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Everything posted by G60Jet

  1. I found the jabba chip overfueled, the sns chip gave me no lag and much better fueling. The car was far more responsive
  2. The HT leads you can do yourself, just only take one off at a time.
  3. didnt Jay write it therefore he can post it up?
  4. CorradoVR6-n.o.s, there a whole thread mate already hehe
  5. do a search mate, it been done, but not sure if anyone got the buttons working though.
  6. I hoping to do some incar/convoy footage on the next RR DVD, Suction mounts and all sorts pending.
  7. website doman says it all pixelplay???
  8. Hummer!!! park that on the graveyard!! there is a hummer limo in the midlands
  9. if you have ABS you have traction control upto 6mph or something, however WOT overrides it i believe as the engine speed is to high, its more of launch control really do a search on the forum its been talked about many times.
  10. You're kidding me! That VW show I followed you to last year, I struggled to keep up with you! :D not my fault my car gets to the speedlimit faster than yours :lol:
  11. Sadly I don't think he is and why does such a do gooder need a Road Angel 2 then? cos i used to speed, that RA2 has mad me slow down, not sure why, but it has. im certainly more "aware" of my speed. also help with those blackspots and schools so i can EXTRA care.
  12. buy some cable that matches it and extend it, or phone a clifford dealer and get an extenstion cable
  13. I agree, however, if you not speeding you dont need to lookout for the cameras, and if you cant control you car at a constant speed so as not to go over the speed limit you should not be on the road in the first place. Britan has become a driving nightmare, but if you dont break the law whats the problem. personally I dont give a a t0** if the goverment monitor my movements, I've got nothing to hide.
  14. Lovin that S2 Mate, F'in quick as standard
  15. Sun Visors are not mount on the screen, your not allowed to hang stuff like magic tree from the rear view mirror or fluffy dice for that matter, as for the Road angel, mine's got a stick pad to mount it on the dash. so i guess i'll be ok. interesting though how the goverment brough in law about having phone mounted in holders, now you wont be able to have the holder stuck to the screen!! surly this mean that people will be lookin DOWN to look at who's ringing them as the things will be mounted on the dash!! progress for ya!!
  16. Brand new Seat Leon Cupra R only a few left at dealer across the country sure you could get one, if not an FR+ 20vt
  17. i wonder how much of the cost of the car is factored in for the cost of that place :LOL: nice though
  18. Hi Guys/Girls Dont know if any of you have heard but the latest attack on the driver is coming in the form of banning screen mounted "toys" such as Road Angels, and satnav systems. Basically if they are in the swept area of screen they will be illiegal due to restricting vision their gonna try and make this law soon apparently. surely this would make tyhe rear view mirror illegal :lol:
  19. sorry dude but if you cant afford the insurance buy a car you can afford to insure, the reality is if you cant afford insurance on a C you cant afford to run it. If you are putting it in your fathers name then you are not gonna make your insurance cheaper when you come to get your own, better off building your NCD up its cheaper in the long run
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