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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Phew, I had to double check there for a moment. I thought I was reading the Daily Mail!!
  2. There are third party escrow companies. Speaking for Andi here where I may not have the right to do so, but if I were him I would want no part in running an escrow service for anyone. Too much liability. It's just a forum, it's not tesco bank! But by all means use one of the established third party escrow companies for your trading if necessary.
  3. They will often take your "2nd driver" or "company car" insurance record into account these days, but they certainly won't give it automatically.
  4. Weird, can't think of a reason why ...
  5. I wouldn't have thought the insurance companies gave a monkey's about whether you pay the extra for fully comp vs. TPFT. After all, it's your risk if you're only TPFT. That said, I doubt there will be a massive difference (%age wise) between TP and FC, the bulk of the liability for a £4k car insurance policy is the legal requirement Third Party cover, and second in line is the risk of theft. I would expect you to be able to get insurance for around £1500 (even without your own insurance history), but you might have to accept a ludicrous excess ... It might be better, however, to get something cheaper for 12 months to at least build up your own policy history. In the long run it'll save you a fortune (assuming you don't wrap it round a tree...).
  6. 15w40 is better. Or get the tappets replaced under warranty..
  7. dr_mat

    VR6 front end

    All of them are VR6 specific (in terms of Corrados). I think the gearboxes are basically the same, but they may have different gearing on different models.
  8. Nope, the most common Corrado door problem is the door handle breaking... Almost all Cs have rattly windows if they're not 100% closed when you slam the door. Some people have actually had the glass break when they closed the door .. £70 isn't too bad, considering the Corrado tax.
  9. dr_mat

    VR6 Misfire

    Jeez, sounds like your first investment should have been the Russek VR6 engine manual. Might have saved yourself £140 on the engine speed sensor for a start.. :roll:
  10. We have a sticky thread with the Corrado recall info in somewhere..
  11. I'd quite like some 1920x1200 wallpapers.. I usually have to scale up or take my own... and ideally it'd be: dimensions: 3360x1200 pixels (679x291 millimeters) :)
  12. You're right, you've seen discussions about this before... Do we have to go through them all again? :-p A mate had a brand new MGF for three years. In that time it had two new VVT units and the head gasket was replaced twice. The door handles failed once (on the INSIDE) and it spent overall around 3 months off the road in three years. Compared to that a few thrashed VR6s needing head work after 100k is pretty small beans I'd say.
  13. If you can get 4 hours labour for £100 you are a better man than me...!
  14. Oh and don't forget the auto box will cost you 4-5 mpg, more in town ...
  15. Have a word with PhatVR6. I think he had similar problems with a mk4 abs setup and it took a significant loss of hair before he sorted it. Don't remember the details though..
  16. 3-4 hours labour maybe, a full set of GSF lifters is about £70+VAT, full set of genuine VW ones are about £190+ VAT!
  17. dr_mat

    Front Engine mount

    "Best Quality", iirc.
  18. I'd never heard of them having LSDs.. I'm just explaining to the woman in the office who drives a CTR what a LSD *is* ...
  19. I think there's a warning on the cap itself, or the expansion tank ..
  20. Actually only what 33% of the voters in the country voted labour. But Labour moved all the constituency boundaries after they were first elected to make sure they would continue to be elected even if 70% of the country voted against them. :roll:
  21. You are joking right? At 30 mpg a car costs around 12.5p / mile in fuel. If you halve that it's still peanuts compared to the speculated 50p+ per mile on so-called busy roads. It wouldn't "work" for anyone except the people who do 10 miles a year across the road to tesco. And even then they'd only save the cost of the road tax. And then they'd have to pay the £300 the "officially ratified" GPS tracker box would cost to have fitted, so overall even those people would lose out... (If you think they're going to give you a standard £60 hand-held GPS data logger you are mistaken!)
  22. Car fails the MOT if a sharp-eyed tester notes that the tyres are not correctly rated...
  23. Actually the dynos are exactly that - dynamometers. They directly measure wheel power (against an electromagnetic brake) - this is the meaning of brake horse power. Wheel torque is calculated based on the rate of increase of rotational speed, divided by the inertia of the rollers. Of course, no system is perfect, but the only thing you can ever rely upon is the at-the-wheels power figure. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
  24. It's ridiculous. As someone pointed out this government seems to be obsessed with technology as the answer to everything. Another angle that hasn't been discussed that much is the question of how people drive. Even if the taxation is bracketed according to emisions (for example), that means no matter how hard you drive (9 mpg is easily possible in a VR6 :twisted: ) you get taxed the same. Craigowl will be annoyed.. ;) But as usual, we know what will happen - the government won't be in charge when it finally comes round to it, and the then (Conservative no doubt) government will scrap it all as too expensive, and do something equally rubbish instead. If you really want your tax to be spent on hospitals and schools I'm afraid you have to convince the rest of the population to vote Lib Dem. It just won't happen while the mob rules (via the labour/tories). Or move to Scandinavia.
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