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Everything posted by IrishG60

  1. Well done... Jesus man you should be proud of that!!!! Can only imagine how much you love it now!!!! gives me inspiration! :notworthy:
  2. I like the bump strips.. am I the only one?
  3. Check the buyers guide man.. it's a great help... :salute:
  4. Welcome to Rad ownership Ciaran.. great to see another one here in Ireland, 'm on my second now and loving it as much as ever :clap:
  5. Oh... well, as long as you love it man that's all that really matters... something like that is never going to be to everyone's tastes... so enjoy her yourself... and to h*ll with what the :hitler: will say.
  6. IrishG60


    How do you know when they need replacing? :shrug:
  7. At least you can get a VW dealer to service her... contacted Dublin's main VW Dealer - Annesley Motors - and was told that they would touch any VW car that was older than 1996. VW for you...
  8. Am loving those wheels man!
  9. I drive a 92 2L 16 valve... The questions is... will these 4 BBS crosspokes off a 91 G60 fit? (I know this is probably a dumb question to many... but I'm still learning)
  10. Thanks for the help guys.. much appreciated! :D
  11. Did I hear black 5 spokes :lol: . I have Compomotive MO's which (I think) look the business. Yours looks fab, and black wheels woulddefinately suit it. How much?
  12. Does that mean reconditioning? Don't really have the cash for four new wheel!
  13. Hiya... Three of my tyres keep losing pressure... takes about 2weeks... what could this be?... everything seems okay, i.e. - no punctures... Do I just need new tyres of do I have to refurbish the wheels?
  14. Wonderful!!!! The more Rads in Ireland the better!
  15. Hey... have those on mine... with a bit of spit and shine they actually come up really nice... have never seen them elsewhere... Would also like to know value... probably feck all...
  16. Why not travel over to him... have a bit of a break in lovely Ireland while you're at it... go on... you deserve a holiday!!! :cheers:
  17. Could you get away with calling it a hatchback for insurance purposes?
  18. Well.. my original Panasonic is compatible with the iPod!... so I'm happy... and I kinda like the Panasonic to be honest... it reminds me of when I was a kid and thought it was amazingly cool that my dad had a tape player in the car!!!! shameful I know.. :oops:
  19. And check out the length of the gear stick... what the hell???
  20. I agree... still would like to see one in the flesh.. but another grave disappointment!
  21. Jesus Strange_One... what a g*t!... is nowt sacred!
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