cars are awkward little gits, when they want to be...
  8. The hot wires are burning out their buyer's wallets more like. Trying to find another way to lift spondoolics from the masses.
  9. Ok, you win. You are clearly the most insane person on the planet! :)
  10. Like all things, the letter of the law is rarely adhered to in trivia like whether your fogs come on with main beam or not. But I'm pretty sure it's not allowed. It is, in fact, an offence to be using fog lamps when there is no fog. I doubt it's an MOT thing, but a copper might decide to stop you for it. If your lights are still pathetic after uprating bulbs AND loom I would suggest you take your sunglasses off! :)
  11. I think the cracks don't matter unless there are sharp edges on the outside, or the beam pattern is wrong.
  12. Are you really worried about having to rebuild it again? I mean, if you rebuild or fit a young 24v engine you won't have to touch it for 100k miles.
  13. I'd crack the other headlight aswell and then they might think it was supposed to be that way.
  14. Got any poly suspension bushes?
  15. What, Victoria Sponge? Does your car run on cake?? :)
  16. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it found the weak point. You uprated a component that's supposed to absorb shocks to one that can't ..!
  17. Clearly renshaw is a jammy git! Depends why the engine was taken out of the car, really. If it too, needs a rebuild then it's not a bargain, no!
  18. The part number is earlier in the thread, iirc, and the price is about the same as the VW rack (it's the same part!). You don't do this for fun ...
  19. Simple case of non-functionality. Nice.
  20. dr_mat

    VR6 Engine Cut Out

    If you buy the pump from VW you will need to swap the sender unit over from your old one. GSF supply the pumps with a new sender unit - which won't be calibrated for the Corrado tank, as it's a Golf/Passat generic part ... Swings and roundabouts.
  21. More likely it's the lambda. Heavy overfuelling is usually the lambda.. Get it on the ECU scan..
  22. dr_mat

    Whos Lights?

    IIRC that specific picture was Asim's VR. He did them himself. Nice tidy job. Think he sold them on when he put the car back to standard though, not sure. As stated above, just a job of applying masking tape carefully and peeling it off before the paint dries too hard, then apply a good clear lacquer coat over the top.
  23. dr_mat

    VR6 Engine Cut Out

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 4626345160 Ask and ye shall receive.
  24. The ISV closes completely when you're on the throttle. It only opens during idle (obviously) and during zero-throttle overrun. It *may* be sticking open permanently, but I would have thought you'd notice other symptoms too (kinda like having the choke on too long!). Surely if it's sticky it'd be staying shut and the engine would stall every time you drop the revs? I have to say, I'm sceptical about the ISV. Every time we get another "car not running right" thread, there's lots of suggestions to clean the ISV out. Now this isn't a bad thing, of course, cos it's free and easy, but I've rarely heard of cases where it actually fixes anything..
  25. The VR6 MFA's mpg readout is fed by the ECU, so as long as the ECU is directly in charge of injector timing (which it is), then it knows within a pretty tight tolerance *exactly* how much fuel it put in. The rest is simple maths. Sounds like the timing's out on the 2.0 16v, I'd agree with that. No way your oil should be > 100 degrees at idle. The oil should reach the *same* as your water temp at idle, no higher. As for the VR6 doing 23 mp(US)g .. ? *That* might be the lambda.. but you'd really need to get the diags port scanned..
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