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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. And the latest news (for those following this epic tale) is ... ... no problems found...!! :? They *did* find that one of my nice new Eagle F1s was pumped up to 45 psi though!! :shock: That's the last time I assume that a tyre fitter has done the job correctly!! Lowered it to a sane pressure and the initial impressions are good. I'll test some more (it always does to reserve judgement about a Corrado), but the 8 miles I did this morning suggest it's improved greatly!
  2. Under UK law, yes, an advert is an "invitation to purchase", but if they accept your order and *charge your card* (this is the crucial bit), then they're entered into an agreement with you, and they should honour it. If they have not yet charged your card then they won't have to honour the price quoted. So really it depends when they called you to say "sorry it's different".
  3. What's the current exchange rate? 57p to the dollar? At $199 you're right, it's not that bad... But I'm still too cheapskate at the moment.. :)
  4. I think it's the time of year. VR6s seem to handle badly in the winter, just ask everyone else who has one... It's been ridiculous recently..
  5. dr_mat

    everything f*&

    Crack the ice from around the sunroof. It'll suddenly go quiet!!
  6. Could be a dry shock absorber, but that's more a "knocking" than a heavy "clunk/bang" noise..
  7. dr_mat

    flickering lights

    It's not a big V6.. VRs tend to idle at a comfortable 650rpm.. :) The final test. Stick the handbrake on, put it in gear, lift the clutch gently. Do the lights get dim as the revs drop? Do the lights get brighter if you rev the engine? If no to both of these I seriously doubt it's the alternator!!
  8. There's a set of leather Corrado seats on ebay at the mo... but they're in the US, so the postage would be exorbitant for that amount of weight...
  9. dr_mat


    As said in the other thread, ask kevhaywire where he got his MAF from.
  10. Phil K, I think Kevhaywire sourced a replacement MAF for his VR6 for around £140 - don't pay £400 till you've found out how!!
  11. No worries man. Seriously though, for stuff like that I'll be going up there from Reading to get it done. 2 hrs drive each way to pay about £15-20 an hour is well worth it for grunt work like swapping a heater matrix. Lots of labour, lots of fiddly stuff.. You don't need a VW specialist to swap a heater matrix.
  12. Ah, was gonna say, I know a decent little place in Walsall that would be able to beat that price, but it's a bit of a trek!! PM me if you are interested though.
  13. Where are you based, akacheesy? It just says "midlands".
  14. dr_mat

    Funny Noise...

    A friend of mine discovered a mole grip hanging off the track rod arm on her Subaru the other day. It had been there ever since she got the tracking done a week or so earlier. It was undetectable when driving along, it was so well clamped on there... Amazingly dangerous though!!
  15. It's not paranoia if you *know* they're out to get you!!! My Corrado hates me!!! It's true!!! ;)
  16. It's your Corrado's time of the month mate, it'll be one thing after the other... :(
  17. Yeah - that's exactly the problem. The VR runs beautifully when I'm driving it to/from the garage, then becomes a bag of loose nuts as soon as I start it the day after.. It's pining!!
  18. I had an email from Scorpion, they say it was "probably a 5000 system", which was delisted in december 1998. I can see this listed in the thatcham pdf doc above, so maybe that's the case. So - if it is this, it *was* a CAT1 alarm, just isn't considered to be one *now*.
  19. Ha, I laugh at your puny repair bills! ;) Maybe I got stung when I bought my VR (quite probably), but it's costing me over £200/month in non-service repairs alone. Add petrol and insurance and it's ridiculous. Every time I get something fixed, something else goes. Why do I bother? Sometimes I wonder..
  20. Optimax isn't 98.6 RON, that's why...
  21. 195/50/15's FIT the wheels, but are not strong enough. The extra width was partially to deal with the extra weight from the VR6. Not worth the risk for the extra few quid. Blow outs can be very nasty...
  22. Could also be a buckled wheel. You wouldn't necessarily notice it at lower speeds or through the steering.
  23. dr_mat

    flickering lights

    If the voltage across the battery doesn't drop, even when the lights are flickering, then the problem is not likely to be the alternator, I'd say.
  24. Maybe you were just unlucky Alex.. Like I say, it's *possible* for a US 91 RON to be better fuel than a UK 98 RON, but it's also possible it's the other way around. You should move to Japan and run the thing on 102 RON, it should be happy with that!! ;)
  25. I'll see if I can have a look, cheers for the pointers! :)
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