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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. C488ADO

    dust cap stuck

    need some highrollerz ones!! they are nylon and have rubber o-ring and have anti theft blatent punt lol
  2. this is a car i love to hate....... but purly for the 'what it is ' i love it , the interior is so awful i love it and its growing on me , it really has its 90's stamp on it. im really pleased for you that you are refurbing to its former glory i would love to see it in the flesh one day , top work so far fella!
  3. i have seen tis on my grey carpet too.... its from the plastics they have normally got foam around some of the plastic and with the cleaning and wet conditions or heater matrix failiure i guess it just takes its toll unfortunatly its stained and as far as i can tell it cannot be removed.... i am however still looking into it so i will let you know!!
  4. Not yet I emptied the car interior into the hall way and we have gone our to our friends for a curry do she hasn't had to spend anytime with all the crap yet
  5. dude i need you to come over yesterday!! lol had no room now got interior stuff everywhere!! lol
  6. got a bit more done today... got all the interior plastics and chucked them in the bath and started scrubbing.....what a boring job that is doesnt look like it makes much difference until its dried but like i say itl do until i build a shed and the summer comes i can then colour match the whole lot so it looks fresh and spanking..... plastics during...water is a much dirtier in the flesh at least they have benifitted slightly sunroof trim even had a go the carpets came up nicely here they are dry, hmmm its like a disease the parts are now spreading to the bedroom.... the sunroof panel on the beige interior is also beige i didnt know this so i thought id better fit it this one is minging.... so that went in the bath too..... lol i shit myself a bit as i had no idea what would happen to it this is during the washing by hand with bold again and a soft scrubbing brush... i then thought while im at it i might as well try the headlinging as that too is beige in colour... and very dirty again during this time not using as much water as i didnt want to distort the backing card back to the sunroof panel and this is it nearly dry and a coule of the headlining you can see the water in the corner of it still dripping out.. as you can see been on a mission ive fitted the door cards but not taken any pics
  7. Ah this is excellent news I have just by passed it with bits broken from the damper box how is the ibs2 set done as thus isn't used on them us it ?? I would just like yo make a nearer job of what I've fine... Thank you all for your help very pleased
  8. Bypassed makes no difference do that's ok but what is it supposed to do I mean it's there for a reason??
  9. Damper box is the oval shaped black box ( revised versions have metal backing plate) it sits next to the isv on the back of the inlet manifold, has two pipes connected to it
  10. ive doen a quick search not found what i need... this is the third damper box i have blown to bits this last year!!! why does this keep happening? it always happens when you start the car first thing in the morning put the key in the ignition turn it over for the first time and bang fuck you ive blown up, there must be something wrong for this to happen....now i have bought second hand units everytime so far i dont want to spenfd the 30 odd quid vw want for a new one for it to blow up again .... any thought s or idea peeps?? cheers
  11. A12VRG ??? dark blue rado cained past me ilminster yeovil area on the 303 sunday afternoon.... had the never been( sticker on the rear left side... looked awesome i was gutted i was driving the white transit never seen another rado in the flesh on the road actually moving for a long long long time..
  12. lol i know the carpets were terrible... they havent turned up to bad now im just waiting for them to dry hopefully by the time i get home form work tomorrow il give them a hoover and put them in storage until i get the rest of it sorted... i am definatly going to have to build a shed this summer....
  13. Hi chris il pm ya! the main carpets are just hanging up to dry there are a couple of dark lines on them but that is water , when you squeeze it down it goes light .....so when they are dry they will look 100% better.... there is 2maybe 3 little tiny grease marks the camrea hasnt picked up on but tar and glue will remove them , i used tar and glue during the washing process to remove the grease form the centre of the carpet from the seat runners and catch at the front where it must have rubbed etc when they are hoovered up itl show all the pile and just look all fresh and nicey nicey
  14. thanks to bigpants for my interior!! got loads of stuff very friendly / fair and altogether top bloke thank you very much!
  15. rado's been a very lucky lady this weekend..... picked up a genuine complete full beige leather electric recaro heated interior!!! of course is grubby as fcuk but il do me best to clean it up and make it presentable.... made a start already as you do , but it is a massive job and im disliking it already! got a couple of before and afters no particular order and only of a few bits, i think il give it the once over- then il spend time later perfecting the parts. A couple of localised areas sorting esp seats but il get round to that... all works so very happy... just now as its beige its got to be clean.... thats it really ,those 3 items were a bitch to clean and the muck that came off was pretty believeable.... haha going to go over the plastics a few times i think and if still not happy then il recolour them ...hmmmmm, cant be arsed but i might have to, , we will see, the door cards have a few marks on the edges looks like black oil type stuff, il get the meths on it, very easy though just enough to take the crap, off dont want to strip them back totally, plus it stinks real bad..... cant even be botherd to look at the carpets they are shagged... i have a pile of shit in the front room and im getting a little knawing in my ear...... well two piles of shit lol i took the carpets to the garage tonight and pressure washed them off.............. and this is how they came out bearing in mind they were completly minging before.... lol as you can see they are really dirty still ,so ive put them in the bath and washed them by hand, as im not allowed to use the machine anymore.... so bold and lenor and a scrubbing brush it was, rinse wash rinse condition, rinse, (you get the idea) i left the spin bit out as that would have really pissed her off , ummm yeah the bath water is dirty.. got the little ones hanging up drying now as i havent got a wet vac anymore!!! arghhhh very pleased with the above , now if the main carpets come out as good as that il be very pleased indeed!! il update soon......
  16. ooooo hang on a min...... if its fk coilovers the spring rates are exactly the same on all models.... the insert however are different from model to model i.e up the ranges.... i have fk's on my rado from a mk2 gti 8v no probs what so ever... handle fine and no sagging etc i looked into thiss and asked questions to fk venom, demon tweaks kw etc and all said the same......
  17. the saab guys love siemens 630cc injectors i ran them on my 2.3 turbo 371bhp they are good for well over 500 bhp... set of 4 is about $80
  18. what is the best supercharger.. then what is best in terms of value for money bang for buck etc build quality, reliablity , cheers
  19. well i thought id add my bit of crit here....... leather recaros are .............well.................. crap. the mk2 gold recaros are awesome in cloth they as others have said hold you in and hug you very very comfortable... but the leather ones just look better. the recaros that come in the corrados are too wide and are very hard not very supporting but do compliment the interior and for some reason people love them in there car, hence im replacing my porsche 993 seats with leather recaros ..... silly really as the porsche seat sare sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comfortable very hugging more so than the recaros as i have the ones with deep bolsters out of the turbo... it is purly a selling point for when the car is finished and one day if i ever do sell it then it will have the correct seats for the year model etc etc just better (although mine did come with grey ele recaros ) capris, series 1 rst's mk2 goldf etc all have the cloth narrow recaro and they are all the nice ones if you had some of those in leather then that would be best of both worlds... having said all this waffle the standard seats are very comfortable more so than the recaros in leather in fact they just look a bit boring is all....
  20. yep mine are plain well have ridges in them and are hard and can be removed and replaced quited easily... robs is the scripted ones and once removed bin them and replace they do look good though...... go round and have a look chris only rounf the corner before it goes in the shop....
  21. just bought my air ractchet set!! :clap: nearest parts washer is swansea!! :brickwall: and they wont deliver to my nearset store..... damn good find that how did you know????
  22. Can I have one for each side please ( both handles) cheers
  23. C488ADO

    Borbet A's

    yes totally wort h ditching the 9's up front for 7.5's.......... now i know you have done it nikki i shall try again with grinding back the caliper carrier to ditch the spacers hopefully have lesss rub then!! whhooooooohoooooo
  24. robs fecked his computer.... the carpets have come out well he told me they should come out mint (yes as good as new) as his were real good nick, i did mine they turned out 1,00000000000,0000000,000000,0000,000 times better and they smell nice too
  25. hmmm id say thats quite a difficult one.... im going to be no use on this one and say i dont know lol
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