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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Thanks will do both anyway when i get me mk4 calipers .
  2. whoooop whoooooop the vr passed again ,had one advisary this year though , rear wheel bearin has a little play in it .Not bad for the old girl who turns 19 in november .
  3. as above welcome . Get them parts up lol
  4. So many people in the same boat . There is mechanic at the bottom of our road who is great , he is always booked solid because of his rep .I work down there on my own car ,he helps me when im not sure of something . Be nice if there was a few more like him around .
  5. Will be doin this conversion soon . Fed up with parking on the steep angled drive that we have . It always groans and moves a bit ,i have to leave her in gear and put blocks behind the wheels. Would cry if i came out and found her inbedded in the neighbours wall !
  6. Nath who used to be on here [sold to carl], used his everyday before he did the manual conversion. Great in traffic ,lets face it most of us sit in queues for god knows how long in a day . As said above they are still very quick . Would have thought not so good on fuel though as you cant change when you want to .sorry to here bout your arthritus, its painfull .Bein in the building wet trade [plasterer] my hands ,elbows n knees are bad , not as bad as you have it though .Good luck mate .
  7. two for me please jake , i had some from you before ,now i cant find em ! ,regards rob
  8. Ihave a black one but it has the speaker holes in it , let me know if you are still interested , regards rob
  9. nice to see someone selling at a decent price and not over the top stupid money , nice one .
  10. strange one that mate .Whats the plan now ?.Still have not got the seats out to give you a pic of runners yet . regards rob
  11. nice to see her home ,looking very nice , you must be well happy .
  12. Well today i sorted the oil leak by replacing two rubber seals on the housing . Sorted the water leak [radiator sender ]. Thanks to chris for putting me new roof rubbers .Also sorted the leak that was coming from the gearbox seal. Another few things to tick off the list .
  13. My mate who sold me the vr had the same problem with his 32 ,the ally reacts with the steel and almost becomes glued on .
  14. The grab handles are held on by two screws that are behind the plastic cover which is pictured in spray pic .No need to remove panels . regards rob
  15. I need a set to ,has anyone tried the classic parts place ? . Ive just paid out £53 each for the roof rail rubbers .
  16. robrado974


    dumb de dumb dumb dumb , what a plank .
  17. Have a set for you ,grills are grey , easy to spray black though . regards rob
  18. Have not done it yet ,need to ring tps and order the part if still available .
  19. thanks guys , pete ,i used black . regards rob
  20. Before they were faded by sun and marked as i said . Dont think they look painted [as long as you dont spray too thick or not enough drying time etc]. I put it on in thin coats and built it up ,they look natural. I put a post up a while back to ask how they were when the car was built , i knew plastic is plastic but you can have glossy ,satin, matt whatever from the factory . As for the mirror switch i masked up the left and right white bits . preparation was a good clean to get grease and polish off .regards rob
  21. thanks will try it . regards rob
  22. no biggy just wanted to show how they came up using halfrauds vinyl paint . Mine were covered in scratches by other owners holding keys while pulling the door to close it . They look 100% better .Will be doing all the plastics soon .
  23. hi all ,think i may have a fuel pump problem or the electrics to it . The vr will quite often struggle to start fron cold ,but fine from usage. She often takes 4-5 turns of the key to fire ,sometimes with the help of me pumping the throttle and can be lumpy but then picks up and runs fine .Other times she starts fine on the first turn of the key.Have changed plugs ,cleaned the leads and dizzy is fine , isv has been cleaned as well, she has backfired when trying to start but only once . Any ideas of solving the problem much appreciated . regards rob ---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ---------- just started her and sounds like the fuel pump was gurgling and whiring?
  24. Hello and welcome to the rado world , a mixture of fun n pain lol , but mostly fun , great cars .You will find all the help you need on here .
  25. just read your thread , nice work there mate . got to do my leather again in the winter , not a job im lookin forward to though!.
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