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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Thanks Sean , usually when something is priced at £5.99 and another at £89.99 you think somewhere in between would be good , but for under a tenner it must be crap . Just need to read up on how to use one now lol . Rob
  2. I need to buy a multi meter . Looking online the prices vary a lot . What have you got ? What's the Best value for me dough . Thanks Rob
  3. Nice work , matrix is not the nicest of jobs to do . That and making sure the plastics go back nice and tight afterwards , it's easy taking things apart but sometimes they just won't go back properly as they did when it came from the factory .
  4. Yet another cutting out ,non starter and the like thread . Is it the time of year or something ? so many of us are suffering these sort of symptoms . Sounds like an immobiliser fault to me .
  5. Thanks for the info chris , very kind of you . I will get this checked out . Rob
  6. Always nice to see new paint , looking forward to seeing the pics
  7. Thanks for replies , I looked it up on the definitive cooling thread as well Rob
  8. Is it April the 1st already , bummer I've missed Christmas
  9. I was looking at the manual ,trying to sort my starting problems as i had a reply about the blue sender being linked to the ecu . I was looking at the sender housing and saw that the third hole should be a plug . It states that a sender should replace the plug with vehicles that have air con . Why do i and another vr that i saw this week have a sender and not a plug when we dont have air con ?. Rob
  10. Coming back to the fold then ! Good luck in finding a real beauty .
  11. It's not a dummy one it has wires coming out of it , guess I will have to follow it to see where they go .
  12. Ive just looked in my manual , its states the third hole in the block housing should have a plug , unless you have air con , mine does not so why do i have three senders ? Rob
  13. Ecu temp sender ? i thought the vr has the three in the block and thats it .Mines a 92 by the way . Rob
  14. Yep its back to the drawing board and start again mate . Im not bad at finding my way round a car mechanicaly ,its the electrics im sketchy on , the use of multi meters and so on .
  15. The scrapers can be removed without bending , plenty of time and slowly ,slowly does it .
  16. Hi Dox , temp all three were changed in 2011. Rob
  17. Yeah it could be clumpy , the one next to the dizzy looks fine , i think theres another on the starter motor ? any more i need to be aware of ?. Thanks Rob
  18. A small update ,my friendly mechanic is coming round next monday . I was doing a few jobs on sunday and decided to try starting the car , it was sputtery but started the second time . Once the tools were away i tried again and it would not start ,just turned over and backfired . I have just tried again this evening , as it was dark and wanted to check the spark . I had a spark ,so put the plug back in and it fired first time . Tried turning it off and on several times and it started no problem . I can also here the pump working and the relay click .The ignition switch has now been replaced as well. I will find this problem if its the last thing i do !!!.
  19. Not yet clumpy , I did a few jobs on Sunday , but I didn't have much time . Hopefully I will get a good few hours in next weekend . The car did start after spluttering and ran fine on the drive , I then turned it off and put the tools away , tried starting again but it was just turning over and backfiring . Also tried to fit the new lambda sensor but gave up untill I get it to a garage with a lift . I just couldn't get to the nut properly , to undo it . Rob
  20. That's a bummer , another stock item on the deleted pile then !
  21. Dizzy cap and hall sender £150.00from Tps
  22. Put ya foot down son , tell er in doors your buying it and that's that ! Lol
  23. Thanks for yet more replys and info , fuel regulator has been changed and the pressures were fine when tested . VW rule has said the temp sender runs in conjunction with the lambda sensor , when I had a vagcom on the car it said lambda fault , I have a new one to fit , so will try this .many thanks again Rob
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