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Everything posted by IrishG60

  1. Any chance of a photo guide for us poor buggers who are useless!!! In service to the overall community? :clap:
  2. Yep... well done... am seething with jealousy!!! :D :D Lovely example you got there...
  3. do you mind if I ask how you found it? Pistonheads?
  4. Oh man I’m so jealous.. that’s my favourite colour for a Rad… I’ve given up trying to find a quality Rad in that colour…absolutely gorgeous! And the wheels... Belissimo... :clap:
  5. I really love the colour of this Rad... all coming together really nicely there man... hats off!
  6. Beautiful paintwork indeed! 16 years.. fair play to ya!
  7. Wow... I love that car... think it's time I approached the bank man. for a car loan! Life without-Corrado is pretty crap!
  8. IrishG60

    My VR

    Wait - is this for sale?.. as in signature?
  9. Damn but that's impressive! welcome...
  10. apart from here and pistonheads... Where else is good for buying a Rad? Or is that it? :bad-words: :scratch:
  11. Make every drive into a major crime fighting adventure with this bad boy! :clap: http://www.knightridergps.com/
  12. Have rented a Mustang for a few days when I go to the States in January... will take pix and let you know... a boyhood dream coming to fruition!
  13. Welcome bud... lovely looking cars!!!!
  14. IrishG60

    new paint job??

    Is there any chance of a few pics of the job?.. :wave:
  15. What's the point?... I mean why didn't he just buy and mod an Audi... the character of the Rad is completely gone to my mind... :shrug:
  16. hiya guys... when replacing the main light switch (the one with the interior dimmer) - do I just pull out what's there and push in the new one?... it's just a case of pushing pins into slots right? :wave:
  17. Turns out it was the petrol mix... running too rich and choking itself... just in case anyone comes across a similar problem...
  18. To me it looks more than very nice... but us poor recession hit Irish have no chance... beautiful motor though... also like to know what you'd let it go for? :?:
  19. I feel your fear man! Mine's been in now for a week... started misfiring... trying to track the problem down has been an absolute b*****d!!!!! :brickwall:
  20. Seriously that is hilarious!!!!!
  21. Bump - not the sparks or leads!
  22. Hiya Guys... Rads started chugging when in low gears... in first and second mostly... one moving over 30 mph everything seems fine... any idea what this could be? your advice as always is greatly appreciated...
  23. Hats off... this is brilliant... keep the info coming!!! :clap:
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