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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. (Or from Ford, but I don't think they're much cheaper.)
  2. if you get increased uplift, i.e. the back takes off, how's stiffer dampers going to help :wink: But since the back doesn't actually *take off* (it just goes light) improved damping may be what keeps the tyre on the ground better and prevents you going backwards into the armco.. You see where I was coming from? (I never said better damping increased the uplift ...)
  3. The uplift is due to the increased velocity of the air travelling over the car compared to the air travelling underneath - and this difference is entirely due to two things: One - the shape of the car's upper and lower surfaces. Lowering the suspension changes nothing. Two - the angle of attack of the car into the air. Lowering the suspension by the *same* amount front and rear has no effect on this. Ground effect on the other hand is brought about by shaping the air flow under the car, which involves shaping the underside of the car. So: the spoiler still has just as much impact on a lowered car as on a normal/highered one. That said, improving the damping makes the back end more stable anyway, which would no doubt help with high speed stability. But at the end of the day, all Corrados had the same automatic spoiler. If you don't like it, buy a different car! This entire argument is completely pointless! :-P
  4. dr_mat

    Water light

    See if the light goes out when you fill the tank up?? ;)
  5. I'd be concerned if it's sitting at 100 deg while you're driving along at ~50+, but if you're talking about round town and slower driving then yeah, that's not unusual.
  6. Sounds like a seized top mount. Does the steering pump seem to struggle more than it used to? Does the steering seem unwilling to re-centre itself properly?
  7. The spoiler reduces rear end lift (which is caused by the car's shape), according to the specs provided by VW around the car's launch. It's not a wing, it's a spoiler. A wing would introduce downforce, the spoiler simply spoils the laminar airflow at the rear of the car (increasing drag slightly as a side-effect) and because there's no laminar air flow any more, you reduce the lift that would otherwise make the back end light. As for liking it or not, I am ambivalent towards it. I think it's a cool piece of design that it pops up and down, and it's part of the car's uniqueness, but I don't really think it's good looking.. More "functional" .. Much like the rest of the car really!! If you think the Corrado's small wing is a gimmick, so what do you think happened when Audi added the "moustache" to the back end of the TT? That's even smaller, yet apparently it has the desired effect - it keeps the back end a little more stable than it would otherwise be.
  8. Funnily enough, I'm running through this loop right now too. From what I've read, it looks as if the ECP radiator is the one to go for in preference to GSF. ECP want £103+VAT GSF is £109+VAT VW are £152+VAT... but they're on back-order till 30th Jan .. ffs! I would happily pay the extra £30 for a VW one (with 10% owners club discount!), but it seems they can't supply 'em.
  9. Is your radiator original, 1995 vintage? Most likely it's somewhat less efficient than it ought to be. I can tell you that my 1996 VR with 128k miles and a 20k mile old radiator sits at 85-90 degrees while cruising (80-85 during these cold winter days). If I drop below about 30mph, it will creep up, obviously due to there not being sufficient air flow. I don't get the fans coming on while I'm driving at anything above 30mph .. ("Yes officer, I am obliged to drive faster than that because otherwise my car overheats, honestly!")
  10. Don't buy the GSF bog standard ht leads .. get some decent ones. OE or similar at least..!
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the brake master cylinder, not the clutch one, no? The clutch has it's own master cylinder, though it shares the same fluid reservoir.
  12. You should be able to post a set of wheels for around £25.
  13. Trace the hydraulic line to the top of the clutch bell housing. That's it ...
  14. dr_mat


    Any crank sensor fault (apart from "open circuit") will be erased by the ECU the instant that the engine stops rotating. It's a known bug on the early motronic ECUs. THAT is why I say you need to check it before you turn the ignition off. Oh, and the sensor is a doddle to replace, it's just that they're so expensive you don't do it for fun ..!
  15. Thought it looked a bit soft ... ah well, it was dark and raining one saturday night, as long as the car wasn't dragging it's arse on the ground I wasn't going to faff around any more... Will have to check it out.. (Still waiting for my replacement tyres!!)
  16. Was gonna say, new slave cylinders are so cheap it's not worth messing. It should be mounted on top of the clutch box, on the right hand side of the engine as you look under the bonnet. You *may* have a problem with the clutch master cylinder too though. As a first shot, it would be worth having a go at bleeding the clutch through, I think there's a bleed nipple on the rear of the slave cylinder somewhere. It shares the same brake fluid reservoir as the main brake system, so top up in there.
  17. I got VW glass fitted to mine, no idea if they had to order it in or not, but I asked for it, so ... coolrado, yeah, didn't look up the thread, just remembered reading about it. Can totally understand you getting everything done yourself, but at least the manager was ok about paying for it, eh?
  18. Could also be the fuel pump, the crank sensor, the ignition switch, the ... ...well you get the idea...
  19. Space saver pressure should be SIXTY? Wow ... I need to get pumping ...
  20. I think that as noted by everyone, it's really down to the skills of the individual fitter. One chain is no better than any of the others. Also I note that in the above thread, they cocked up big style, but the manager of the franchise pulled out all the stops to make absolutely sure that the car was properly fixed up, and most importantly - at no cost to the guy who owned it.
  21. dr_mat


    Sounds like you need a new oil pump ...
  22. Aagh please remove the apostrophes from the poll!!! Looks like you've had an attack from an apostrophe machine!
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