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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. As I understood it, all but VR6s had rivetted bottom BJs from the factory... VR6s (and all "+" suspensioned cars) use bolts cos they have a full geometry setup in the factory. Or something ... It is quite possible that someone has fecked up installing a new BJ though. Or maybe it's just very late VRs? Who knows. I know my original BJs were bolted, not riveted when they were changed about a year back.
  2. dr_mat

    LED rear lights

    Ah, maybe that's it ... The bulbs you can buy usually have around 20-30 LEDS on now though.
  3. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    K+N? It's the NOISE, not the performance.. :)
  4. Though it sounds like your dad is confident he WASN'T driving at the time. Where was he at 10:55 on the day in question? Any witnesess?
  5. He's not the registered owner, as it's a company car. Seek legal advice. My instinct says that there's nowhere near enough evidence to press those charges, but then, the law on speeding pretty much places the liability on your father to find out who *was* driving and pass on the details.. That's why it is STILL being challenged in the EU courts as a breach of human rights (i.e. the right to be innocent until proven guilty).
  6. I understand you tie your hands to one end, and your feet to the other end and you have Igor turn the big wooden levers..
  7. dr_mat

    LED rear lights

    You can get LED bulbs that fit in the standard bulb holders, but they're not MOT legal unless the car was fitted with them in the factory (for no really GOOD reason). IMHO they should be immediately made legal - there are NO downsides to them. They're brighter, lower powered, longer lasting and they switch on/off SO fast it makes standard lights look ancient. But there you go...
  8. Round here they know that you need to leave the glovebox open so they can see there's nothing to steal ...!
  9. I sincerely doubt that "a lot of Cs" have the wrong wishbones fitted to 'em..
  10. The ABS is disabled if the light is on. That's what it says in the manual..
  11. Probably someone fitted an early Corrado wishbone to a VR or vice versa. VR wishbones are slightly longer than the other Corrados.
  12. That's the drawback with European cars. The missus's pug is all written in bar too.
  13. Dunno about the betterment bit.. I don't see how getting your car repaired for £5k makes you better off than having no car and £3k in the bank.. Regardless of the point of view of the insurance company involved. (Lets face it, their insuree might have hit a more expensive car, so they MIGHT have had to pay a lot more than £5k anyway - but that's what third party insurance is FOR.) I see your point about the class a or class b write-off though. Cars deemed unsafe obviously can't be recovered. And this is all moot anyway, cos as turbomagikz admits, it was his fault! :)
  14. I note that there's a big unanswered question here... how did the "little dent" get there in the first place? Is turbomagikz claiming he was totally and provably innocent? He's not said so far ...
  15. But that's the whole point - if the accident is provably the "third party"'s fault, then you can sue them and their insurer for all the costs required under their "third party" part of their policy, which clearly has no set liability limit. Sure, if there's some doubt as to who is at fault, then you will be limited by your own insurer's liability limit on your comprehensive policy, but the law works slightly differently if you can prove it wasn't your fault. Basically if it wasn't your fault the law says you have the right to have NO LOSSES from the accident, be that in monetary terms or in losing your chosen vehicle, and any driver's third party insurance policy includes liability cover for exactly this type of issue.
  16. Sorry, but your use of the word "misuse" was the only correctly spelled and punctuated part of that posting .. ;)
  17. You drive a G60, you wouldn't know what a VR can sound like ... ;)
  18. Oops. They changed their mind. I'm not surprised really - that work is pretty involved and at "authorised repairers" that's gonna be expensive. BTW - going back to the earlier discussion about informing the insurance company if you're involved in an incident even if you don't make a claim - that is true, but in most cases the fact that you report an accident but never claimed on it means you won't lose your no claims. Sure, it will be on record that you were involved in an accident, but you don't lose no-claims..
  19. You reckon you'll make a second year with this one then, Jim??
  20. Everyone here will say with ... so I'll say without, and get in first.. just to balance the forum's opinion... :)
  21. dr_mat

    Lamb Probing?

    No, but the point was that if you don't have a lambda your fuelling will be way out and WILL effect the MPG ..
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