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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... asket+mayo
  2. Column is a single assembly, no serviceable sub-components, according to the VW computers. All or nothing. And £537 + VAT.
  3. For shocks the ones they sell in GSF (Boge Turbo or Sachs Advantage) are identical to the standard factory VR items (fronts and rears around £30 each). I didn't change my springs, so I never looked into the pricing of those.
  4. Bear in mind that "Engine speed sensor - no signal" will come up ANY TIME a VR6 is scanned while the engine is not turning. If it says "open circuit" or "short to ground" or similar then the sensor needs replacing, if it says "no signal" then it's possible it's something else (immobiliser? relays?)
  5. Darn it I've only got the OBD adapter cable.. If you've definitely got a 2x2 I can't help I'm afraid.. :(
  6. Hehe, nothing like a personal dig to raise the game is there? Anyway, I'll shut up now, since my personal opinion has been heard enough on this forum and ignored (quite rightly) in most cases.
  7. Fine, but the topic of this thread was "how to improve the sprinter mag" not "is it worth running the CCGB, cos storm seems to think it's a waste of time"... ;)
  8. CCGB != CF. Never the twain shall meet. Believe it or not there are people in this world who appreciate the quarterly Sprinter mag, who appreciate the VW dealer discounts, who do not need to chat to each other about anything and everything all day on the net and are happy to meet up occasionally and be part of an official organisation. The fact that the CCGB gives away info on their site to non-members is not relevant here. This info can be found anywhere on the net anyway, it's not exactly secret.. All due respect to Andi for the Forum, it's very useful and helpful and mostly free of politics, but All Things To All Men it is not. The CCGB is not dead, Sprinter is not dead. You don't like it? Fine.. But there's a whole stack of people who do (and who happily pay their subs for it). Back on-topic (Sprinter) I like the photography ideas though. Car features, bigger ones, is a nice idea. Everyone likes Corrados, and high quality photography of high quality Corrados comes pretty high on everyone's idea of a "good thing". Plus it has the nice side-benefit of providing a portfolio for a calendar or similar.
  9. I never said a word about you, Jim... Kev: Maybe I don't "care" about my Corrado the way you care about yours (ooer missus), but I DO care about people getting bad or non-existant advice. I would like to think that just as my queries were answered with friendly and helpful facts, newcomers to the forum now get the same treatment. THAT is why I've tried to contribute what I can (but little and second-hand it may be) to this forum over the past couple of years. Hence the .sig. Anyway, I'm not going to contribute any more crap to this thread until I've got something constructive to add (probably courtesy of a laptop and a funny looking cable..) As for the "criticising the mods" crack, well frankly if they're childish enough to take offence and boot me out then I didn't want to be here anyway. :roll:
  10. Although Blue Nothelle maybe went a little OTT, everything he said was true. Perhaps he's a little brusque, but let's face it he's the only one in this thread who's suggested any troubleshooting. Everything up to that point had been "replace XYZ". And to me it doesn't even really sound like there's an actual problem. First rule of tech support/troubleshooting: ask questions before providing answers. I'm bored of this crap. I've already PMd HiAsAKite and we're going to VAG-COM scan his car (assuming he has an OBD connector VR) and find out some real facts next week. I know that Kev and co are only trying to help, but providing answers without evidence is worse than useless. * edit - WHAT rolling road plot? HAAK hasn't posted his printout.
  11. He's got a point though... And when did Haywire steal my PhD? ;)
  12. dr_mat

    OBD1 or OBD2

    I've noticed similar things myself (without going the whole vag com data logging route). Might be something worth looking at. Match it up with the throttle cable and the throttle position (there's usually a bit of slack in the throttle anyway, so you might find that first three degress of pedal movement doesn't actually move the throttle butterfly anyway) you don't want to be opening the throttle butterfly while the ECU is still in idle mode, or at least, there needs to be a small overlap, not a large one..
  13. dr_mat

    OBD1 or OBD2

    Agreed, but that's incidental to the use of OBD1 or OBD2 protocol. The late engines with fly-by-wire throttle body could also have used OBD1 if VW chose to do so, but they didn't. OBD2 provides faster data rates..
  14. dr_mat

    Heater Matrix

    Stealth quoted "pretty much all day" - i.e. about 8 hours when I asked about it.
  15. dr_mat

    Heater Matrix

    Ok, now we know the heater matrix is a gonner.. ;) I'd go give the guy who sold it to you a kicking, sooner, rather than later... :)
  16. dr_mat

    OBD1 or OBD2

    "OBD" is a data transfer protocol, not an electrical wiring system. Protocols can run over any given cable, as long as there's enough pins... Late VRs came with the new-style connector, I assume cos VW bought a shed load of them to use in their other, newer cars, but they didn't reflash the Corrado VR6 ECUs with the OBD2 code. (Presumably they DID reflash the VR6 Golfs because it was worthwhile them doing so - they were producing a lot more 2.8s than 2.9s.)
  17. Just pop the bonnet, find one of the connecting plugs at the top of the suspension towers and disconnect it there. That will throw an ABS sensor fault and it'll disable the ABS - bingo. It's more likely that you need to fiddle about with the rear brake bias valve. The back brakes are only supposed to up to about a third of the braking effort at ANY time, so you are much more likely to notice changes to the front brakes than the rears (though since presumably you have new pads they'll take a little while to bed in). More likely is you need to re-bleed the rears and this is what's causing the problems.
  18. dr_mat

    Heater Matrix

    Maybe I missed something in this thread? How do you know the heater matrix is blown? Do you have a damp footwell?? I'm sure the poster appreciates people's advice on how to change the matrix, but perhaps we should work out whether it's actually fooked or not first! :)
  19. dr_mat

    Heater Matrix

    And I still can't think of a link ... My guess is the idiot owner hotwired the fans most likely cos the fan thermoswitch didn't work and the car overheated... But I can't think of a way that "fans always running" could cause "blown heater matrix". Quite the opposite. Running the engine much cooler would be much more likely to prolong the life of the heater matrix, cos the system is less likely to reach full pressure...
  20. dr_mat

    Heater Matrix

    I'm no expert but I have absolutely no fecking idea how a blown heater matrix might cause the rad fans to run 24x7. Sounds like BS to me mate.. Get the heater matrix bypassed (simple job) and see if the fans still run 24x7 - if so it's definitely not the matrix is it?!
  21. Ya gotta get those blue light-up windscreen jet nipple things dude. Well worth your £4k .. ;)
  22. It says that the brakes will work ok, but without ABS functionality, so you should go to your dealership ASAP and get it fixed. "how do you proceed" is really dependant on what's wrong, which you can't tell without plugging in the diags stuff..
  23. :roll:[/quote:1f084] Doh. It was early.. I didn't read it properly... :)
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