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Everything posted by IrishG60

  1. A nightmare bro... Sorry to hear about that... Stick with it and well done on the 200 k mark!!! Any car that's still going strong at 200 desirves more respect!! 8)
  2. Riley's black G60... What a machine!!!!
  3. beautiful Rad... Well worth a days hard graft!!
  4. Definitely a contender for the most beautiful Rad I've ever seen! Hats off Torsten.. hats off! 8)
  5. Ahh the Mazda 3... a trulyterrible car... friends wife got one recently.. had it for 3 months and had to sell it!... it really was dangerous trying to overtake in it.. no go whatsoever!
  6. have to agree... Second set for sure...
  7. IrishG60

    Fuel Filter

    What fuel filter should you get?
  8. LOL... so true!!! Rad feels good and strong to me!! Worst feeling I ever got was driving my old Renault 5 Van!!!! Hit anything and you just knew it was going to crumple to the size of a matchbox!! :shock:
  9. IrishG60


    linked goodness: http://www.justmatz.co.uk/products_gallery_000.html
  10. Live in Dublin... so little hope... will let you know what price I get quoted tomorrow!!! And there I was laughing to myself thinking I'd only spent £150 and labour on parts all year!!! cheers again! (off to get drunk!)
  11. Thanks Dec.. there goes Christmas!
  12. Any idea what a new housing costs?...
  13. Is this a major job?.. my stick is worn to hell... wobbling... don't need to push down for reverse... etc etc I need to replace the entire gear stick housing... on the Corrado it's a plastic stick in an aluminium box (so welding it out the window)... I believe it comes in a single box unit. Anyone ever had to replace this?... any idea of the price... VW are coming back to me with a price tomorrow... and I'm nervous to say the least!
  14. Well.. that's one hell of a plan... you're going to be busy for the next few months.. keep us updated as you go!
  15. Only spent £200 this year... but heading into garage tomorrow for new sparks, coolant change... and perhaps new gearstick (ball and cap one the way out!)... so might have new major price to report next week!
  16. Guys... now that we're approaching 08... wondering how many times have you been in the garage this year? 0 1-3 3-6 6-9 10 or more
  17. Got to say mate.. your Rado is now my favourite... takes my breath away just looking at her... gonna check out your website... must get cash... must improve my G60!!!!!!
  18. It's not even that good to be honest!
  19. dead on man... That's exactly what I'm looking for!! Many thanks...
  20. How many use their Corrado as their daily driver - or is it a toy for the good weather (tucked away for the winter)? Mine's a daily driver - and I've no garage... so I greatly fear the winter!
  21. Now it's been crazy cold for the last few days in Dublin... so... here's a strange issue... I can put the gear stick into reverse without pressing down!! Nearly back into a guy at the lights last night... happening a few times after too... wondering would the cold have made something stick.. or what... gonna drive tomorrow and see if it's still happening... Anyone ever come across a problem like this? Still happening... came across this explanation on a US VW site... which might explain... Am I the first to come across this? ' The end of the shift lever has a ball on it that fits into a cup. The cup wears and allows the ball to ride lower and lower. Pretty soon, the ball, with shifter attached, is riding so low that you don't need to push down to bypass the reverse lock out. All you need to do is replace the ball and cup. While you're in there, replace thes hifter bushings for the feedthrough. Any words of advice?
  22. Cheers Steve... looks quality... as does car... ordering time I think!!!
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